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Thread: Dogs in stores

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Dogs in stores

    This topic came up on the now out-of-control dog chaining thread, so I thought I'd move it to another thread. Here is my reasoning for dogs not being brought into stores with the exception of service dogs:

    1: The store owners have a choice whether they want your dog in there. You need to respect that choice. If you opened a store, you would want your rules respected. Its common curtesy.

    2: The store owner would need to purchase additional insurance if they allowed dogs. That is there choice, but when you sneak dogs in, you are doing them a disservice. What if you just opened a store and couldn't afford the extra insurance?

    3: The store is responsible if somebody sneaks in a dog and it pees on the floor. What if a customer slips and falls?

    4: The store can be sued if your snuck-in dog bites another customer.

    5: Dogs just don't belong in food stores, period. If there is open food in the area are you going to cover your dog with a hairnet when you sneak it in?

    6: I've seen a small dog carried into a furniture store. When I buy brand new furniture, I assume it hasn't had a dog sitting on it already. That's the joy of buying brand new. Its what you expect when you buy brand new and what you deserve for paying the price for brand new. Little dog owners shouldn't get to ruin that for people. Who gave them that power? What if somebody is allergic and here's a store selling soft-surface merchandise that sucks up allergens? What if this store is going out of their way to improve air quality to keep their merchandise in good shape and have low amounts of dust on the show floor and you just came in and ruined it for them? Would you like that if you were the store owner?

    I personally think stores should be able to not only kick people out, but fine them for sneaking in dogs, especially if they cause damage. You put that store and its merchandise in jeopardy by breaking their rules. Not only that, but if you think you somehow deserve to break rules set up for everybody and sneak your little dog into a store, you're just rude and childish as hell. That's my opinion though.
    "There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion."

    Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

  2. #2
    From the other thread.

    Well thats where you and I will just have to agree to disagree. As long as the dog is well contained, groomed, and well-behaved, I see no problems.

    I've gotten my nails done or my hair done with a dog on my lap. They're are by no means therapy dogs, but by taking them with me to get my hair done, its very relaxing having them there and I'm more patient about being under the blow-dryer.

    There's even a human waterpark that once a year has a doggy day where they open the park for dogs.

    When I use to live in South Beach, its the most dog friendly place I've seen. Lincoln Road Mall is a big place to walk your dog and dogs are allowed in stores and most resturants (sp?) have doggy water dishes outside. Many of the store owners bring their dogs to work. I remember taking Princess with me to get my nails done and she got a doggy treat, her own chair, and they even had a water bowl for dogs.

    There's a Mcdonalds store located there, that doesn't have a drive-thru, but has a doggy 'drive-thru' window for customers that have dogs. It was polar opposite of 'no dogs allowed'...people would try to order from there, because inside was pack, and I just thought it was too funny when the Mcdonald's employee told the people without dogs, that they only serve people who have dogs from this window.

    I use to be a club promoter and my boss had a dog that looked like Princess, and would take her to have playdates with her dog at the club I worked for, and she would help me promote on the beach somedays or sometimes at night even along the walkside where the clubs would be.

    I dunno maybe its just me, but I like my dogs company, not just in the home. And as for leaving them in the car? Under the Florida sun? I DON'T THINK SO.
    And btw I don't sneak my dogs in anywhere, the owners of the store know the dog is in the store, and if they don't have a problem with it, I don't see the problem really. And why the bias assumption of little dogs and their owners? I see big dogs in stores too. My dogs walk on a leash in a store, not carried in a tote bag. If they make a mess, I pick it up simple as that, I'm not irresponsible. just like if I had a kid and he threw up or spilled his ice cream on the floor.

    The horrors

    I'm a part of a dog meet up groups and they often meet-up in resturants (sp?) to dine with their dogs. Of course outside the resturant.

    And of course if a dog is NOT allowed, I'm not going to bring them in the store, obviously.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Brunswick, OH
    I think the OP is just talking about people who sneak their dogs in. At least that's what I get. Which I agree if you sneak your dogs in. If the place allows you to bring the dog then, then they let you.
    Monica Callahan KPA-CTP *Woohoo!*

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by MonicanHonda View Post
    I think the OP is just talking about people who sneak their dogs in. At least that's what I get. Which I agree if you sneak your dogs in. If the place allows you to bring the dog then, then they let you.
    Well the whole allergy thing could be noted for any dog period in a store, snuck in or not.

