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Thread: 10 Body Languages Of The Cats

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    10 Body Languages Of The Cats

    Unlike the humankind, cats can't speak. But they express their feelings through body language. The pet owner can observe by the expressions on their face, the position of ears, the swing of tails, and other body languages. if you are not familiar with the cats, you will misunderstand some behaviors of them, which is not good for you to build a better relationship with the cat. So, it's of great significance to understand the body language of the cats and know which situation do the cats have these body languages. The following are what cats will do when they have these feelings, including feeling happy, angry, nervous, and so on.

    · Relaxation
    When a cat stays in its familiar and safe environment, its body muscles and facial expressions will show a relaxed state, the tail will swing slowly and regularly, and some cats’ throat will even vibrate. The vibrating purring is a characteristic of cats, which will emerge when it feels at ease and comfortable.

    · Feeling unhappy
    When a cat is upset, it will not appear nervous or scared, and his ears will only be slightly back or keep normal. Most of the body is in a relaxed state and will not blow up the hair, but the tail will quickly swing from side to side. If the unpleasant behaviors continue, the cat may bite or slap with the front foot.

    · Feeling nervous & scared
    When a cat is nervous or scared, it has stiff facial expressions, its pupils will dilate and become round and its ears will push back or aside (commonly known as "aircraft ears"), and its eyes will pay attention to people as well as things that make it nervous. At the same time, the body will be lowered, sometimes even lying down, the tail will roll up between the legs. Some cats are even ready to escape at any time.

    ·Feeling angry
    While a cat is angry, its pupils will dilate and become round. The hair on the back and tail will all stand up due to the contraction of the erector hair muscle (commonly known as "fried hair"). The hair on the tail will stand up like a brush, and the back will slightly arch. In short, cats will try their best to appear strong to threaten their enemies. Facial expressions will be more exaggerated, some cats will even open their mouths, show their teeth, and make a "Hover" harp. At this time, if there is further threatening action, the cat will extend its front foot to attack.

    ·Being aggressive
    When a cat is scared or angry to a certain extent, it will become aggressive. Generally, it extends its front foot and paw. Some cats will take the initiative to squat forward. Besides, they will also bite. So, since the cat has already been pretty angry, try not to stimulate it anymore and let it calm down slowly.

    In addition to the above, the following are behaviors that show the feelings of the cats.

    · Rubbing
    Most people think the behavior is acting like a baby, but in fact, the cat is just to leave their smell. The sebaceous glands in the cat's face or other parts of the body secrete glands. When they are rubbing, they want to leave these smells on the object to declare their territory or ownership. Another reason cats like to do this is that they feel more at ease when they stay in a place with their taste. Human hands and feet, the edges of hard objects, etc., are all places where cats will scratch and leave odors. As for this behavior, there is another scenario. When the cat rubs its head on your leg back and forth, it is acting like a coquettish, as if it needs your attention along with care, which is an available time to build a good relationship.

    · Digging the ground
    There are two possibilities for cats to do this. First, the cat will use paws to dig the ground after urinating and defecate and use soil to cover it up. Second, the cat will do this when it is eating something that it hates. Remember to improve your diet as you discover it.

    · Licking your hands
    The moment a cat close to you and lick your hands, it means that it is into you, for the cat only does this to its intimate friend, which also proves that it lies on you.

    · Wagging tail
    Sometimes the owner may accidentally rile a cat, then it suddenly shows its anger through wagging its tail. So, next time insight of this behavior of a cat, you'd better not close to it, for it may be in bad mood.

    · Licking its fur
    It's common to see that a cat likes to lick its fur or other cats' fur, which shows its way of cleaning. if the strange and the man that the cat dislikes touch it, it will do away quickly and lick these touched areas, which means that it hates the smell they bring. Or if it licks its fur after the owner touches it, it turns to be anger.
    In conclusion, the cats are so cute that a large number of people want to play with it. Just pay more attention to the body language of the cats, you will get more familiar with them, helping you build a better relationship with them.

    Find this article very interesting, so I post it here

  2. #2
    Cats for me are sophisticated. You can leave them be, and they seem okay with it. Though there are some who would really love to rub their body on the legs.

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