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Thread: A *new* 27 random things about me thread

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    A *new* 27 random things about me thread

    I know for a while, there was a facebook trend that was carried over to PT where we listed a random number of facts about ourselves that are unusual or otherwise unknown. I can't remember the number, but let's just call it 27 and do it again since it was so fun the first time round.

    1. I love showtunes, especially sung by John Barrowman.
    2. I miss my old "boring" haircut.
    3. Today I hit my head on the ceiling.
    4. I like to cosplay, but my costumes are nowhere close to perfect. I follow the 10 foot rule.
    5. I am actually enjoying not having to clean any cages right now as all I have is a fish and a dog.
    6. I really, really want to watch M*A*S*H but it's on at weird times so I haven't seen it since I moved from the barn I was working at, they had a dvr.
    7. I watch most movies and shows online.
    8. When I was living with the woman who owned the barn I was working at, I had 24/7 access to a theatre room with a giant wall sized screen and a whooole bunch of channels.
    9. Even though I worked teaching people how to ride for the past 11 months, I have never actually owned my own horse.
    10. I am going to be studying for my BHS Stage 1 this coming spring.
    11. I am a terrible speller and sometimes even used to have to think of a synonym to avoid having to guess. I love that firefox has built in spell check!
    12. I am learning Welsh through a learn Welsh podcast and the BBC's Big Welsh Challenge. It's not going too well since I can only say a few basic greetings.
    13. I once watched a whole season of Angel in a day.
    14. I spent all my money that I had saved for the time between jobs already, mostly on costumes and fast food.
    15. I love listening to Billie Piper music.
    16. I love singing, but sometimes I'm not too good.
    17. I also love accents and sometimes go all day in a certain one, even though I'm convinced they're not too good.
    18. I'm so stupidly excited about going to Cardiff so I can see the Ianto memorial and the water tower where they filmed Torchwood, but I haven't told my future boss I'm such a big fan because I'm afraid she'll think that's the only reason I wanted to go to Wales.
    19. My interest in Wales started with Torchwood but once I started reading about it I just kind of fell in love. Weird place to fall in love with, I know.
    20. As much as I love traveling, I hate moving.
    21. My life can almost be measured in my phases and obsessions.
    22. I have been interested in cosplay for like 4 years but only just started anything this past fall.
    23. I met so many people this year. We always say we'll keep in touch, but we barely do.
    24. Before this summer I had no tattoos. Now I have three.
    25. They are an octopus, a thylacine, and the chapter stars from the top of every page of the American version of the Harry Potter books.
    26. I have quite a lot of music that is based off of or inspired by characters or events in Harry Potter and Doctor Who. (Over 250 songs, actually)
    27. Before this summer I had only done one horse show despite having ridden for 8 years. Now I have done a whole bunch.

    Now post yours!

    Niño & Eliza

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Here we go...

    1. I have a brother, a sister and two stepsisters. My sister is actually my half sister, adopted by my father when she was 8.
    2. I've been a dog groomer for a year and love it to death.
    3. But even more than that, I love my new job as a nursing assistant. It brings me such joy to help those in need.
    4. I have a 6-year-old nephew that is my entire world and then some.
    5. I'm a really big sap. I cry a lot over movies and TV shows.
    6. One of my favorite foods is cottage cheese. LOVE it.
    7. I'm left handed.
    8. But I'm pretty much ambidextrous with everything except throwing a ball.
    9. Christmas and Halloween are my favorite holidays.
    10. I'm a germaphobe. I can't wash dishes because of it and I buy a new toothbrush about once or twice a month.
    11. I've wanted children since I was 16, but I am waiting until I am financially and emotionally stable.
    12. To Write Love On Her Arms is one of my favorite organizations.
    13. I hate doing laundry.
    14. I collected porcelain unicorns when I was little.
    15. And then when I was about 12 my brother managed to tip over my dresser and break almost all of them.
    16. I've been to Jamaica, Florida, Indiana, Illinois and Georgia.
    17. I'm addicted to Facebook.
    18. I have a big family, and I love each and every aunt, uncle and cousin.
    19. One of my really good friends called me today and left me a message just to tell me how amazing I am.
    20. I'm naturally dirty blond, but now my hair is dyed dark brown, almost black.
    21. One of my favorite movies is Girl, Interrupted.
    22. And Ferris Bueller's Day Off,
    23. I love sleeping in. Especially when I get to wake up next to my boyfriend.
    24. I have naturally stick straight hair, and like everyone else with straight hair, I wish it was naturally wavy. I curl it whenever I have the time.
    25. I was in band for 7.5 years playing the french horn and I loved it. I miss it very much. There's nothing like getting lost in the music.
    26. I'm running out of ideas. D:
    27. I'm watching the Biggest Loser finale cuz I missed it the first time around.


