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Thread: Renal Failure

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Middle Tennessee

    Renal Failure

    Hi, When I got my baby Blue he was diagnosed with bad kidneys at 6 months old. Since then I have only fed him Science Diet kd.
    His last visit almost a year ago he was doing good. He is now soon to be 3 in May. He has lost some weight, and throws up more then usual. Other then that he acts just fine. He still has an appitite. I will be taking him soon for more blood work, to check his kidneys again. My question is: Is there anyone here that has a kitty that has bad kidneys, or a cat that has had renal failure? I want to know of any signs to look for. My Vet has been very surprised that he has done so well. He looks healthy, and is still his bratty little self!
    szazie [email protected]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I am sorry that I have no advice to give, but I would like to wish you the best of luck and congratulate Blue in his remarkable ability to live with this disease.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Orlando FL
    Sorry, but no advice here. Just wishing Blue all the best. Stay strong, brave boy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not sure, what day is it? ;-)
    My Tubby, who is 16 1/2 years old, has chronic kidney (renal) failure. He was diagnosed with it about 2 years ago now I think. One of the reasons I took him in was because he was throwing up all the time. He had always been a "thrower upper" so at first I wasn't that concerned, but when it got to be everyday, I knew I had to take him in.

    The vet told me to start giving him a 1/4 of a Pepcid everyday. He said this wouldn't reverse any damage that had already been done, but it would delay any further decline. I guess one of the things the Pepcid does is increase the blood flow to the kidneys, making them work better. It also does the same for kitties as it does for humans - which is reducing the acid in the stomach, so he has an upset tummy less and therefore throws up less.

    So after 6 months on the Pepcid, I took Tubby back for a check-up. The one "level" that was down, actually went back to the "normal" range, and the other "level" hadn't gotten any worse. So the Pepcid had actually improved his kidney functions. He had gained some weight back too because he wasn't throwing up all the time - and our carpets and floors had a reprieve from all the cleaning because he wasn't throwing up all the time.

    The next 6 months his "levels" were the same as before, meaning he hadn't gotten any worse, and he had gained some more weight back, so he is doing good. He still throws up occassionally, but it's usually when I get over zealous with the treats. (bad mommy!) And at his last checkup the vet said "He's doing very well for a guy his age."

    So it would be good to take Blue back for the blood work, and ask them about the Pepcid thing. I think somebody else on here once mentioned another medication that basically does the same thing but is made for kitties, so the vet might recommend that too.

    Here are some websites to look into that give a lot of info on CRF (Chronic Renal Failure). Kidney Diesease in Cats On this first one, if you scroll down past the ads there is a lot of good information.
    Merck Veterinary is also a good resource.

    Good luck with Blue. He has done so well for being diagnosed so young. Hopefully these resources will help, and the vet can recommend some Pepcid or something to help Blue to be here for many years to come.

    Please let us know how his vet appointment turns out, and what the vet recommends.

    Hugs and smoochies to Blue and hugs to you too for being such a good kitty mommy and caring enough to keep Blue in the best of health.
    Spring 1986 - Dec. 11, 2004
    RIP Big Boy
    Fall 1988 - Jan. 24, 2007
    RIP Snotty Girl
    Fall 1997 - Oct. 6, 2012
    RIP Sweet Monkeyhead Girl

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Middle Tennessee

    About Blue

    Thanks for the websites! I will ask the Vet about the pepcid also!

    Thanks to you all for the kind words. My Blue is so special to hubby and I. I am trying my best to keep him with us as long as possible! My other two babies, Blue's sisters will not admit it, but they are pretty crazy about their little brother also! He can be a pesty little brother, but he sure is fun to play with!
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    My life is God filtered :)
    Last December I took Speckles in because she starting drinking way too much water. She is also 16 this year. Her blood work showed that her kidneys are starting to fail as the BUN level was 18.5 and the normal range is 5 to 12. The vet did not suggest any medication nor did he mention the words "renal failure". He just that she would be put on a low protein diet. So now she get's Medi-Cal Reduced Protein in the a.m. and Hills K/D wet at night. She does throw up occasionally but it's usually a clear liquid and her appetite and energy level are normal. I'll take her back in the summer for another blood test and also ask about the Pepcid.

    I'm going to keep a close eye on this thread because I am also interested in what signs to watch out for. Blue is beautiful! Hugs and scrunchies coming your way.

    PS Welcome to PT. You'll find it to be a wonderful source of love and support for you and your furbabies.
    Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand and strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming WOO HOO - What a Ride!

    Sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see
    --Polar Express

    Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not sure, what day is it? ;-)
    Originally posted by slick
    He just that she would be put on a low protein diet. So now she get's Medi-Cal Reduced Protein in the a.m. and Hills K/D wet at night.
    It's funny because your vet didn't say anything about the Pepcid, and mine didn't say anything about special food. He asked what Tubby was being fed and I told him Science Diet Senior, and he said "Perfect!" So I just figured that I should continue with that. I'll ask about the K/D this weekend when I'm there with that I just bought another big bag of "Senior" that will last Peanut the rest of her life if she has to eat it alone.

    Blue is beautiful, and I can see he has beautiful blue eyes. Is that how he got his name?
    Spring 1986 - Dec. 11, 2004
    RIP Big Boy
    Fall 1988 - Jan. 24, 2007
    RIP Snotty Girl
    Fall 1997 - Oct. 6, 2012
    RIP Sweet Monkeyhead Girl

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Middle Tennessee

    Renal Failure

    I forgot to mention, the Vet also gave me potassium pills to give Blue for his first 2 years. He don't take them now, but when he goes for his check up, and it's not good he will go back on them. he took half a pill 2 times a day.

    I really hope the pepcid will help Blue with his throwing up. And yes I named him Blue because of his striking light Blue eyes..and his Blue/Gray markings.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    No advice here, sorry, but just wanted to wish you and Blue the best. keep us updated. I think Peanut & Tubby's mom gave some of the best advice at least until you can get to the vet.

    Here's to lots more years of scritchies in Blue's future!

    ~~heather, Mozart, Bach, & Queen Elizabeth (Eliza)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    I don't have any advice either but I want to wish you good luck with your gorgeous Blue and I sure hope he's able to live a long happy and healthy life. BTW welcome to Pet Talk.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Middle Tennessee


    Thanks everyone for such a warm welcome to me and the babes!
    I am so glad to find the support I need, to help with my Blue!
    It's good to know I am not alone in dealing with his sickness. It's wonderful to find others that love their cats like I love mine!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Westchester Cty, NY
    Hats off to you for caring for a cat with this condition. It has to be monitored closely. You may wish to have the vet teach you how to give subcutaneous fluids. Dehydration really makes kidney failure worse. I think Pepcid is used in humans, too. It has to do with the balance of some minerals in the body.
    I've been finally defrosted by cassiesmom!
    "Not my circus, not my monkeys!"-Polish proverb

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not sure, what day is it? ;-)
    Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
    I'll ask about the K/D this weekend when I'm there with Peanut
    I asked the vet about giving Tubby the K/D and he said that the Senior formula and the K/D formula are so similar that if Tubby is doing find on the Senior he wouldn't want to rock the boat and switch him to the K/D. He said the only problem with the K/D is that sometimes the cats don't like it, so they won't eat it, and it can't do them any good if they don't eat it. So that explains why they never suggested the K/D. He did say if I wanted to try it I could, but he said it really wouldn't make any sense because it's more money than the Senior and then I'd have to feed T & P separately and Tubby might not like it, rather than go through all that, I think the Senior is doing just fine. But now we know.

    Oh, and how is Blue doing? Has he been to the vet yet? Please keep us updated.
    Spring 1986 - Dec. 11, 2004
    RIP Big Boy
    Fall 1988 - Jan. 24, 2007
    RIP Snotty Girl
    Fall 1997 - Oct. 6, 2012
    RIP Sweet Monkeyhead Girl

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Middle Tennessee


    Actually you wouldn't ever know Blue was sick. He plays a lot, and eats his food. He is very picky and won't eat anything but his k/d. The girls also eat it. The Vet said that was fine if they eat it also. It's just expensive feeding it to 3 cats! lol

    Once in a while, Blue seems to have a bad day. Sleeps more then usual, and won't play any. I watch him like a hawk though! It is easy to know when he feels bad, because he is a very naughty kitty when he feels good! He is always getting into something, opening cabinets, drawers, jumping on my back and scaring the heck out of me! He is a BIG cut up and is always up to something! He has a wonderful personality, loves people, especially children! He is constantly picking on his older sisters, Kitkat and fluffbutt. His favorite toy is a fishing pole. I will hide it and he finds it and brings it to me. He wags his tail like a dog...

    I got him from a shelter and he was a pityful little thing. He had a very bad ear infection that took about 6 months to get rid of. He had earmites very bad. It took me a long time to get him healthy, and then I found out he had the kidney problem He loves my husband very much, and will follow him around the house meowing until he gets the attention he deserves... Well I am sorry I have been so wordy, but I love to talk about my baby boy!
    Good Day!
    P.S. This is a picture when he was about 7 months...
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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Tennessee, USA
    Your baby blue is just gorgeous! He sounds and looks alot like my Harper, who will be 3 years old on 5/5. I'm sorry Blue has to have health issues, but he is very lucky to have such a loving cat mom as you are!

    I live in Middle Tennesse to, tried to PM you .... write me sometime if you'd like.

    Kim Loves Cats and Doggies Too!

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