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Thread: Wolf Hybrid

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Cincinatti ohio.

    Wolf Hybrid

    I'm Wondering Who here Has (a) wolf hybrid(s)
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    Thank you for the Awesome Signature, wolfsoul!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Proud living in ICELAND
    is his pic? I canīt see

    Liga(me),Carreras(gordon setter),Simba(the cat),Felix(bun),Aisha & Nila(ratties),Ellie(guinea piggy)

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thank you for the Awesome Signature, wolfsoul!


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Northern Colorado
    The only person I know of with a wolf hybrid is Souraya/"DoggiesAreTheBest."

    Here are some pretty recent pics of her dog, Drake, a wolf/GSD mix:

    Many thanks to Roxyluvsme13 & k9krazee for my great new siggy!!
    *click* Kirk's Recovery Thread *click*

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Evergreen State, WASHINGTON
    My friend Erin has several Wolves. But her's are Wolves, they are not mixed with dogs. They have to have zoo fencing to keep them. These pic's are about 8 yrs old, a little older 8 1/2.

    Money will buy a pretty good dog but it won't buy the wag of his tail. - Josh Billings

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Cincinatti ohio.
    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I'm so jealus... Btw... I could pretty much say my dog is 100 Percent wolf. Not all together timber wolf.. But his dad was 100% German Shepherd and he was Bred off of 2 wolves, Timber Wolf, And i forgot the other ... Anyway... Tell her, That her wolves are sooo Beautiful and i dream every night of getting to meet a real wolf pack :-) I live in cincinatti, I'm gonna goto the Columbus zoo sometime soon to see the wolves..... ERRR they are soooo beautiful.... Huskies i love them aswell, And malamutes, They look alot like wolves...

    BUCKEY IS TURNING A YEAR OLD ON THE 19TH OF SEPTEMBER YAYYY! I will get pics of him on his Birthday And of course some of jefe, Hes our GSD pure breed.. hes beautiful also. hes about 8 yrs. old... :-)

    Bahaha... Sorry... i'm really hyper today.. Started my day off with 5 shots of Espresso WEW =D

    I Made this thread in the first place so i could check out the other Wolf Hybrids/Wolves on the website... Like... Drake...


    Thank you for the Awesome Signature, wolfsoul!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North East Ohio
    Oh I LOVE wolves also!!
    I love it becuse when I take Sierra out, little kids always ask me if she's a wolf!!!

    I went to the Cleveland Zoo last weekend, and the wolf thing was closed because they are remodeling!!! I saw where they were holding them, and I snuck over the split rail fence and was looking at them!!!
    ~Angie, Sierra & Buddy
    **Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!**

    I suffer from multiple Shepherd syndrome

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Montana USA
    Tomkatid, soon in Arlington you'll have a place to go and film wolves and wild preditors. Wild eyes is moving from here to the old Lama farm there by Smoky point. They have a lot of bears wolves and things . They cater to wild life photographers they are a tad expencive though .

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upper penninsula Michigan
    If you all want to see wolves, then you should come up near where I live. I live in the upper penninsula of Michigan (the part that's not actually attached to the rest of Michigan, but to Northern Wisconsin). Whenever we go to Minnesota, we drive through an area with lots and lots of wolves. About a month ago, on the way to International Falls, MN, we saw 4 different wolves, several miles apart. On the way home, we saw 3. The wolf population in that area of Wisconsin has actually reached its limit, and wolves are spreading as far South as Door County, Wisconsin.

    The place where I've seen the most wolves is surrounding Ashland, Wisconsin. The people there see wolves so often that to them it's no big deal at all - the wolves are actually nuisances. I've heard lots of stories. One guy has a wolf pack that runs through his yard every morning in winter - leaving a deep track in the snow. The people there are actually quite upset about them, as they have killed many pets. The story is that they tend to lure dogs off and kill them.

    The locals up here don't like wolves much - they say they're "mean" because they start eating the little fawns without killing them first, and the fawns scream quite loudly.

    Anyways - if you ever get a chance to vacation up here, there are lots of campgrounds. We heard wolves howling while we were camping not too long ago. Also, I rent a house in a town where I work frequently and I've heard wolves howling at night there. The locals verified that there are actually wolves around, so I wasn't imagining it.

