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Thread: share your ghost stories!!!!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    share your ghost stories!!!!

    ok.. so I can't say for sure, but you never know, right?

    I grew up in this house and slept in the same room that my daughter is in now. None of my friends liked to sleep in that room with me, because at night you can hear people walk across the old furnace that is built into the hallway floor beside that room and no one would be up. Also, the tv would turn on and off and switch channels, the radio would do the same, and so would the vcr and dvd players. anything electronic.. it didn't matter what socket, they would still do it. I was used to it, but my friends would totally freak out and eventually refused to stay the night with me because of it. Also I remember one night, I woke up to someone sitting on the foot of my bed, but when I did a double check, noone was there (that did freak me out) When brooke was born and I moved her into that room, I placed a little windup mobile abover her bed. almost every night, Dave and I would wake up to brooke crying and every time it seemed like that thing would start playing. One night it played for 30 min. straight. This always seemed to happen around 3:30 am. After I moved the mobile out when I got her a toddler bed nothing happened for about 6 months untill the other night. I think it was tuesday night, I was in here on the computer working on my homework when I heard this really loud screeching sound (it was so loud I jumped, lol) around 3:30 and it was coming from brookes room. nobody even woke up when it went off but I know I heard it. It sounded as if a microphone was making that screeching sound. The only think I figured could have made that sound was the moniter in her room, but it only picks up the sound. The one that makes the sound is in the building so I can hear her from down there if I have to run down and help dave for a sec. Today when I cleaned her room, I unplugged it. A little bit ago, while I was in the bathroom I heard the screeching again. I paused for a moment and decided to brave it and go in her room to check things out. I looked around, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. Just brooke fast asleep in her bed. I covered her back up and walked back out. I have no clue what could be making that sound. nothing is plugged in except for her nightlight and the vaporizer ( that wasn't even in there the other night and it doesn't make noise so that couldn't be it) as used to these kinds of thing happening around here as I am, it still freaks me out a little when they do. I'm thinking of setting the camera up in her room one night, just to see what happens.

    since it IS getting close to halloween, does anyone eles have any ghost experiances or stories they would like to share?! I would love to hear (or read) them!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Glenside, pa
    A friend of mine lived in an old Revolutionary War home near the center of Phila.

    I had started to tell stories, but my computer went down.

    All I can say, is that I spoke to her other friends who had spent the night and her husband, and suffice to say, all stories basically matched. The construction people who came to update a few things, left their tools and job undone. Her cat constantly freaked out. He loved women, hated men, and saved her life when she was walking down her spiral staircase in a long nightgown, lost her footing, fell forward, only to be yanked up by the scruff of her neck. It was the young, handsome, Revolutionary War soldier who she had seen before.

    I've been Boooo'd!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    that's great! I hope more people share there stories.. I love to hear them.. I know a few stories friends have told me about their experiances with hauntings and ghosts, but I might share them later.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    Some people call me crazy, but there were people who witnessed this and was just about as about it as me! There is an old mining processing facility a few miles away from my parents house. There are old stories going around about occult activity going on in the underground parts of the facility even when it was running back in the 1800s. As I recall, a flood shut the place down but there were rumors flying around about evil spirits and such causing an accident that killed several people. The ruins have stood empty ever since whatever happened, and a lot of people went to the place to try and figure out what happened. I went exploring with a few of my friends one night and as we were walking on the outside of the main building the wind suddenly picked up and we heard this awful moaning/howling noise. Next thing I knew, something picked me up and threw me OVER a 4 foot barbed wire fence! We high tailed it out of there! I never went back at night...eventually the state put up a huge fence and closed the place down entirely to foot traffic. They said it was because the building was unsafe (and it was I am sure) but talking to several people the occult activity out there was a factor in the decision to put up a fence too!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    This isn't entirely a ghost story, but it is a Halloween story. There used to be a big flower and garden store that would do an annual haunted house (Chicago people: Amlings Melrose Park store). I stopped going when I moved away to college. My best friend decided one year that even though we were grown-ups, this would be our year of recalling high school days and going to the haunted house. It was single file in some parts, and she went first. And every time something happened and she screamed, I just burst out laughing. As this went on (and on), she started getting annoyed with me for laughing! By the time we got to the end, she was ready to clobber me. To this day I don't know why I was struck funny by the whole thing. She passed away almost a year ago, and although I still miss her tremendously, this is a happy memory I have of her.

