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Thread: oh please, stop the barking!! help me!!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    CA, USA

    oh please, stop the barking!! help me!!

    Ok, i have a 6 month old dog who is half cocker spaniel, half golden retriever and i luv him to pieces. The only problme is, he seems to sleep all day cuz he stays up at night and just barks. Its hard for me to get him to stop and he seems to be barking at nothing in particular. What can i do to get him to quit baqrking so much??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    New York, NY
    My dog used to do it to...barking at nothing in particular, especially at night. Why don't u try using the dog muzzle? It will hold him down for a while, BUT REMEMBER DON'T LEAVE HIM IN IT FOR A LONG TIME, take it off after a little while. My dog always simmer down whenever I show her the was like associating the muzzle to silence. For me it works. Hope that it works for u too. Good Luck!!! =)


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    New York, NY
    My dog used to do it to...barking at nothing in particular, especially at night. Why don't u try using the dog muzzle? It will hold him down for a while, BUT REMEMBER DON'T LEAVE HIM IN IT FOR A LONG TIME, take it off after a little while. My dog always simmer down whenever I show her the was like associating the muzzle to silence. For me it works. Hope that it works for u too. Good Luck!!! =)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    The muzzle sounds like a good idea! I have forwarded this to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law. They have a dog named Jetta. My brother-in-law has nicknamed her Barketta because of her problem!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Livingston,Mt. USA
    I have several minpins & two puppies that started barking when I bring them in at night.Weather for attention or what I do not know but I started to use a spray bottle with water.It works sometimes,but if the older dogs see it they head for the high country.Never thought of using a muzzle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Where is your dog at night? In the house or outside? Maybe he is barking because he is frightened or feels he has to scare away unseen things in the night. I would suggest you have him sleep in the same room as you. Our dogs sleep on or near the bed. Once in awhile Hannah will get up and run to the front window to bark at some noise in the night. I bring her back and shut the bedroom door. She settles down with no problem.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Is there anyway to keep your sweetie a bit more occupied during the day so that it's pooped out at night? There was always someone home when we got Cody and altho they never spent hours playing with him, just following them around and playing with his toys helped a lot. Then when I got home I took him on long walks and practiced his training. He's had the run of the house since he was a few months old (easy housebreaking) but slept on his pillow-either my room or his foyer corner, Even today, lights out is lights out and even today unless he really has to go out (I can tell) any annoyance stops with the sight of a muzzle or baby gate. In fact, he nudges me to get to bed cause he's tired!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    Please don't use a muzzle to stop barking!
    Dogs that have been "trained" in this way are showing avoidance to the muzzle, not a desire to stop their barking! You are gaining nothing, treating the symptom but not the disease!
    Your puppy is bored!
    He has established a pattern that is unnatural and must be broken. Your puppy needs stimulation, training and excersise to the point of exhaustion on a daily basis. Put him to bed at night a happy, tired and well fed pup and your problems will disappear.
    Even if you can't be with him until after work free running then some training work and then a game of fetch and some more free running is all that is needed. Your puppy will be mentally and physically tired and will have had the attention it is craving. It will be able to sleep and any calls for attention during the night should then be dealt with in a no nonsense manner. It is not allowed, end of discussion!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Connecticut, USA
    I have never had this problem but I know people who have used the barking collar. there are several types. there is the shocking one. it gives your dog a little shock each time it barks. There is the citranela one. That one sprays each time it barks. there is the one that makes a sound(beep) each time your dogs bark.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Connecticut, USA
    I have never had this problem but I know people who have used the barking collar. there are several types. there is the shocking one. it gives your dog a little shock each time it barks. There is the citranela one. That one sprays each time it barks. there is the one that makes a sound(beep) each time your dogs bark.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    Hi again,
    Again, I beg you - don't treat the barking- your dog is telling you he is bored. Give him a full and interesting life or give him to someone who can. The barking is not the problem here!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    I don't usually voice my opinion, but I feel that I have to now. PLEASE don't use a muzzle or a barking collar. This is cruel. Your dog needs stimulation when you get home from work. By barking at night, he's trying to tell you something. Bring him to the park for a run, play in your backyard, even car rides. Anything!!!

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