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Thread: Ashanty's Eyes!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    San Diego, CA

    Ashanty's Eyes!

    Wow - what intense eyes - and what a beautiful being! It is so hard to do the right thing and help them go - I admire you for your humanity and deeply understand your heartbreak. Those eyes, though - what a marvelous memory they must bring! Peace
    Spencer's Mom

    Grasshopper Shadowcat Magicat
    August 14, 1986 - June 15 2004
    Thank you so much for the siggies, PCB & Kfamr

    * * I've Been Frosted * *

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Blog Entries


    What a beautiful cat of the day! Sounds like she had the best life and was well loved

  3. #3


    How fortunate for you that this beautiful creature came into your lives making all of you so happy for so long. No doubt, she knew how much you loved her. May she rest gently in your hearts.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Ashanty is stunning! What a wonderful family member she was - talking, playing, always with you. You two were HERS, no doubt about it!

    I hope the memories of shared love and joy will help heal your broken hearts.

    Play happy at the bridge, Ashanty - purr in your humans' ear tonight to let them know you are all right.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Dearest Ashanty Angel, what a beautiful girl you are, and what stunning eyes you have indeed, in such a sweet face! And your fur is gorgeous in those classic Bengal patterns, and it looks so soft, I wish I could reach, well, all the way to the Rainbow Bridge to pet you and give you some chin-skritches! (Since I can't, I hope some of our other Angel friends will deliver you some for me.)

    You had a wonderful life with your family, who still love you dearly and always will. They are enjoying their precious memories of what a delight you were to live with, how playful and talkative you were and how full of affection for them. You were a great companion for them, always with them, on a lap or in their bed or just next to them. They miss and grieve you very much but let you go to the Bridge with the greatest of love when the time came. What a wonderful love-filled home you all shared!

    Congratulations, darling Ashanty, on being selected today's Cat of the Day! We hope your family is celebrating with you as all the Angels rejoice. Please send your people some purrs to their hearts so they know you are well and love them and are with them always.

    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  6. #6
    You were a beauty Ashanty!!! I hope being COTD makes today special for your humans.
    Forever in my heart...

  7. #7
    Thank you very much for your nice and touchy words !
    Quote Originally Posted by phesina View Post
    Dearest Ashanty Angel, what a beautiful girl you are, and what stunning eyes you have indeed, in such a sweet face! And your fur is gorgeous in those classic Bengal patterns, and it looks so soft, I wish I could reach, well, all the way to the Rainbow Bridge to pet you and give you some chin-skritches! (Since I can't, I hope some of our other Angel friends will deliver you some for me.)

    You had a wonderful life with your family, who still love you dearly and always will. They are enjoying their precious memories of what a delight you were to live with, how playful and talkative you were and how full of affection for them. You were a great companion for them, always with them, on a lap or in their bed or just next to them. They miss and grieve you very much but let you go to the Bridge with the greatest of love when the time came. What a wonderful love-filled home you all shared!

    Congratulations, darling Ashanty, on being selected today's Cat of the Day! We hope your family is celebrating with you as all the Angels rejoice. Please send your people some purrs to their hearts so they know you are well and love them and are with them always.

  8. #8

    Thank you

    Thank you very much, Ashanty's eyes are indeed unforgettable. th
    Quote Originally Posted by kohala View Post
    Wow - what intense eyes - and what a beautiful being! It is so hard to do the right thing and help them go - I admire you for your humanity and deeply understand your heartbreak. Those eyes, though - what a marvelous memory they must bring! Peace
    Than you very much
    Quote Originally Posted by mon View Post
    What a beautiful cat of the day! Sounds like she had the best life and was well loved
    Thank you.
    Quote Originally Posted by SashaBean View Post
    How fortunate for you that this beautiful creature came into your lives making all of you so happy for so long. No doubt, she knew how much you loved her. May she rest gently in your hearts.
    Thank you, indeed we enjoyed every minute we spent with her.
    Quote Originally Posted by Catty1 View Post
    Ashanty is stunning! What a wonderful family member she was - talking, playing, always with you. You two were HERS, no doubt about it!

    I hope the memories of shared love and joy will help heal your broken hearts.

    Play happy at the bridge, Ashanty - purr in your humans' ear tonight to let them know you are all right.


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