The best news ever for a Grandma! Christy is coming home while Brian is going to Recruiting School in South Carolina! And she is not only bringing my beautiful Grand Daughter Jasmine but her other 3 kids, Dakota, Destiny, and Sierra. Yes, there will be NINE dogs and a baby at my house for about 6 weeks! Woohoo!

I have already annouced this under 2005 Pet Talk Gatherings at Findlay Dog Park under meetings so anyone who wants to meet my other set of granddogs need to start suggesting dates.

Carl is flying out on February 25 to drive them home. It should be an interesting trip with the 3 dogs and baby. Especially since they will have to stay overnight in a motel. But Grandma can't wait - 2 weeks from tonight I should have my hands on that baby-cakes of mine!

And it will be the first time all TWELVE dogs in our families will have met! Some of mine have gone to Texas to see hers but Jack and Oreo have never met hers. And none of Amy's has met hers. So it will be a big family dog reunion