    The closest thing I have to a ghost story is the day my grandmother passed away. She was in hospice care and not responsive for a couple of days before she died. One night I dreamed that she came to me and very clearly said, "I haven't had anything to eat or drink for a few days, but I'm all right now." And the next thing I remember after that was the phone ringing - my sister calling to let me know the hospice had called and my grandmother had died in her sleep during the night. I can't explain it, but I remember it well. I can even tell you that she was wearing a lavender sweater in the dream.
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    these are all great! I love reading them...

    a friend of mine was telling me about when she was younger, her and a couple other frineds stayed the night with another friend. It was really late at night and her friends parents came in drunk. A little while later, the all saw this naked woman pass by the living room door and through the hallway towards the friends room. She told me that she could see everything but the face. They figured it was her mom and they went to see what she was doing. There was no sign of her when they walked into the bedroom. The only thing they saw was wet footsteps leading to the closet and when they went to her parents room, there was the mom laying in bed fully clothed with their two rotties laying ontop of her.

    needless to stay, when she told me this story, it had me completely freaked out! lol!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Quote Originally Posted by cassiesmom View Post
    The closest thing I have to a ghost story is the day my grandmother passed away. She was in hospice care and not responsive for a couple of days before she died. One night I dreamed that she came to me and very clearly said, "I haven't had anything to eat or drink for a few days, but I'm all right now." And the next thing I remember after that was the phone ringing - my sister calling to let me know the hospice had called and my grandmother had died in her sleep during the night. I can't explain it, but I remember it well. I can even tell you that she was wearing a lavender sweater in the dream.
    Exact same thing happened to me with my grandfather. He passed away last July, and the next night, I dreamed of him. It was just him, in a suit and tie, and he was just adjusting his tie and he was smiling at me. He was getting ready to meet his love, which was my grandmother, who passed away in 99'. He kind of, gave me this sense of feeling that everything was okay, and he is going to be okay and he's happy again. The next day was his wake, and I remembered one specific thing - he was wearing the exact same suit and tie that he had on at the wake/for eternal. I believe he was just wanting to let me know it was going to be alright, I was having a really, really tough time about losing him. I was very close with him and I still miss him tremendously, but I just have this peaceful feeling that he is with her now and it's a good feeling... not much of a ghost story either but true experience!
    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful man that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

  8. #8
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    Oct 2006
    I don't know if you would consider this a ghost story or not, but when my nephew was about 2 years old he use to act strange. It only happened 2-3 times when I was there though, but my brother told me several times about it happening. It was usually late at night-but he would be playing w/ his toys or sitting on the couch or watching tv and all of a sudden he would start crying looking up towards the ceiling saying 'hold me, hold me, hold me' and he would walk around w/ his arms stretched up towards the ceiling saying this over and over. Finally he would settle down and forget about it, but my brother and I always talked about it saying how it was kinda we wondered what did he think he saw/or what did he actually see, ya know?!
    *Some people come into your life and quickly go, but some leave footprints on your heart and you are never the same*
    *We only fall so we can learn to pick ourselves back up*
    *Life is not measured by the amount of breaths we take but by those that take our breath away*
    *Life is made of millions of moments, but we live only one of these at a time. As we begin to change this moment we begin to change our lives*

  9. #9

    Is my house haunted?

    First off, the past couple of nights ive been laying in bed while everyone is asleep and a little girl would be humming at the end of my bed. I would always cover myself with blankets and pretend i never heard it. Anothter thing that happened was that in the middle of the night (usually around 12:00) in our main hallway i would here footsteps and one time i saw a shadow. We also put windchimes in our house for any paranormal activity. So i was making my dogs dinner when a cup flew of the counter and to the wall. Usually by the force of gravity the cup would fall right down to the ground. As soon as the cup fell our windchimes starting moving now there was no fan on, no air condintioning, no windows open. This was in a cold season. So of course by natural reaction i ran outside. Another thing that happenned was that i was in my atic trying to find something i began to hear what sounded like kids talking and laughing. One of the wind up toys started going off by itself and in the dark area of the atic a what figure went right across the wall then disappeared. So these are a couple of my experiences but trust me i have more.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Quote Originally Posted by ghost19 View Post
    First off, the past couple of nights ive been laying in bed while everyone is asleep and a little girl would be humming at the end of my bed. I would always cover myself with blankets and pretend i never heard it. Anothter thing that happened was that in the middle of the night (usually around 12:00) in our main hallway i would here footsteps and one time i saw a shadow. We also put windchimes in our house for any paranormal activity. So i was making my dogs dinner when a cup flew of the counter and to the wall. Usually by the force of gravity the cup would fall right down to the ground. As soon as the cup fell our windchimes starting moving now there was no fan on, no air condintioning, no windows open. This was in a cold season. So of course by natural reaction i ran outside. Another thing that happenned was that i was in my atic trying to find something i began to hear what sounded like kids talking and laughing. One of the wind up toys started going off by itself and in the dark area of the atic a what figure went right across the wall then disappeared. So these are a couple of my experiences but trust me i have more.
    Sounds like your house is haunted, but not in a "bad" situation, as I see on tv shows!! Must be young kids.. wow.
    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful man that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