    Thanks for the siggy, Lexi_Lover!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Indianapolis, IN
    stacwase, that is wonderful that wolf populations are returning in your area. I have heard that too. It's sad that people are so uneducated when it comes to wolves. They are shy and I am surprised that you have seen them. What a blessing

    Wolves are more scared of humans than the other way around! I'm surprised that they would resort to eating, killing pets because wolves do not tend to like non-natural diet (ungulates, rats, mice, rabbits, grains). Unless there is not enough of their wild prey available, they will resort to pets and domisticated livestock. Coyotes tend to be a little more open to human contact because they have had to learn to survive in the overpopulation of people into their natural habitat.
    When I was in college, I worked at Wolf Park in Indiana. It was so wonderful and I really learned a lot. There are lots of pictures there of the wolves if anyone is interested in seeing them.
    I also have tons of pictures of them from my years there.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    The Evergreen State, WASHINGTON
    Erin used to live in the city of Seattle. A neighbors dog was found dead. They took Erin's 2 wolves and kept them for 8 months at the Animal control, waiting for the court date. The people said the wolves killed their dogs and that some city employees saw it happen. After being locked up for 8 long months these dogs were off the hook and allowed to return home. An autopsy of the dead dog showed he was killed with a shovel or something like that, blunt force to the head. Maybe the city workers??? They city made a new law, no wolves in the city. Then Erin moved 60 miles from town and still has to have zoo fencing for these wolves. They now have 8. Every day one gets to come in their house for the night. These guys are so tall they can just eat off the counter. It was so strange for me to hear them, they don't bark, they howl. They just look like big dogs though. The black one in the way back, Phantom, was scared of us and never came close. It was sort of scary to be with them at first just because you knew they weren't dogs. But Baby made us feel better. She kept trying to get the strings off our coats or a scarf one of the other girls had in her pocket. Most of them are 100% wolf, but I think 2 are 99%. Not really sure what difference 1% makes though.

    Money will buy a pretty good dog but it won't buy the wag of his tail. - Josh Billings

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upper penninsula Michigan
    wolflady, I have also always heard that wolves were very shy. Maybe the ones in the Ashland area are more bold than others, but from what I hear they aren't that shy. They would never let anybody approach them, and as far as I know they've never approached people, but they run right through rural yards and are seen quite frequently near the highways. I don't know if the tales about them luring dogs away are true, though - I was just relaying the locals' attitudes toward them. I even stopped by a nearby DNR office to ask about them and they verified that they are, indeed, wolves! I was pretty sure they were because they were so much larger than any coyotes I had ever seen, and I knew they weren't dogs because of the shapes of their tails and the way they carried them.

    While most of the wolves I've seen were alone, I did see a couple together. The husband of a girl I work with actually had the rare opportunity to watch a pack of them hunt down a deer, and my husband saw two of them stalking a deer.

    It's so odd knowing that they're endangered, when we see so many of them!

    Thanks for the siggy, Lexi_Lover!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upper penninsula Michigan
    Here's a little article about the wolves in Northern WI.

    I have shared a few wolf stories in earlier posts, but there's one I don't think I've shared! If I have, please forgive me.

    I frequently travel to a hospital in "Boondocks" (names have been changed, hehe), MI to work. It's a very remote little town deep in the North Woods. I could tell you stories about how remote this little town is!

    Up here, many of the wolves are marked with radio collars to track their travel, habits, etc. (That's one of the ways I knew for sure I had seen a wolf - he was wearing a collar)

    Anyways - I work closely with this Dr. who is also the medical examiner. His best friend was a helicopter pilot, and part of his job was to study these wolves with the radio collars on. I guess Dr. H. used to fly with him sometimes. I don't know what exactly he did - but he had to observe them from the air. About a year or so ago his helicopter crashed while he was studying the wolves. It took them a while (a day or two, I think) to find him. Since Dr. H. was the medical examiner, it was his responsibility to go to the scene and examine the body of his best friend. By the time they found him, he had been eviscerated by animals - though they didn't reveal which animals had been eating him.

    Wild, huh? In addition to wolves and bears, we have a lot of bald eagles and other wildlife. Though local people have been reporting cougar sightings for years, it wasn't until last year that the DNR finally admitted to it.
    Last edited by stacwase; 09-18-2003 at 01:16 PM.

    Thanks for the siggy, Lexi_Lover!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    I don't recall who, but someone here has a golden retriever/wolf cross...I believe her name is Gandy.
    I've been BOO'd!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    I may have to make a trip your way, stacwase! How wonderful it would be to see actual wild wolves as opposed to captive ones! I can imagine the people's attitudes about having them there. Are there any people that like having them there? I know I would be! They are truely amazing animals.
    I know the people were throwing huge fits at the reintroduction in Yellostone It's so sad, because they (the wolves) were here before us. I just love the way they sound when they howl! Is it very wooded where you live? I bet it's beautiful there

    tomkatzid, your friend's wolves and hybrids are beautiful! Are they sort of a rescue? I'm glad her 2 wolves weren't blamed for the death of the neighbor's dog and were able to go home. Unfortunately this sort of thing happens all to often and lots of people don't like having hybrids near them. I'm glad they were able to find some property outside of the city to keep them though Yes, with wolves and hybrids, you need very tall fences! Typically, fencing that goes a foot or two into the ground
    is essential as wolves are good diggers too! Sounds like a neat family!

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