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Thread: New to this site! CAUTION...sad story ahead

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  1. #1

    New to this site! CAUTION...sad story ahead

    Hello, I'm brand new to this site, and just wanted to say Hi! and tell you a little about myself. I am the mother of 8 children, 3 of which do not have fur! My other 5 I love just as much and are covered with fur from head to toe, lol. I own two long haired Miniature Dachshunds, (and looking for my 3rd, just between you and me, don't tell the hubby! and 3 beautiful, sweet loving mutts!

    I just recently lost my 15 year old Japanese Chin, and 3 weeks later my son ran over our Bully, who was also 15 yrs old, & was the top "mutt". I am still in mourning for both, but can't show it because of the kids. My son was crushed by Bully's death, and we were all so shocked that something like that could happen, we are always so careful, but as I told my son, he had a seizure the day before and I think he probably had another one which was why he was where he was. I know things happen for a reason, but I'm just lost for that reason right now. Bully was his dog, he was born in our bathroom floor, and was the first dog my son ever saw born. I guess they went thru alot of firsts together since he was 5 when Bully was born, just hate that the last of the "firsts" they shared was his getting run over and dying. By the way, Bully was named "Bully" not because of his attitude, but because he looked exactly like one of our little bulls when he was born.

    From October 26th, 2013, which was the day my Prissy died, until December 30th, we lost 3 dogs, 2 as I stated we had loved for a long time and one that I only had 6 weeks. I bred my mini doxies, and had 3 beautiful puppies, 2 males and the runt, a little female. At 3 weeks I realized the boys had tripled her size and when she nursed she had milk coming from her nose. She was not getting enough milk down to survive, she was weak and ended up having a seizure, I held her in my hands and prayed from God to take her if he was going to, because I couldn't stand to watch her suffer. He did not take her and as I was at my Vet's office at 8 a.m. when they opened. We decided her only chance to survive was to tube feed her, since most everything was coming back thru her nose, so we fed her every hour for the first week, then every three hours, praying each and every time for God to guide our hands so the tube didn't go down the wrong way and kill her instantly. The day she died I woke up and I saw she was unsteady on her feet, she was not as active and laid sleeping most of the day. By 11 p.m. she was very weak we stuck the tube down her throat one last time in hopes that she was needing a little pick-me-up, but it didn't help. I laid her in my hands once again, this time begging God not to take her from me, not after all we had been thru, but He saw fit to take her home with him that night. Funny, how in just a few short weeks you can become so attached. I have a wonderful vet, she told me this might happen, that usually something else was wrong with a pup like this and we would just have to wait & see. She did gain from 1/2 pound to 3/4 pound, she would give me the sweetest kisses I ever had. Her cries were more like a kitten wanting to be feed than a dog. I can honestly say that she was one of the 4 greatest loves of my life, 3 of those being my children!

    Sorry for sharing my sad story, I guess when I found this site I was looking for something to help me with closure, and I think writing this all down has helped to relieve some of the pressure I feel inside. Maybe a little less sad. Can't wait to get to know you all!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Awww, we are glad you are here, but so sorry to hear of your tragic losses. Our condolences.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Belgium, near Ghent
    Welcome from across the ocean!
    My name is Lut, I am from Belgium, and I am owned by 4 pretty lady-cats, named Maya, Inka, Zazou and Snoopy.
    Theya re a handful, but I love them to pieces!!
    I don't have a dog myself, but my daughter has one, a border collie, and I love him very well as well!

    I am sure you will love it here!!
    I miss you enormously Sydney, Maya, Inka & Zazou Be happy there at the Rainbow Bridge


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