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Thread: Working from home...

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA

    Working from home...

    is NOT as much fun as you'd think it would be! Hubby and the kids started their spring break this morning and already they are driving me NUTS!

    Thus far today:
    *They've been on the phone and important calls didn't get through because they didn't answer the call waiting - what do we have it for? Then I freaked out and said "This is a business! No personal calls until 5:00!!! Then hubby said, "well we'll use the cell phones!" Which would kill our minutes in oh, two days.

    * The kids answer the phone... instead of a polite, "May I ask who's calling?" They stand where they are, shout KIIIIIIMMMMM and actually throw the phone at me!!! I have repeatedly asked them to be polite and sound as if they were in an office... NOPE they can't do that! At least my son is being bullheaded but smart - he checks caller ID. If its for him or the family, he answers. If its for me, he leaves the phone ringing as it sails through the air towards me

    * Daughter and her boyfriend are giggling and goofing off in the livngroom - its LOUD and distracting. I have asked them to keep it down because I can't concentrate, and they give me attitude... saying they are quiet when I'm on the phone. Oh, ok... is that the only time I need to concentrate?

    * Hubby's in the livingroom while all this is going on shouting at the TV while giving answers to the Price Is Right. Then shouting at Jerry Springer. Then shouting that one of the cats is about to puke... like I'm supposed to jump from my WORK right then and there while to clean up hairballs while they are all GOOFING OFF???

    OMG... if its this bad after ONE DAY, what is the summer going to be like? Will I make it? Will THEY make it? Will the police have a nasty multiple homicide on their hands?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I wondered about being able to do that. I'm afraid I would be so distracted by everything going on, I wouldn't get anything done. And if Dick was home - forget it! He sometimes forgets that I might be doing something while he's watching TV and hollers at me to let the dogs out.

    Hang in there!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Ashland, Kentucky
    Not sure exactly what you do at home, but I also work at home.

    I have an office . . . I can go in there, close the door, and if anyone's home at the time, they know I'M WORKING!

    I LOVE working at home!!!

    Do you not have an office or workroom?

    ~RIP Abby Jan 14, 1995 - July 21, 2005~

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sydney, Australia
    Wow mate, I don't what you could do, short of locking them in the garage.

    Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our life whole

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    my office is what used to be the dining room. We had no other rooms available -- none of the kids were willign to move out of their rooms There is no door - just a large open room you walk through to get from the kitchen to the livingroom.

    When nobody's home, I LOVE my office. Its large with lots of windows. Everthing is organized and right at hand. It is much larger than the bedrooms, so moving to a bedroom would kill me to give up the space and accesability of all my literature. And I NEED a lot of catalogs, pricelists, etc. Not to mention the million fabric, wood, and paint samples

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Sounds like you have SO much cooperation at your house Good luck! Or come here for a temporary office.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Under a tree, inside a rock. :)
    I also work from home and it's not as fun as I thought it would be also. But like any job there are ups and downs.

    Up's, of course is I can start work at any time of the day I want, and break any time I want. AND NO BOSS!!!!!!

    Down side, can be family. Husband works at home too, so when he's ready for a break, lunch, etc etc, he thinks I should be too.
    And to me the biggest down side is........home is my world!! Except those trips into town for supplies, food, etc, this is my world. There are days, I miss having a co-worker to chat with, lunch hour, with friends/co-workers and just being away from the house.

    As for your kids and husband, not being to supportive, in some things, Your husband and you are going to have to talk. Explain that he needs to looks at this as you are at work and just as it would be with any job, you can't just stop when ever you want, that you need some peace and quiet, to do your work. Hopefully he will understand and try to make a effort. Yell quieter at Jerry Springer. lol

    As for your kids, I would suggest that you take the phone in with you, when your working, till you can get them to answer polity. Also, they need to respect the fact that you are working and you need their support and help. Maybe this sounds mean, but, if they where mine, I'd have to tell them that respect works both ways an if they can't do this much for you (answer the phone polite), you can't show them any respect back, when the time comes. And you know the time will come, their friends will call and you will be the one to answer. Hmmmm Or maybe your so behind in your work, from answering the phone, that you just can't take them to.......What ever. lol

    That's just me, I'm a teach by showing, type person, when words just don't seem to get it. After I tell them, twice, if they don't get it, I turn the tables on them, till they learn to understand by feeling it, them selfs. You might not feel that's the way to go though.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    Thanks FoxGal. Hubby and I had a talk tonight. He knows the kids were abusing the phone, and will talk to them about it. He knows they need to keep the lines clear, but he also said I need to get a handle on my "boss". She spent an hour on the phone with me tonight while reading her own email, looking for files... basically thinking out loud and not really needing me there... I'm just a person on the other end of the phone. This is typical for her and it drives me nuts... especially since when I try to charge her for the time she has a fit. He's right: I DO need to get a handle on her. She is the one who tried to get through several times and couldn't.

    I sure wish I could be rude to their friends... I don't think its in me to be rude on the phone! Clients always tell me what a joy I am to speak to because I sound so energetic and bubbly! I swear, they say that! LOL

    The WORST part of being home is that since hubby is out of the house all day he thinks I can run the errands like no problem... need to go to the post office? Need to call the electric company? Need to run a bill to the township hall? No problem, Kim can do it! no she can't! I have just as much free time during the day as he does! At least he gets a scheduled lunch break! I get mine when I have a breather between phone calls! And then he expects me to take and bring home kids from sports practice... again, because I am home. If I worked in an office, would my boss let me leave to do that? NO! Then why do they think I have half an hour to spare to drop them off at school, and another half hour to spare two hours later to pick them up?

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