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Thread: Training with Love

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    Training with Love

    Raising a 'Loved Dog'
    Dog Trainer and Author Tamar Geller Believes in Empowering Your Pet

    June 27, 2007

    A dog, as the saying goes, is man's best friend.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't always seem that way. Terrorized neighbors, chewed-up furniture and constant, ear-splitting barking -- these are just some of the potential joys of dog ownership. And according to many people who have shared their stories on, these problems are not uncommon. Dogs that don't obey commands, fight with fellow dogs, and nip at kids drove readers to send in video and e-mails pleading for help getting their animals under control.

    They wrote in to elicit advice from a dog trainer who's been making a splash in Hollywood, Tamar Geller, dog trainer to the stars and author of "The Loved Dog." (Click here to read an excerpt of the book.) Geller believes that the key to a perfect dog lies not in dominance but in creating a loving environment where the dog wants to obey. "I don't believe in anyone who is in a relationship with anybody, whether it's a dog, whether it's a child, anybody, that submission needs to be a part of it," she explains. "I actually believe in the opposite. I believe in happiness, in joy, in empowerment."

    Earlier this month, "20/20" put Geller to the test and introduced her to John Stossel and his dog, Luca. Although Luca is usually well-behaved, he doesn't come when called and Stossel, who lives on a heavily trafficked street and walks Luca in a bustling public park, is worried for his safety.

    Dogs Don't Care If You're Famous

    Geller recommended that Stossel take Luca indoors, away from distractions, and play hide and seek with him -- calling his name from a different part of the house and rewarding him with a treat. The point, she says, is to play the game repeatedly until Luca automatically associates his name being called with something good. The technique is typical of Geller's overall training method: Make learning fun. But does it work?

    A long list of celebrities seems to think so. Geller has trained Oprah Winfrey's puppies and helped out Ben Affleck, Steve Martin and Courtney Cox-Arquette with their dogs. She's even worked with the Osbournes. Explaining her popularity in Hollywood, Geller says that a little discretion doesn't hurt. "You want to know somebody who doesn't judge you, somebody who is not going to go and tell the tabloids about you," she says of her clients. "I couldn't care less how famous they are because their dog couldn't care less."

    Speaking Their Language

    But Geller hasn't always cavorted with the stars. She traces the roots of her loved dog philosophy back to her childhood in Israel. Growing up in what she describes as an abusive home, Geller developed an aversion to forceful teaching early on in life. She escaped home by joining the Israeli air force, where she was horrified by the techniques being used to train dogs in the military canine units. "I saw, basically, the army train the way a lot of people train in the United States," she says. "By choke chain, and force, and breaking the spirit."

    This traditional form of dog training -- mastery by dominance, where an animal owner uses force to assert him or herself as the alpha member -- seemed all wrong to Geller. But it wasn't until she spent several months at a nature center in the Israeli desert, observing wolves in the wild, that she realized training dogs was her life's calling.

    "I would sit and observe them, and I realized there was none of that nonsense of breaking the spirit involved. As a matter of fact, they really interacted and set their pecking order by games," she explains. "I would take [the games] to my home, try it on my dogs, and my dogs looked at me and they were like, 'Finally! Finally someone who speaks my language.'"

    Love, Not Force

    It's that ability to engage dogs, star client Nicolette Sheridan says, that sets Geller apart as a trainer. "The consistent thing about Tamar's training is that it's always been about love," Sheridan explains. "You come up with what it is that you'd like [your dog] to learn, and if you make it fun they're going to learn it and love to do it for you because they want to please you."

    So if Tamar Geller has her way, your dog will be your best friend, but only if you return the favor.

    Copyright © 2007 ABCNews Internet Ventures

    Let nature guide your actions and you will never have to worry if you did the right thing. ~ crow_noir

    The pet world excels where the human world is lacking; sterilization and adoption. ~ crow_noir

    Please, if your dog is arthritic look into getting it Elk Velvet Antler. Look up my posts on it, PM me, or look it up on a search engine; but please if you love your dog and want it to live many more years consider this option. I've seen so many posts on here about dogs needlessly suffering. I can't make a new post about EVA every time so this plea is going here. EVA also helps with other ailments such as anemia.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bexhill, UK
    There is a lot of sense in this - my two always seem better behaved when I am pleased with them
    Give £1 for a poundie

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Dogs behave better when they are loved. So she is right. More people have to start giving up beating their dogs and actually give them some love!
    Thank you so much for my siggy, kittycats_delight!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Austria, Europe

    Training with love

    This is a very interesting text and i agree with it so far, that i also believe a training with fun, love and patience helps the dog to understand what i want much better. Every violent, forceful method frightens the dog and that is not my way of working with dogs. But this does not mean that i can not show my dog who is the one that makes the rules, the decisions. All that can be done with love, understanding and patience. And when it is done this way, i am totally convinced that my dog will lead a happier life with me than with a person who beats her/him. The fact that dogs need rules in our human civilized world does not include the necessity of beating or worse things. I really hope that more and more people come to realise how important it is to treat our pets with love and understanding.
    All the best and nice greetings from Vienna,
    Since every animal is unique, they deserve particular attention. (Linked)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Southern California
    I agree with the philosophy and enjoy training this way. I have the book, 'The Loved Dog, and it's clear and easy to read. Costco carries it at a good price. happy training!
    Jan and 7 yo collie Bailey, CGC,TDIAOV

    How to Love Your Dog

    Therapy Dogs.Net

    Bailey at Dog of the Day
    Cody at Dog of the Day

  6. #6

    AllicksBlindPup is bell trained

    and when she hears that bell ringing, she leaps into the air in delight. She knows walkies and park are the day's activities.
    She knows when she hears the bell and comes, that she gets the ONE thing she desires more than anything. Cuddles, whispers, sing-song.
    She is also verbal trained, but when she was quite young, I would attach the bell to my pant leg or to the NanaDog, because Allicks would get lost in the house and howl. She could follow the sound of the bell quite easily, and teaching her the come command with the bell was so easy, like takin biscuits from a pup. She LOVES the bell. It is quality time with me, away from all those crazy deafblind dogs!
    All the dogs love love. And it is so easy to please them, isn't it? A soft word, a song with their name every other word, a whisper just for their ears.
    My pups are all treat trained, being deaf or blind or both, there are many inhibitions to traditional training.

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