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Thread: Keep Your Fingers Crossed!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Valrico, FL, USA

    Keep Your Fingers Crossed!

    Hi everyone! I have some exciting news about Wyatt--we found a new home!!!! I was beyond distraught about the whole situation when an eleven year old boy rang me a few days ago. It seems that he, his brother and their mother ALL wanted a dog so badly they were beside themselves. And they wanted a big dog! I took Wyatt to their house (to check them out as well as their home) and found 3 nice people with a great house. They have a huge--and I mean huge--fenced backyard that Wyatt took off in right away. He was bouncing around in some bushes and chased a ball the boy was throwing. But in my baby's true style, he never got too far from me. The mother and I talked for a long time, and I spent some time with each son. In the end, I knew that I had found the right place for my boy and though I left heart broken I knew this was best. And thankfully the family only lives about ten minutes from my office and I've been invited to visit any time, 'we're not just saying that too be nice, we mean it!' I was told. So hopefully everything will work out and Wyatt will have found his permanent home. God knows that animal deserves this third time to be his charm. I haven't broken down completely yet--I've been doing that for the past 2 months just looking at Wyatt--but it hits me at different times. I never thought about how accustomed I'd come to our habits. I was lying on the couch because I'm not sleeping well right now (gee, I wonder) and I put my hand down where Wyatt's side would usually be. It always relaxed me to feel him breathing, and he would let out a big sigh and fall deeper into sleep. It had become second nature, I did it unconsciously probably every night for the past year+. It's those moments that break me. So I repeat to myself that I did the best thing for Wyatt. And that he'll love his new family and they'll love him as much as I do. I think I knew I'd found the right people the minute I saw their eyes. It reminded me of the day I first saw Wyatt...I've always thought that as much as I chose him, he chose me too. When we walked into their house all three of them just lit up! I could feel how much they were already starting to love him, after the shortest meeting. (Of course Wyatt does have that effect on everyone he meets!)
    So...that's it. Wyatt is gone and I'm now worrying that these people are good and won't hurt him. Please keep your fingers crossed for a little while. I hope that everything works out and deep down I believe it will. And thank you to each and every one of you for your help, your encouragement, a few open doors!, and mostly your prayers. Wyatt and I had a special angel working overtime when that little boy called me.
    I'm far from fine right now but time wounds all heels right? This was the best thing for him, I just hope he knows how much I'll always love him.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Toledo, OH, USA
    It is so hard to let go, but isn't it gratifying to know that he has a whole family (little boys included!!!) to love him forever? You will miss him , but kudos to you for finding him such an appropriate family! Many people would have left their dog somewhere, or just let it loose! When you are aching for Wyatt, picture him enjoying the company of those little boys....
    Jessica and the Tack Pack: Paula, Buddy, Pup, and Boo!
    <img src=' D42%3B%3Dxroqdf%3E2323387635497ot1lsi' border=2>
    Check out Pup as Dog of the Day!

  3. #3
    Hey Sarah ~ GOOD WORK on finding a great sounding home for Wyatt!

    Would you consider finding a Wyatt-sized stuffy to remind you of all the fun times you had with him? I know a stuffy will never be able to replace Wyatt - but it might help soften the heartache.

    And check with the new family to see if they have internet capabilities ~ ask them to join the Pet Talk Family and keep you and us current on how he's adjusting to his new digs.

    /s/ Phred

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    You did it! Wyatt certainly deserves a good home and you found it for him. I am so happy. This was such a depressing situation. I am so glad it didn't come to him having to go through the shelter situation. That can be hard on an animal. Have faith that Wyatt will make his adjustments in record time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    That is one of the most difficult things we have to face at times in our life. Letting go of one we love so much. But, just think
    Wyatt will have two boys to play with and take care of, his life will be full. I can well imagine how much you miss him and will forever, but the good side of this is that you can visit him anytime you want and maybe you just made some new friends too. I'm sure Wyatt will also miss you but he has a new job protecting those boys. You did the right thing and I will be thinking of you and Wyatt and that all goes well for both of you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Sarah, that was a wonderful thing you did for Wyatt. And I agree with you that the hardest thing is parting with a beloved dog even when you know it's going to an excellent home. Your head knows that this is the most wonderful thing for the dog but your heart aches because the bond is so strong.
    I thought Phred's advice was excellent about a 'substitute'. Could I also suggest you have a couple of excellent photos of with his great new family. Look at those photos as much as you like & your heart will sing when you see the joy on all their faces. Keep a picture of Wyatt in your wallet...& show him to people as your very favourite foster-dog who is now living in a Doggy Heaven on Earth. Watch the joy on dog lovers faces...because this is what we would want for EVERY dog. And Wyatt got there because of YOU.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    Sarah, I knew this day would come. I think you are handling yourself really well and staying strong. And Wyatt's new home sounds absolutely perfect. I know that my dog, Graham would be in heaven if he had the pleasure of living with children. That really could not be more wonderful. But yet it hurts. It hurts me, and I have never even met Wyatt. I feel your pain, and I completely understand and can relate to it. It does get easier, but it will take awhile. Just let yourself grieve, this is a big loss, and know that Wyatt will adjust to his new home beautifully. He will have a whole family to love him.

    I have happy and sad feelings. I think it sounds like the most perfect of perfect homes for Wyatt, and I think he'll be so busy with his new mom, dad, and kids, that he'll have little time to grieve. However, I am also so sad at your loss. It not only hurts, it aches to lose someone you love. I hope you heal quickly, perhaps seeing how happy he is now will help.

    Many prayers that this is a permenant and final home for that charming Wyatt pup. Please take care, and remember, we are here if you need to talk.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Oh thank goodness! I have been worrying over Wyatt since this discussion began! His new home sounds absolutely wonderful, and the fact that you can stop by and visit him must be a great comfort to you. I am so happy for the two of you. Sarah, you are so sweet and kind to keep your promises to your baby and work so hard to find him the best home possible. He will never forget you, and your work for him has not gone unnoticed by him, or by us here at Pet Talk. I understand you must be hurting now, but pain heals all. Just keep your chin up, and think about how happy Wyatt must be playing with those little boys. Think of how happy you have made the two children, too! Your pain will lessen soon, I promise Congratulations on finding a good home for sweet Wyatt!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Oh how wonderful! Please try to be strong. It is the best thing for Wyatt. I know how much it must hurt. Good luck. I'll be thinking about you.
    Save a life, ADOPT!!

    Rainbow Bridge Angels: Thor, Shiloh and Killian, Avalanche and Wolf
    (RB Gaylord and Bandit, fosters who have touched my heart)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    sarah, i am so glad for you both!!!!!!!!!!1!i hope all works sounds very you know gsd rescue groups in fl.?????see dog rescue.... i am ecstatic for you the delidog
    The Deli Dog

    I want to Honor All of Our Rainbow Bridge Furkids

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    That's great that Wyatt found a new home! I can't imagine what you are going through, to have to give him up. But, at least you know he is in good hands. And you can pop in and see him sometimes.

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