    And I find her/his last statement of 'sneaking your little dog' very rude. I have to deal with that BS all the time, oh because I have a little dog I think I'm special and am allowed to do things big dog owners can't do. I just get this whole rerun of the witch from the Wizard of Oz, which scared the bejeebus out of me watching it as a kid when people say 'your little dog'. *Shivers*

    How about just MY DOG, not my little dog, not my fro fro dog, MY DOG.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Brunswick, OH
    lol! My friend is terrified of it, but my mother loves it. The movie of course. Hahaha "And your little dog tooo!"
    Monica Callahan KPA-CTP *Woohoo!*

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Delaware, USA - The First State/Diamond State - home of The Blue Hens
    I'm not going to go into depth on this and create a hassle, but unless it's a service dog, it doesn't belong in a store other than a pet/pet supply store. The size of the dog doesn't matter.
    The store owner/manager is responsible for the safety of his patrons, and a dog in a store could compromise this. And I'm not talking necessarily of a dog that may bite. All a dog would have to do is slobber a little, the owner doesn't notice or clean it up, someone steps in it and and slips and falls. LAWSUIT!!! And it's the store that takes the hit - not the dog owner.
    So - IMO - it is irresponsible for anyone to take a dog in a store, without good cause.
    My state may be a small state, but stores here are smart enough to cover their back sides and not allow dogs in stores at random.
    Wolfy ~ Fuzzbutt #3
    My little dog ~ a heartbeat at my feet

    Sparky the Fuzzbutt - PT's DOTD 8/3/2010
    RIP 2/28/1999~10/9/2012
    Myndi the Fuzzbutt - Mom's DOTD - Everyday
    RIP 1/24/1996~8/9/2013
    Ellie - Mom to the Fuzzbuttz

    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
    Ecclesiastes 3:1
    The clock of life is wound but once and no man has the power
    To know just when the hands will stop - on what day, or what hour.
    Now is the only time you have, so live it with a will -
    Don't wait until tomorrow - the hands may then be still.
    ~~~~true author unknown~~~~

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    The US of A!
    Quote Originally Posted by Candy317 View Post
    How about just MY DOG, not my little dog, not my fro fro dog, MY DOG.
    Your little fro fro dog Valentino can sneak over to my house anytime Candy!

    Quote Originally Posted by cane76 View Post
    Google that b*tches
    I've been listening to the music, and I have to go see what it's like. Maybe I'll value what I have more when I come back. -Doug

  8. #8
    You guys are going to get it

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Personally, I think dogs should be allowed in pet stores(which they are), outdoor cafes/restuarant, and maybe outdoor shopping centers - but really I don't see a need for a dog in a store. Especially a food or clothing store..I mean I just don't see the point in it. I see people walk around the mall with small dogs in purses and sometimes even strollers and I just find that stupid personally. I am not a person who would tote my little dog around, and I know nobody who would - I can't see how it can possibly be comfortable for the dog.

    Dogs are welcomed many places, and the places they may not be welcome - well there are reasons and rules that need to be followed. Yes, it sucks that some people ruin it for the enjoyment of all, but that's the way it is. It happens with EVERYTHING in life. Being the owner of a medium sized dog, I also hate when people sneak smaller animals into places because of their size or because they are in a purse or something. Sure, it's cute, but really - if one dog isn't allowed neither should any. I've never thought this was fair, so even when I had Sassy, I never brought her anywhere either.

    Also, to me, comparing kids and dogs is like comparing apples to oranges. There are rules that need to be followed for public safety and enjoyment and unforutnately sometimes you should just leave your pup home.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Alysser View Post
    Personally, I think dogs should be allowed in pet stores(which they are), outdoor cafes/restuarant, and maybe outdoor shopping centers - but really I don't see a need for a dog in a store. Especially a food or clothing store..I mean I just don't see the point in it. I see people walk around the mall with small dogs in purses and sometimes even strollers and I just find that stupid personally. I am not a person who would tote my little dog around, and I know nobody who would - I can't see how it can possibly be comfortable for the dog.