    now she's slowly opening
    new eyes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    1.) I made $3,000 over the summer and have no clue where it all went.
    2.) I really miss my job and co-workers and wish it wasn't seasonal. I can't wait to go back in Febuary.
    3.) I liked school up until Junior year, now I can't wait to graduate.
    4.) I'm a hopeless Trekkie, mostly for the Original Series only. I can't get into TNG. I am hopefully going to a ST convention this summer to meet Leonard Nimoy.
    5.) I love and wear tribal jewelry.
    6.) I'm supposed to go backpacking through Europe in 2 years.
    7.) I am reading "All quiet on the Western Front" and I LOVE it, it's a very good book.
    8.) Winter break is next wednesday and I'm estatic for it.
    9.) I love watching Spongebob.
    10.) I really need to loose weight, but definitely after the Holidays.
    11.) Mikey is the cutest dog in the entire world
    12.) I love play dough.
    13.) I've learned the value of a dollar and wish some of my friends would.
    14.) I got a B+ in math for the first time in ages last marking period and it made me happy.
    15.) I might no end up doing anything with Agriculture after all
    16.) I am going to Providence and Boston next week after christmas and cannot wait!
    17.) I love broadway shows, but hardly ever see anyone.
    18.) Wow, I am done getting ready for school early.
    19.) I've wanted to be an astronaut secretly since 6th grade, but was told I couldn't because I have a heart condition and am not in perfect physical shape. :/ Awesome.
    20.) Someone should invent a Starfleet so I can get off this planet.
    21.) Last minute Christmas gifts are going to be bought on Friday at the mall with my friends.
    22.) I am sort of addicted to Farmville, Petville, and Fishville LOL.
    23.) Facebook is so useful.
    24.) Lord of the Flies is boring.
    25.) My AP history classes are virtually pointless since I am not taking the AP test. Fun.
    26.) I have a slight obsession with gnomes.
    27.) I love the target dollar section.

    Suki, I am probably gonna start making a fursuit for a convention after the holidays. It's gonna be a wolf name Kioki ^_^

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    1. I will be hiding in Alyssa's suitcase if she goes to the Star Trek convention.
    2. I live in my mum's basement! I am only 18, though... so it is not that lame.
    3. I can never sneeze just once... it is usually an odd number, though!
    4. I have panic attacks.. there is no rhyme or reason to them. They can be a real downer, though.
    5. I say "though" at the end of a good portion of my sentences. :-D
    6. My Dad raised me on Star Trek. I watched that instead of Barney and such. (Klingon FTW!)
    7. I have an extensive collection of dinosaurs. I would love to be a Paleoartist one day.
    8. I video tape nearly every second of my life and compile them all on dvds. Starting tomorrow I will work on editing a movie of Christmas break!
    9. I have a giant chicken suit for special occasions.
    10. I love smoothies!
    11. I like having real-life zombie wars... I always side with the undead.
    12. I must say, my zombie makeup looks pretty durn awesome.
    14. I think I need to get out of the South... my accent seems to be getting worse.
    15. I am the only one who can actually control Ethan (my dog).
    16. of Montreal is the only band I can listen to for hours on end.
    17. I skipped number 13....
    17. So I will have two number 17s!
    18. I like riding unicycles... and juggling.... and slacklining. I could make a mighty fine clown. :-D
    19. I am in the market for an old school analog synth...
    20. I am extremely cold-natured. Right now it feels like my feet are going to freeze off.
    21. I started playing Neopets again a few months ago. (Shhh... its my deepest, darkest secret!)
    22. I don't know what I wanna be when I grow up. :-(
    23. "Don't Shoot Me Santa" by The Killers is stuck in my head.
    24. I love ugly Christmas sweaters.
    25. I am planning a mini road trip for next week or the week after.
    26. I am hoping we get another major ice storm this year... last year was fun!
    27. I need to finish my final for Design class.....
    The Minions:
    {The Dog: Towser & Raiden} {The Cats: Khaith, Martha, Adelaide, Snowball, & Floki} {The Bird: Gir}

