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Thread: Collies or German Sheperds?

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  1. #1

    Collies or German Sheperds?

    I'm considering getting either a Collie or a German Sheperd.

    I've owned both before - 2 collies, a sable girl named Tasha and a tri male named Zire; and 2 Germans, a girl named Reina and a German-Lab mix named King.

    Thing is, it's beign a while - I grew up with these dogs - so, I'm hoping some of you who've had more recent experience with them can help me out.

    We live in the suburbs, and have a fenced-in yard. Also, we'd be doing two long walks a day (morning and evening). Grooming won't be a problem (collie), I actually love doing it and totally regret the fact that my cat won't allow it !! And of course, the doggie would be with us in the evenings and go to training classes, from puppy kindergarten onwards ...

    Problem is, he has to get along with (and be completely trustworhty around) our cat,a Himmy-Ragdoll, and our other dog, a Pekingese. The other issue is, in about a year and a half, I'll probably be moving into an apartment, with just my cat and this dog (no Pekingese), the most important thing is, which of these two breeds would best adapt to this change? Which one would be happy with no yard, and only two 20-minute walks per day instead, plus some extra romping on weekends?

    Or, do you think neither of these breeds would be happy this way?

    Please, I need feedback !! Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I love these two breeds, but I want my future buddy to be happy, so if that wouldn't be the case...then I'll look into something else

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Loudon, Tennessee USA
    Here's a soultion to your problem. Get both! My mother has raised collie-german shepard mixes for years! They are the best of both worlds. Collies are great with cats, but most German shepards have a strong prey instinct and usually don't like cats BUT.... if you get the dog as a puppy and raise it with the cat they should be fine together. The pikenese is a problem though. Them little buggers usually hate other dogs, especially males, and they don't care how much bigger the other dog is! My nieghbors pikenese got loose one day and was standing at the end of my Boxer's chain barking ferocoiusly. Lucky for him my boxer's a big baby and couldn't hurt anything if he wanted to. I hope this helps you out a little!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    west mifflin pa
    My parents always had GSDs and cats without problems I also have a GSD that lives with cats and a teeny dog with no problem.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Clinton, TN, USA
    Well I love both breeds but, I'm more of a collie person. Why don't you get a collie and a german shephard. But if you only wan't one dog than get a cross. My friend has a collie german shephard cross named Max. He is so cute and sweet.

  5. #5
    Originally posted by summerskkye:
    I'm considering getting either a Collie or a German Sheperd.

    I've owned both before - 2 collies, a sable girl named Tasha and a tri male named Zire; and 2 Germans, a girl named Reina and a German-Lab mix named King.

    Thing is, it's beign a while - I grew up with these dogs - so, I'm hoping some of you who've had more recent experience with them can help me out.

    We live in the suburbs, and have a fenced-in yard. Also, we'd be doing two long walks a day (morning and evening). Grooming won't be a problem (collie), I actually love doing it and totally regret the fact that my cat won't allow it !! And of course, the doggie would be with us in the evenings and go to training classes, from puppy kindergarten onwards ...

    Problem is, he has to get along with (and be completely trustworhty around) our cat,a Himmy-Ragdoll, and our other dog, a Pekingese. The other issue is, in about a year and a half, I'll probably be moving into an apartment, with just my cat and this dog (no Pekingese), the most important thing is, which of these two breeds would best adapt to this change? Which one would be happy with no yard, and only two 20-minute walks per day instead, plus some extra romping on weekends?

    Or, do you think neither of these breeds would be happy this way?

    Please, I need feedback !! Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I love these two breeds, but I want my future buddy to be happy, so if that wouldn't be the case...then I'll look into something else
    GSD RULZZZ!! They are calm and they protect you and get along with other animals very well. I have 2 of them my self 1 male named Ranger (blk/tan 3 years) and a female named Roxie (bi-colored 5 months)!! and I love them to death

  6. #6
    Originally posted by summerskkye:
    I'm considering getting either a Collie or a German Sheperd.

    I've owned both before - 2 collies, a sable girl named Tasha and a tri male named Zire; and 2 Germans, a girl named Reina and a German-Lab mix named King.

    Thing is, it's beign a while - I grew up with these dogs - so, I'm hoping some of you who've had more recent experience with them can help me out.

    We live in the suburbs, and have a fenced-in yard. Also, we'd be doing two long walks a day (morning and evening). Grooming won't be a problem (collie), I actually love doing it and totally regret the fact that my cat won't allow it !! And of course, the doggie would be with us in the evenings and go to training classes, from puppy kindergarten onwards ...

    Problem is, he has to get along with (and be completely trustworhty around) our cat,a Himmy-Ragdoll, and our other dog, a Pekingese. The other issue is, in about a year and a half, I'll probably be moving into an apartment, with just my cat and this dog (no Pekingese), the most important thing is, which of these two breeds would best adapt to this change? Which one would be happy with no yard, and only two 20-minute walks per day instead, plus some extra romping on weekends?

    Or, do you think neither of these breeds would be happy this way?