    Dogs are welcomed many places, and the places they may not be welcome - well there are reasons and rules that need to be followed. Yes, it sucks that some people ruin it for the enjoyment of all, but that's the way it is. It happens with EVERYTHING in life. Being the owner of a medium sized dog, I also hate when people sneak smaller animals into places because of their size or because they are in a purse or something. Sure, it's cute, but really - if one dog isn't allowed neither should any. I've never thought this was fair, so even when I had Sassy, I never brought her anywhere either.

    Also, to me, comparing kids and dogs is like comparing apples to oranges. There are rules that need to be followed for public safety and enjoyment and unforutnately sometimes you should just leave your pup home.
    Just FYI, I don't bring/sneak my little dogs near supermakets or places with food, unless its an outdoor place nor do I carry them in purses/tote bags/strollers. Though I do see the reason why for some dogs, because they might be seniors who have problems walking or whatever the case is.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    The US of A!
    Great topic! It's a toughy really. I think if the store has a "No pets" policy on the door it should be abided... a fine, good idea, the rules being infoced...even better!, if not...shame on the business owner... as a business owner myself there are certain things I know happen in my line of work so I take every step to cover my @$$ to prevent law suites. I don't run retail, but the fundamentals are all the same in any line of business... Set the standards and they will be followed, if they aren't followed its your responisbility to step up to the plate and inforce them. As a business owner you have to for see the unexpected especially when you deal with the public.

    What is even harder... is if you go to a pet friendly place, how to you turn down one dog and allow another in? I would personally not put my own @$$ on the line for someone else. Not everyone is as responsible with their dogs as I am with mine...heck, it's not even responsibility, it's more about thoroughly knowing the body language of dogs. I cannot stand going into the vet and watching the owners who have their dogs on retractable leashes and let their pets approach another dog to sniff noses. When pressure is applied to a stressed/dominant dogs neck it kicks in those fight or flight issues and that is why there is so many freaking face snapping incidents while waiting in the lobby.

    Oooh, I could go on and on about ignorance. I believe that is ignorance because dogs body language is something everyone should know before getting a dog... after all how else are they going to talk to us?

    Quote Originally Posted by cane76 View Post
    Google that b*tches
    I've been listening to the music, and I have to go see what it's like. Maybe I'll value what I have more when I come back. -Doug

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Indigo Bully Connection View Post
    Great topic! It's a toughy really. I think if the store has a "No pets" policy on the door it should be abided... a fine, good idea, the rules being infoced...even better!, if not...shame on the business owner... as a business owner myself there are certain things I know happen in my line of work so I take every step to cover my @$$ to prevent law suites. I don't run retail, but the fundamentals are all the same in any line of business... Set the standards and they will be followed, if they aren't followed its your responisbility to step up to the plate and inforce them. As a business owner you have to for see the unexpected especially when you deal with the public.

    What is even harder... is if you go to a pet friendly place, how to you turn down one dog and allow another in? I would personally not put my own @$$ on the line for someone else. Not everyone is as responsible with their dogs as I am with mine...heck, it's not even responsibility, it's more about thoroughly knowing the body language of dogs. I cannot stand going into the vet and watching the owners who have their dogs on retractable leashes and let their pets approach another dog to sniff noses. When pressure is applied to a stressed/dominant dogs neck it kicks in those fight or flight issues and that is why there is so many freaking face snapping incidents while waiting in the lobby.

    Oooh, I could go on and on about ignorance. I believe that is ignorance because dogs body language is something everyone should know before getting a dog... after all how else are they going to talk to us?
    I only use a flexi if we're in a park, but I gave my flexi to my sister. I don't let my dogs come close to others unless I ask if its ok with the dog owner first. But yeah I seen a lot of breed/size bias, no personally, but heard of doggy camps or groomers that don't allow pits or big dogs, such shame

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    The US of A!
    Quote Originally Posted by Candy317 View Post
    I only use a flexi if we're in a park, but I gave my flexi to my sister. I don't let my dogs come close to others unless I ask if its ok with the dog owner first. But yeah I seen a lot of breed/size bias, no personally, but heard of doggy camps or groomers that don't allow pits or big dogs, such shame
    IMO, flexi's aren't safe for everyone... I've had their lock break one too many times. I was walking my grandmas GSD (Griz, this dog looked like he was on STERIODS lmfao) one time on this darn flexi lead.. well a Rottie jumped his little 4 ft fence and was coming at me, not the GSD. Well, Griz's instincts kicked in and he took OFF after that Rottie, the lock broke and I, like an idiot, grabbed the cord with both hands... that stupid leash kept going, my hands weren't enough of a lock for it, and I burned right through both palms of my hand, i could barely let go, and nasty burn/meat was what I had to deal with for the next 2 weeks! Eeeek! Needless to say, Griz corralled the Rottie back into his fence, and made sure he stayed there.

