I don't know why but I just found myself looking through old pictures of Simba and crying. I wish I still had some of the older ones but i'm not sure where they've gone.
I love my boy so much. I hope you all don't mind me sharing these, although some of you oldies have already seen them.
I literally remember each day that these pictures were taken when I look at them.

Here he is sitting behind my uncle Max while he, my aunt, and my parents play Euchre at the table.
This was taken with my aunt's camera way before we had a digital.

Here he is in front of the garage on his chair.

My aunt took this one.

Here he is with a bag over his head - one of his favorite "toys"..

Here he is on my parent's bed..

Here he is with some of his toys.. Those toys are looonnggg gone thanks to Nala.

and now in a pile of my toys.

Here's one of the first pictures I took with my first digital camera.