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Thread: Submissive Dog and a New Puppy

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    USA - Michigan

    Submissive Dog and a New Puppy

    I have a 4-year-old submissive female cocker spaniel (Sasha). I started taking her to doggy day care one day a week and she interacted very well with the other dogs. My husband and I decided to get another dog so Sasha would have a companion. Well, that was a mistake. Now, we have another 4month old female cocker spaniel (Sophie) who is very active and is trying to be the alpha dog.

    Does anyone know how I can get my older dog interested in playing with Sophie? Sophie wants to be near Sasha all the time and play.
    Thanks for any advise you can give me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    It may happen naturally at some point. Are there any games that Sasha enjoys? Also, you should take Sophie to puppy kindergarten, so she learns that you are the one in charge, so that she doesn't feel she needs to be.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bexhill, UK
    They have to find their own level and forcing them together would be a mistake. It may be that your older dog is quite happy to let the younger one be alpha although you have to be alpha to both of them

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Yorkshire, U.K
    Read this website to understand better whats going on here.

    Dogs don't try to dominate either humans or other dogs. "Submissive" behaviour is not always because a dog is scared either. One of my dogs shows these as a means of trying to convince other dogs to play with her and as a simple means of showing respect. They are called calming signals and many calming signals are displayed when a dog is happy, content or excited as well as during more negative situations.
    Dogs are not our whole lives but they make our lives whole.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    My experience of getting a new dog/puppy with a previously owned dog is it just needs time. When I got my cocker spaniel, Sam, he was a 9 week old rambunctious puppy and Molli would NOT tolerate any of his playfulness. She actually could not stand Sam for almost a whole year. They are the best of friends now. It may take weeks or even months for your 4 year old Cocker to get used to the new addition. Just be patient and positive.

    And I would LOVE to see pictures of your Cockers, as I am partial to them


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    Your older cocker should be left to deal with the puppy exactly as she is. As long as there is no agression and as long as the older dog is responding to you the same as always then she is doing her job as mentor and role model perfectly. This is exactly what we mean, as behaviourists, by "dominance". The older dog is not responding to puppy behaviour as the puppy is not showing respect. Your older dog is showing that she is secure and happy and play will happen when she is ready and the pup is behaving in manner that befits her place in the household. What you can do to help the situation is bolster the older dog. Of course you want to make a big fuss of a new pup and spend time training and getting to know the baby. That is always good. Just make two or three minutes for the older dog before spending time with puppy. Put puppy on a lead and run the older dog through her paces, praise and release and then spend time with pup. Always put the older dog first, let her take her time to "train" the pup and all should be well. Do not try to make them play together, it will come if you relax.

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