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Thread: Older golden with hip problems

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Eslöv, Sweden

    Older golden with hip problems

    As the subject states, my golder retriever Tina has some hip problems. She will be 9 years old this June, and from what I gather hip problems are a common thing amongst goldens

    Is there anything you can do to help? Like massage or something? Any ideas and suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Hi Ann. I'm sorry to hear about Tina's problems. Have you had her hips x-rayed? It would probably be a good idea to have your vet do a thorough check on her. There are tons of alternatives to surgery out there, including supplements, acupuncture, massage therapy, chiropractic care, etc. I think you need to determine first what is causing the problem, then have your vet recommend the appropriate treatment. And one thing I do know is that if she is carrying "extra" weight (bad word around this house), you need to get her on a low-calorie food and get the extra pounds off. That has helped my Lilly, who will be three on Sunday, immensely. She never limps anymore, and she has been diagnosed with mild hip dysplasia.

    Keep us posted on Tina. She can feel better, I promise!!

  3. #3
    Logan is right. Have Tina checked by the vet.
    For alternative cures that don't involve surgery you could check the following sites:
    Best wishes for Tina's health. Please let us know what you find out and give her a big hug from me. My Golden girl is also nine.

    "All men are created equal but none of them is equal to a dog." From the "Howard Huge" cartoon..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Eslöv, Sweden
    Thanks for responding Logan and Albea! I appreciate it

    Seems like I should get a time for Tina at another vet:

    We have taken Tina to the vet for this before, but she was not X-rayed. The only thing the vet did was feel her over and say that it was probably just the typical problem with hips that goldens have. I was kind of stumped at the time that she wouldn't examine her further but I thought there was nothing else she could do, so hearing that she should have been X-rayed and checked more thoroughly is quite... annoying. We also asked about her weight when we were there because I do think she is a lil bit too round, and we asked for special diet food and everything, but all the vet replied with was saying that she didn't think it was worth the bother to make Tina diet when she was so old.

    I'll take a look at those links Albea, thanks for showing me them! Oh and BTW, your goldens are all adorable! I was looking at your website and boy are they all gorgeous You must be proud!

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Lawrenceville, Ga, USA
    Originally posted by Albea
    Logan is right. Have Tina checked by the vet.
    For alternative cures that don't involve surgery you could check the following sites:
    Best wishes for Tina's health. Please let us know what you find out and give her a big hug from me. My Golden girl is also nine.
    That second link, I believe should be
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    I have a 8-9 year old golden retriever as well. and she too has hip problems. Goldens are prone to hip displasia (not sure if that is spelled right)
    our vet said we can give Katie Asprin (2 times a day) for discomfort. and gentle excersise. not to over due it. she needs walking a few times a day but only for about 10 minutes at a time.
    also what we do is massage her hips and back legs but not to long or hard as it just makes it worse.
    im surprised your vet didnt do an X-ray!! that would make me mad as well.
    Most vets can tell if a golden is gonna have hip problems before they turn 2 years old (i think that is the age)
    as for being overweight. i would try trimming her down some if she is. katie was really over weight for a while cuz my nephew( its really his dog) felt sorry for her when we first got her (from a shelter where she was malnurished) that he over fed her tooo much. (she is much better now)

    hope this helps some and tina gets to a good vet soon

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