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio
    1) I graduated from The Ohio State University.
    2) I am deaf, but wear a cochlear implant.
    3) I teach young kids how to draw for a after-school art program two days a week.
    4) I have two brothers, I am the oldest.
    5) I have a boyfriend of three years (on January 4th, it will be 3). We met at Ohio State.
    6) I love country music. Garth is my favorite of all time.
    7) I am 4'10".
    8) I have a temper, and I tend to get mad fast over the littlest things, when I shouldn't. I want to improve myself on that.
    9) I am starting to get addicted to the TV show, "Bones".. now one of my favorites along with Grey's Anatomy and The Mentalist.
    10) I love COFFEE!
    11) My favorite alochol drinks are Bailey's, Rolling Rock, and Coors Light.
    12) I'd love to have a child or two someday.
    13) I dislike onions and mushrooms VERY much.
    14) I love to draw and create. Art is in my blood.
    15) I love dogs.
    16) I feel like I am going through a mid-life crisis at 25 years old.
    17) I am not a talker. I am a very quiet person.
    18) I know sign language.
    19) Yes, I am addicted to Facebook.
    20) No, I am not addicted to Twitter, in fact, I don't know the purpose of why Twitter exists.
    21) 21 is the day I was born in September of 1984.
    22) My favorite 80's movies are: Back to the Future: Triology and Indiana Jones: Triology
    23) I own a Nikon D60, but I would like to upgrade within a couple years.
    24) When I find a job, I hope I will work with a design/advertising firm.
    25) I breathe heavy, but it is because I breathe with my mouth closed, and through my nose. I don't realize this at least 95% of the time.
    26) I'm right-handed.
    27) I am excited for Christmas this year. It is my favorite holiday.
    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful man that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Usually in my own little world...
    (1) I love Pennsylvania, but dislike winter and snow in particular.
    (2) My 20-year old daughter is my best friend!
    (3) I have been working in the same job/position for 23 years in the legal field.
    (4) My co-worker gave me a little USB Christmas tree last week and I love it!
    (5) I recently began watching Judge Judy and want to work for her.
    (6) I was married for 17 years and have been single now for 7 years.
    (7) I owned a Newfoundland for just one day about 15 years ago.
    (8) I have two brothers and two sisters whom I love dearly.
    (9) My co-worker is a neat freak and despises me because I am not.
    (10) The best part of my day is when I come home from work and see my cat Buddy waiting at the door for me.
    (11) Right now I have so many papers on my desk at work that I don’t know what to do first.
    (12) I miss my dog Casey.
    (13) I can pretty much sleep at will if I am tired or bored.
    (14) My friend Bob brought me home made cookies last week.
    (15) On Saturday I made a homemade lasagna dinner for my son and his girlfriend
    (16) I love Facebook so much that I forget to check my regular email.
    (17) I am addicted to Café world and made it to level 27 last night.
    (18) I have a bunch of random miniature stuffed pets on my shelf at work.
    (19) I bought myself an early Christmas present at Thanksgiving…a new set of silverware.
    (20) My parents are still living and in their mid-80’s.
    (21) I love my house, a little Cape Cod style home.
    (22) I am a true video game addict and can most likely not go a day without playing some sort of computer game.
    (23) Pet Talk and Dog/Cat/Pet of the Day is one of my all-time favorite websites.
    (24) This morning I overslept but somehow made it to work on time.
    (25) I am barely 5ft. 1-1/2 inches tall.
    (26) I played clarinet from 6th grade through 12th grade.
    (27) I have a pet rock on my desk that my daughter made in kindergarten and she is now 20 years old!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    1. I can't wait for the day where I can live with my Jackie Loo
    2. I'm graduating from college in roughly 134 days.
    3. I'm scared of the future, but totally ready to jump into the real world.
    4. I'm envious of the people in my graduating class that are married/having babies/buying houses. Not necessarily the baby part, but I'd like a house! lol
    5. I'm going to witness my first pick up/embalming/cremation/visitation/funeral/etc in a few weeks. I'm totally excited.
    6. I just watched Julie and Julia, and fell in love with it. I'm not sure why, I normally don't like movies, but I loved it.
    7. I don't think I'll ever get a tattoo.
    8. I tend to go overboard for people's birthdays or gifts for Christmas. Sometimes I wish that somebody could do the same for me.
    9. I should be doing laundry right now, but it's quite possibly my least favorite thing to do ever.
    10. I wish I would have done as well in school for the first two years as I'm doing these last two years. The future could have been totally different.
    11. I don't get scared at "scary" movies, but I get all teared up watching shows where people are being cheered for or congratulated. It's weird. haha
    12. I'm spending my first Christmas without my family this year.
    13. I want to do something exciting. I'm bored of doing the same thing every day.
    14. I like to in one of the main buildings on campus in between classes when I don't have anything better to do to people watch.
    15. Sometimes I think I sleep too much.
    16. I'm getting a new phone next week. I'm excited to be joining the times of interent phones.
    17. I wish I could video tape every second of my life...but then I think about it, and that'd be a pretty boring tape. Wake up, class, study, work, sleep, repeat.
    18. I love cooking and making new things.
    19. I am constantly listening to music.
    20. I have no imagination and am too serious most of the time. Rich is the furthest thing from serious, so he helps me with this.
    21. I like to have plans and know exactly what's going to happen.
    22. I wish I could sing and or dance.
    23. I like to have things to do and stay busy. I'd go stir crazy if I didn't.
    24. I looove to travel
    25. I own one pair of shoes and no jewlery.
    26. I love the snow
    27. My parent's think I'm trying to sell my car, but secretly I took down the for sale sign. I just can't do it.