    I think a retractable doesn't give owners much to rely on in the heat of a unavoidable incident, I know it sounds bad, but one time I had to save a mean little long hair Chi from a protective Am. Staff momma. The owner of the Am. Staff left the bathroom door open (where momma decided to have her babies). The girl was boarding the Chi this Thanksgiving because the vet refused to take care of him because no one could touch him. In the blink of an eye there was this 75 pound Am. Staff ontop of this Chi with no sound and in a split second later the Am Staffs mouth was open over top of the Chis little head. I know it sounds bad, but I did what I had to in that moment, Immediately yanked the Chi up by the nylon slip lead and hung him and ran into another bedroom to shut the door between me and the Am Staff mom. If I had a retractable leash I wouldn't have had the opportunity to save that mean little pooper lol... EDIT: by the time i locked the leash the chi would have been headless.

    Okay, I know that was off topic and I'm sorry.

    Back on topic:
    Dogs in stores = is okay by me, but not everyone and I understand that. As business owners, they need to cover their rear ends and making the rules VERY clear before the customer steps foot into the door. Even then I can't promise it'll solve the stupidity of the general public lmfao.

    Quote Originally Posted by cane76 View Post
    Google that b*tches
    I've been listening to the music, and I have to go see what it's like. Maybe I'll value what I have more when I come back. -Doug

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I agree it's not okay to sneak a dog in. And if the store doesn't allow it then don't bring the dog. Simple as that. If the place (nail salon or whatever) allows it then that's on the store owner.

    We went to Alcatraz Island last month and as you walk around on the audio tour you tend to be with the same people all the way through. There was a woman who appeared to be with her mother and her young son. I saw them several times and finally almost toward the end of the tour I noticed she had a small black dog in her jacket with it's head peaking out. I never even noticed it most of the time. And me being the dog/animal freak I am would have noticed that right away. But because it was so tiny, black (it blended in with her sweatshirt), and didn't make a peep I didn't see it. But after I did notice it I just kept thinking....she brought that thing over on the boat. She's walking all over this island with it. Mind you, the island doesn't even allow you to eat or drink in certain areas. I kept watching her to see if she let the dog out to potty. Never saw it. That bothered me a little. I'm sure the staff never even saw the puppy either. I can't imagine they'd allow it.

    But I did see a person with a puppy in the shopping cart in a Safeway. I thought it was cute, but I can see how that shouldn't be allowed. Then again, I saw a woman who was training a service dog (puppy) in a grocery store too. I asked if I could pet him and she made him sit first. That's different because they need to be exposed to all types of things.

    Just thought of something else. I have a friend that is TERRIFIED of any animal big or small. I've posted about her here in the past. I'm sure she doesn't expect to run into a dog (other than service animals of course) in a nail salon or grocery store. I mean, she will run and hide if she see's a cockatiel!!! That's another thing to think of when allowing animals in public places, unless it's obvious they are allowed.

    Wow, I was all over the place with this post. Sorry.
    Our goal in life should be - to be as good a person as our dog thinks we are.

    Thank you for the siggy, Michelle!

    Cindy (Human) - Taz (RB Tabby) - Zoee (RB Australian Shepherd) - Paizly (Dilute Tortie) - Taggart (Aussie Mix) - Jax (Brown & White Tabby), - Zeplyn (Cattle Dog Mix)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    I think if dogs are welcomed into the store then it's ok to bring them in (and yes, you should pick up after your dog)

    Our Home Depot also welcomes dogs. We had to stop by there once while we were out and just happened to have Roxey with us. I was going to wait outside the store and one of the managers came out and personally invited us in

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

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