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Thread: Help - how do I help paralysed dog?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Armidale, NSW Australia

    Help - how do I help paralysed dog?

    My toy poodle was attacked by Rottweilers 3 days ago. She is eating etc, but is paralysed in all limbs. They are limp and floppy, with no feeling. The vet suspects radial paralysis in front limbs, and isn't really sure what is going on at the back. She is hoping for signs of improvement after a few days. We have been doing physio - massage, putting her legs to the floor in the hope of getting some reflex, moving the limbs around etc. But there hasn't been any voluntary movement.

    Does anyone have any expertise in this, or any suggestions? She is 9 years old, and my beat friend.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    I do not have any suggestions, but
    I just wanted to say how very sorry I am
    to hear about your precious girl. My heart goes out to you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    I hope your precious little one recovers soon. If the rear paralysis is permanant, would she be a candidate for a doggie cart? I do hope she gets better.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hi Amanion:

    I'm so sorry to hear of the injury to your little pup. I think the best thing for you to do first is to get a definitive diagnosis of the problem so you know what you are dealing with. I don't know what area of the country you are in, but there are a lot of vets and large veterinary hospitals that have specialists who diagnos and treat this type of injury and disability should you feel the need for another opinion. I'm sure if your vet is a good one, she will refer you if she feels the need. Let me know where you live and maybe I can give you some names.
    Also, go to They are a great group that specializes in all types of carts, wagons, hydotherapy aides, physiotherapy aides and also have other links that can assist you re: info. on the treatment and diagnosis of such injuries. Just wondering too, if she has any loss of bladder or bowel control? I hope that your baby heals and becomes whole soon. You and she will be in my heart and prayers. Hang in there. Sandra

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    This story breaks my heart!!!! There was recently a story in our local newspaper about a rottie who killed a sheltie that was walking on leash with his owner, right in front of his owner's eyes. A dog that I had in my childhood was killed in the same way. My dad was walking him on his leash and he was attacked by another dog running loose. The vet unfortunately was not able to pull him through. After reading the story in the paper and now hearing yours it brings back my memories too. I have to ask myself again "where were the owners of these dogs?????" I know that knowing that won't change what has happened but I just had to vent about people who let their dogs roam!! It really upsets me!!!!!! Anyway, I am sorry to say that I don't know anything really to suggest to help, but I just wanted you to know your little one will be in my thoughts and prayers. Maybe knowing that might help just a tiny bit. I hope so.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    Your story is sadly all too common. The lovely dog at home is all too often expected to act the same way when on his own and with no supervision. Come on people wake up!
    Rest assured your vet is giving your dog the best chance possible. There is no surgery or medication that can repair damaged nerves, only time will tell if the damage is permanant or not. If permanant damage has been sustained in all four limbs then there is nothing your vet or you can do I'm afraid. Listen to your vet and follow your heart, you know what your dogs life was like before this incident and you will know whether your dog has an equal quality of life at the end of the day. Your vet will know when the time has elapsed when nerve regeneration would of happened if it's going to.
    There is only a point to going to a specialist if there is a return of reflexes, however small.
    My thoughts are with you and I wish you the best of luck.
    To anyone who allows their dog to roam - your dog only behaves the way he does at home because of the influence you have over him. As soon as he is on his own and free you have no idea what he is capable of, or the dangers he is facing. If you have a dog it is up to you to supervise it and to make sure it is in a safe and secure enviroment when you are not around. Never underestimate your dog - it is after all just a wolf in dogs clothing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Armidale, NSW Australia
    Thanks everyone for your replies. I was feeling so lonely and desperate. It's just good to know people are out there.

    The Rotties that attacked my Bella were in a yard. When we went past, they started rattling and snarling at the gate, and the gate swung open. I have known lovely rotties, but it seems the fashion round here for people to keep them in tiny yards, never take them out, and of course they go mad with boredom. People teach them to be savage because they think they will be better guard dogs. The owners should be shot. My maltese was attacked by another rottie only a few months ago, but survived.

    Bella is no better in the legs, but she has started barking for me to come and get her if I go out of the room, since she can't be my shadow any more. I am spending most time nursing her and cuddling her in case it is our last days. She can only use one of the doggy wheels things (thanks for that) if she has front legs.

    I live in a small town several hours drive from the nearest major centre, so the full on technical diagnosis thing is not really on. And as the vet said, if she does have a gross spinal injury, nothing can be done anyway so why put her through all the trauma of xrays etc. My poor baby. I have gone to sleep to the sound of her breathing next to me for 5 years. Truly my best mate.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Amanion please keep us posted on how things are going. I fell asleep last night thinking about your little one. Has the owner of these dogs expressed any remorse? Are they making any plans to assure that this kind of thing doesn't happen again?.....such as(securing the fence or bringing them inside when they are not supervised) My emotions go from sadness to anger and then back to sadness with this story. What a horrible thing to go through!!

  9. #9
    amanion, so sorry to hear about your dog. Hope it helps to know that other people care. Lots of good advice given on this message board & I hope it will help you some. Keep us posted!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Armidale, NSW Australia
    Hi Everyone

    Great news - I took Bella to the vet today, and she got her front paw to move - ever so slightly but it moved. So little and yet so much. If only a front legs will work, then perhaps she can have a dog wheelchair, the dogs on the wheelchair site all look so happy. I have been dancing around the house singing "Bella moved her paw, paw". There is still such a long way to go, but there is hope now.

    Pam, the dogs have been declared dangerous, and the owners will be taken to court and forced to confine them properly. They did come to apologise, but only because the council ranger told them I could sue the pants off them. I don't think they really cared one bit, and they certainly haven't been back to see how whe is, even though they live on the same block


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Dear Alison and Bella
    Yippppppe!!! I'm soo happy to hear of Bella's progress. Your heart must be soaring. I know you are suffering as well and want you to know how many people are rooting for you and Bella. What does your vet say about her progress? As she regains use of her front limbs, further evaluation would be very important to make sure she is fitted with the proper apparatus. "K-9 Carts" is another terrific maker of all sorts of carts, chairs, harnesses to help out disabled pups, and are designed by and custom made for each client by a veterinarian orthopedic specialist. I will say a prayer for you and your baby. Hope to hear more good news. Kiss her for me, OK?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    I am so happy for you that their is hope.
    I know it will be a long hall ahead for
    both of you. You mentioned the carts if
    she resumes the use of her front legs.
    I saw a clip on the Animal Channel
    that the owner made a home-made wheelchair
    for his dog that lost the use of his back legs. The dog still had a wonderful
    quality of life and chased balls and
    did all the stuff dogs like to do.
    Left me with a good feeling after watching
    the clip.
    We will be rooting for more good news.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    AB, Canada
    That is great news about Bella. We will all be rooting for her...move, Bella, move!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    Hi again,
    That is great news and gives you real hope for the future.
    Nerve regeneration is a very long process and nobody can tell you how full recovery will be. She may now come on in leaps and bounds or take a very long time. Fantastic start and all credit to you for giving her a chance!

  15. #15
    amanion, Happy day for you!!! Its a start and hope you continue to see improvment. Everyone is rooting for you & Bella. Its easy to see you love your dog very much.


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