    Ashley & Crossbone ("mini ACD")
    Living with my parent's: Jack (Lab/Beagle), Micki & Mini (JRTS)
    RIP Kyra: 07/11/04 - 11/3/12; Shadow: 4/2/96 - 3/17/08

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Oyster View Post
    1. I will be hiding in Alyssa's suitcase if she goes to the Star Trek convention.

    21. I started playing Neopets again a few months ago. (Shhh... its my deepest, darkest secret!
    LOL, you can come! You should, it'd be fun. ONLY if Leonard Nimoy or Zachary Quinto is gonna be there, Though.

    I started a few months ago too! I LOVE neopets, I've been playing since the site started.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Alysser View Post
    24.) Lord of the Flies is boring.
    *GASP* but it's one of the best books ever!

    Niño & Eliza

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    1.i work at chickfila hair is naturally brown but one time i colored it compltely blond! (it's back brown now)
    3.i wish my collie monzaya had never died. i miss her a lot ;[
    4.i want a wii!
    5.even tho im 21 my mom still gets me stuff from santa!!
    6.i'm a taurus favorite kind of movie is horror movies!
    8.i love shopping at old navy and american eagle
    9.ol' charleys is one of my favorite places to eat
    10.i had fun at work today
    11.the guy that i have had the biggest cruch on forever texted me a few hours ago and might ride over friday lol
    12.i love yellow cats favorite animal i have now is angel my maltese. she's also my best bud ;]
    14.i wish i was a millionaire ;p
    15.i like to eat icing just out of the can by itself
    16.i have 2 brothers-one older and one younger-but no sisters ;[
    17.i love silver jewelry, but not gold
    18.collies are my favorite kind of dog ever
    19.i don't like rap music
    20.i like church
    21.i believe chocolate is awesome!!!
    22.i went to public school and was home schooled eyes are blue first and only car is a teal blue mustang which i still drive now
    25.i still live at home with my mom
    26.i love driving around and listeng to the radio, especially at night
    27.i use to wear braces
    *Some people come into your life and quickly go, but some leave footprints on your heart and you are never the same*
    *We only fall so we can learn to pick ourselves back up*
    *Life is not measured by the amount of breaths we take but by those that take our breath away*
    *Life is made of millions of moments, but we live only one of these at a time. As we begin to change this moment we begin to change our lives*

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