    Please, I need feedback !! Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I love these two breeds, but I want my future buddy to be happy, so if that wouldn't be the case...then I'll look into something else
    GSD RULZZZ!! They are calm and they protect you and get along with other animals very well. I have 2 of them my self 1 male named Ranger (blk/tan 3 years) and a female named Roxie (bi-colored 5 months)!! and I love them to death

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    southgate mi. usa
    Definetly GERMAN SHEPARDS!!!!!! I had one for 2 weeks but we had to get rid of her. Her name was Jindia. I loved her so much. She was a great watch dog that is why I like GERMAN SPEPARDS more than I like SHELTIES.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    southgate mi. usa
    Definetly GERMAN SHEPARDS!!!!!! I had one for 2 weeks but we had to get rid of her. Her name was Jindia. I loved her so much. She was a great watch dog that is why I like GERMAN SPEPARDS more than I like SHELTIES.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    Both breeds would find mixing with your Pekenise no problem if handled correctly, and the same goes for any Peke. However both breeds would find it traumatic to suddenly leave an established home, companion and routine after a year. Collies are notorious for their need to stimulate their minds (not a negative point, just being a real dog!) and if left to their own devices after having company all day will find a way to alleviate the boredom. Be warned it will be an activity that is stimulating and enjoyable, for the dog, not you! Many people don't realise that the GSD can be taught to be almost anything, but nature plays a part too. The most carefully bred litter of GSD's, meant for instance for police work, will almost always throw a very submissive, a sound shy or a nervous pup. If a good sound dog is thrown they are relatively slow to mature and a sensitive dog can be ruined by inappropiate handling. They are intelligent animals.
    To minimise any problems the best answer has to be to spend the next year researching the breeds and wait until your housing situation is decided before getting a new dog. New start, new house, new dog you can enjoy properly!?
    One more thing to take into consideration, about ten or so years ago the kennel club of Great Britain were lobbied, and considered (but not too hard!!!!), breaking the Border Collie breed into three distinct breeds ; working collie, pet collie and show collie. This must tell you something about the vast range of genetic difference in temperament within the breed. I see the same difference in any working breed including GSDs, check the parents out!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    I vote for the GSD. As long as he is with you, and you pay attention to him, he will be happy. If you exercise him enough, and let him have the run of the apartment during the day, he will be fine. I don't know about cats, though. My GSDs don't like them.

  11. #11
    get a german shepperd as they are very intelligent and learn quickly you can get the dog to adjust to thing quicker then the bouny outgoing collie.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    i think it would depend on the size of the app.if its small then don't get any dog thats as big as a gs!!! i wouldn't get either even though i love both of 'em bigs dogs like that need to be exersezed more then 20mins a day!!! i should know my mom used to live in a app.a dn we had a big dog. guess what 4 monthes later we didn't live there any more!! get a small dog. (if you do want one really badly though get the german sheperd!!!lol)

    tucker u tought me how to ride and how to be gental on your rains i will always thank you for that and i will rejoice when we meet again

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Brevard, NC, United States
    A German Shepherd is definetly better than a collie--they're more protective, intelligent, faster, and bigger!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    w mids,UK
    i thout that Carrie was talking a lot of sence but she is writing about Border collies. These are a different although similar breed. You're talking about a true collie or lassie dog.

    Anyways the answer is: if you want a loyal good looking pet that eveyone will make a fuss of, go for a collie. They are not greedy like labs, jumpy like spaniels or agressive like GSDs.

    They don't need constant brushing like everyone thinks. although behind the ears can get a bit matted.

    They do make good watchdogs but can have a tendancy to bark.

    They hve stamina as well as pace; so consequetly need a ocassional run off the lead.

    As puppies thay are very imature and take longer to grow up compared to other breeds.

    Some reutable breaders and authors claim they have a sixth sence. I do not fully agree with this. However you can easilly tell exactly what mood your collie is in by her body language. Also she appears to anticipate your movements and can second guess your actions.

    Collies can be terrified of invisible things that block their way. Wheter it's a strange smell or shadow - who knows!!??? I always have to have ground floor room in a hotel as my dog often refuses to climb strange stairs. This is despite the fact that she happily climbs a mountain better than any mountain goat. It is embarrasing to ask for a disabled room whilst going on a hiking holiday.

    GSDs - fantastic dogs but not so good looking as collies.

    Boarder collies are far easier to train but need more mental challanges.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    w mids,UK
    i thout that Carrie was talking a lot of sence but she is writing about Border collies. These are a different although similar breed. You're talking about a true collie or lassie dog.

    Anyways the answer is: if you want a loyal good looking pet that eveyone will make a fuss of, go for a collie. They are not greedy like labs, jumpy like spaniels or agressive like GSDs.

    They don't need constant brushing like everyone thinks. although behind the ears can get a bit matted.

    They do make good watchdogs but can have a tendancy to bark.

    They hve stamina as well as pace; so consequetly need a ocassional run off the lead.

    As puppies thay are very imature and take longer to grow up compared to other breeds.

    Some reutable breaders and authors claim they have a sixth sence. I do not fully agree with this. However you can easilly tell exactly what mood your collie is in by her body language. Also she appears to anticipate your movements and can second guess your actions.

    Collies can be terrified of invisible things that block their way. Wheter it's a strange smell or shadow - who knows!!??? I always have to have ground floor room in a hotel as my dog often refuses to climb strange stairs. This is despite the fact that she happily climbs a mountain better than any mountain goat. It is embarrasing to ask for a disabled room whilst going on a hiking holiday.

    GSDs - fantastic dogs but not so good looking as collies.

    Boarder collies are far easier to train but need more mental challanges.

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