A couple of days ago I adopted 2 11 week old kittens. the female is peeing outside the box and is pooping outside it also in a different area but in the same room as the box. The brother has no problems using the box. the people i received the kittens from said all 6 kittens from the litter were trained. the female is skiddish runs away when approached, otherwise is friendly and had a good disposition. i am afraid that the brother litten will start doing the same & would welcome suggestions. A little history..The nother cat was found shortly beofre the birth of the kittens outside abandoned..the kittens were born insdie and had human contact and until last week all 6 kittens were together. now i have 2 a brother & sister. Should i ioslate the kitten that i know is doing the accidents..in a room or crate??? any suggestions may help so give me anything that you may think will help??? christine