Hundreds Of Dogs Found In Puppy Mill
Child Protective Services Investigates

POSTED: 4:54 pm CST February 22, 2005
UPDATED: 4:59 pm CST February 22, 2005

NEAR CLEVELAND, Texas -- Hundreds of dogs in deplorable conditions were rescued from a puppy mill Tuesday, officials told Local 2.

The Houston Humane Society went to the Tyler County residence with several trucks, trailers and nearly a dozen volunteers.

Officials said the place was a puppy mill with nearly 200 animals. The dogs were bred so their puppies could be shipped and sold in pet stores, according to authorities.

"This has to be the worst conditions I have ever seen. I mean, these dogs are living in squalor. The fecal matter is piled up in their kennels," said Sgt. Mark Timmers, with the Houston Humane Society.

Veterinarians with the Humane Society said the dogs were traumatized from being caged up for so long. The animals received immediate medical attention.

The owner would not speak when confronted by Local 2.

"What's your name?" Local 2's Cynthia Hunt asked.

"None of your business," the woman said. "No filming. Go."

Officials said the puppy mill has been in business for more than 10 years. Records showed the owner has sold to pet stores all over Texas.

A husband and wife lived at the residence with their 14-year-old daughter. Due to the conditions at the home, Child Protective Services was called to investigate and the girl may be removed from the home.

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I saw it on the news was just disgusting...there kennels were feces,and the water looks like sewage. They tried to talk to the owner but she didnt want too

Bless the Humane Society for saving the poor dogs