  11. #11
    well mine isn't overly exciting but freaked us out none the less lol

    It started one night my sister, her boyfriend and I were int he basement watching a movie. My sister had a pop can sitting on the table and you know sometimes when air gets trapped underneath it will shift as the air comes out. well this one went from one end of the table to the other end and stopped just short of the end. we all looked at each other to see if anyone else saw what we just saw lol.

    then another time my sister and I were sitting downstairs and she has all these musical snow globes that she collected. w ell they all started playign at once

    a little while after that my sisters b/f and I were downstairs playing video games. we were the only two home. he worked evenings and i was home sick from school. well we heard all this running around upstairs. We thought maybe my little brother had gotten off school early and came by the house (he lived with his mom just down the street so it was not unusual for him to pop in) so my sisters b/f went upstairs to tell him to stop running around and no one was there. he hadn't come by the house, no one else had come home.

    I talked to a friend (an older lady) who has some "abilities" and while she had NEVER been to my house or seen pictures she described my basement to a tee including where the furniture was and the the mirror at the end of the hallway in the laundry room and such. so I told her what had been happening and she said it was a young man looked to be around civil war type era and some other stuff but i can't remember the specifics anymore. she told me how I could go about getting him to reveal himself (had something to do with the mirror at the end of the hallway and using certain scents and stuff) but I was too scared to try lol.

    Then I moved out of that house and in with my mom in another city after some big fallings out with my sister. and for the first couple of weeks that I was there similar things were happening. it was christmas time and my mom had all these motion sensor santas and some you p ushed a button and they would sing or move. well they all went off at one time. this was only the first or second day after I had moved in with her.

    A few days later we were organizing things in the basement and books started randomly falling off the bookshelf every few seconds.

    The last act was a disappearing act. It was only a few days before Christmas and my mom could NOT find this shirt she bought for my brother in law. it was a bright blue XXXL shirt. not hard to miss. it had been sitting on the bed in the spare room. no one had been there. we opened ALL the gifts to see if we might have accidently wrapped it with something else. nope. and we never found it. even w hen we moved out we NEVER found the t shirt and I never heard from my little ghost friend again

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Ramon,CA
    Well both my stories are ghost stories but not scarey
    I was nine and asleep. I've always been a very light sleeper. I used to always sleep on my tummy. The hall light was on so it was fairly well lit in the bedroom I shared with my sister. My parents were still up so it must have been fairly early. I woke up when I felt a cold hand on the small my back and I assumed it was my mom. I looked at the foot of the bed and saw a woman in white and she had wings like an angel. I then surmised it was my guardian angel. I asked her name and she told me Minna. I went back to sleep.
    The next day I told my mom that my guardian angel's name was Minna. She looked shocked. Such an unusual name. I'd never heard it before.
    Turns out her mom, who died when she was three had a nickname....Minna. I'd never been told that..just that her name was Monica like my mom.
    I'll save the other one for tomorrow.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Neat thread!

    Oh, there are countless ghost stories in my family.

    A few have happened to me, but the most prominent one I remember is....
    The night before Frisk (my RB dog) passed away the cord you pull to turn the lap on kept swinging around and hitting the side of the lamp. It was making a clinging sound (metal on metal), but it didn't bother me for some reason. I always want to think it was my dad coming for Frisk.
    Frisk died on what would have been my dad's birthday.

    When I was younger and I would see things my dad told me the story of how we have a family ghost that always goes with the youngest child when they move out of the house. My dad was the youngest of his siblings, and I am the youngest, too. I suspected it was just a story to calm me down, but from talking to other family members it might not be made-up.
    Who knows..
    The Minions:
    {The Dog: Towser & Raiden} {The Cats: Khaith, Martha, Adelaide, Snowball, & Floki} {The Bird: Gir}

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