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Thread: My New Family Member

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  1. #1

    My New Family Member

    This my new Fancy Rat. His name is Stewart. I had been wanting one for awhile, and my mom took me to get him. I fell in love with Stewart right when I saw him. I got to hold all of the other rats, but Stewart was the one that caught my attention. Here is a picture of him.

    Last edited by petslover; 02-20-2005 at 05:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Okotoks Alberta
    Why would you delete your other thread- because people offered advice for the well being of your rat?

    He is cute though...It would be a shame for him to be lonely

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Tucson, Az
    He's beautiful! I've always wanted a rattie with coloring like that, but haven't found one yet. Are you going to get him a friend? They do best in pairs and can get lonely if they don't have a friend.
    I've been Defrosted!

    Thanks for the great signature Kay!

  4. #4
    I deleted it because It got way out of hand. I'm trying to drop the arguing and everything.

    Uabassoon-- Thank you so much for you comments. I am very pleased with him. I got up at 8 am (I never do that on the weekend LOL) to play with him. He is such a bundle. I am going to the store tonight to buy him some toys to play with. He is such an excitement to my family. I let my dogs sniff him out today. Tiger is soo good. He did great with Stewart. I can tell they are going to be buddies. Although Tiger does great with all animals. Like when we had a bird, and the bird would fly behind the tv. I would get on one side and Tiger would get on the other side so that the bird wouldn't fly off. Thank you again for your nice comment.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Chicago, Illinois
    Congrats! Are you still thinking about getting guinea pigs, too?

    I'd love to see more pictures of Stewart!

    Chrissy [human] Snowy [bichon/maltese] Buttons ['tiel] Bubbles [CT betta]

    -the zoo crew-
    RIP Taffy, Fluffy, Rainbow, Sushi, and The Fishies
    thatDARNhorse <3

  6. #6
    Naw, I don't think so. I think Stewart met my needs.

    Trust me, you will see alot of pictures of Stewart! He is sitting in my lap right now just looking around.

    Thank you for your comment.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Vancouver Island, BC
    Awwww... He's adorable! Congrats!

    Owned by...
    (Betta) Neptune
    (Bunny) Chester
    (Cats) Misty and Squeekers

    *Pet Portraits*

  8. #8
    Thank you!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    United States
    I've said it once, and I'll say it again. Please get little Stewart a friend. He needs a companion.

    Congrats on Stewart, he's a cutie.
    ~Sara, Daisy, Jessie, Jake, & Jackson

    <3 Gone but never forgotten <3
    {Benjamin, Russell, Chester, Dexter, George Harrison, & Leeroy} {O.D.} {Trey} {John-Paul & Earl}

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pensacola Beach,FL
    what a cutie! i'd love to have a rat! my mother would throw a fot
    Owned by two little pastries!


  11. #11
    VERY cute rodent! (Interesting how UABassoon didn't get HER head bit off when she suggested a friend for Stewart though, only 3 posts into this "new" thread...... )

    The expense of a second rat is minimal - you already have all the supplies, so paying for a little more food each week would be well worth it to see the two of them bonding, cuddling, and enjoying each other's company. Caged animals can't come and seek you out when they are lonely, like house roaming pets do, so they are so much happier with a buddy. I've been the "granny" to a long line of ratties for a few years now and have seen firsthand how it benefits them to live in pairs or groups.
    The legend says that Mohammed adored cats. When one of them was sleeping on his sleeve and he had to go out, Mohammed supposedly cut off the sleeve so as not to disturb his pet.

    A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast - Proverbs 12:10

    How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven. - Robert A. Heinlein

    What greater gift than the love of a cat? ~ Charles Dickens

    There is, incidently, no way of talking about cats that enables one to come off as a sane person. - Dan Greenberg

    If purring could be encapsulated, it'd be the most powerful anti-depressant on the market. ~Alexis F. Hope

  12. #12
    UABassoon was very nice about the comments. I accept all advice that is nicely said.

  13. #13
    Thank you Lute lol! When my dad first saw him he jumped.. lol.. It was funny. Then after he started playing with him my dad loves him. My dad is taking Stewart to work with him today!

  14. #14
    he's a cutie pie
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Congrats on the new addition. He's a cutie.
    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

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