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Thread: Do magnetic cat doors work? Or other suggestions?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Do magnetic cat doors work? Or other suggestions?

    I want to get a cat door the cats can use that the dogs can't get through. Vallis is an average sized corgi, but can fit through tight spots when he's motivated. The cat door would be to keep the dogs out of the cat's litter boxes (we have a good spot for them now but they will have to be relocated because my brother and his son will be moving in with us).

    Does anyone have a magnetic cat door? How does it work/hold up? The only drawback I can foresee is that it would be used many times each day- every time one of the cats needed to use the litter box. I wonder if that would cause it to break or wear out faster. Well, that and the cats would have to wear collars which they aren't used to.

    Also, if anyone has a cat door they like I'd appreciate any input. Pippin and Desmond are on the larger side but I don't think they'd have trouble with a "normal" cat-sized door. It just has to be small enough to keep the dogs out.

  2. #2
    See this thread >>> "Doggie Dors"

    Written from the DOG's point of view.

    Here's a chart showing several different doors sold by Doctors Foster & Smith >>>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Sorry, I just use baby gates. The dogs can't jump them, and the cats can. I don't even use formal gates in one area, I have a fold up laundry dryer, like you would stand in a bath tub. The cats learned they can squeeze through it, he hee. Why bother jumping when you don't have to?

  4. #4
    If I am reading correctly, you might just want an regular cat flap door? As in not radio transmitter type? If so, I use these on the door between my laundry room and the enclosed patio. They have a magnetic device inside that holds the door closed until the kitty pushes on it and the magnet is really just to keep the door from flapping, it does not *lock* anything. I bought ours at Petsmart and believe it cost around $25 and it has been in place for the past ten years or so with no problems. The five cats use it many times each day. It needs cleaning off now and then and the screws need to be tightened once in awhile to keep it secure in the door. I have the smallest one and our big Dylan (20 pounds) has to do a bit of squeezing but it does not stop him This size might keep Vallis from using it?? It *does* have a lock on it which is just a plastic switch that you can slide to allow the door to open only one way or to keep it closed. That part does not work very well because the cats can still force their way and jiggle the switch to open. So, if you are wanting the thing to stay closed. it might well wear out. There was another model that was held on with sticky tape but I doubt that would have held up nearly as well - mine is actually screwed into the door.

    Good luck!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    You know, I believe my girlfriend used something that instead of allowing the cats access, it denied the dogs access. By something they wore on their collars, and then there was these litle flag things inside. It makes me think of an indoor electronic fence.

    Let me ask her and see what she comes up with. AND, strangely enough, it might work for me, too!

    Edited to add: she said this: I used an Invisible Fence collar with room module units. So, I had Sadie [dog] first trained with the IF outside so she would recognize the white flags and then when she saw the white flag inside she would see it and if she got too close she would hear the sound and then too close and she would get a small sting from the collar. I think it onlt took one time for her get the message to stay out of the litter boxes and cat food.

    Last edited by Cataholic; 05-03-2010 at 01:13 PM. Reason: to add information

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Can you magnetize a cat?

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