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Thread: My 3 year old cat (Kit Kat) pooped on the bed and may be depressed.

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  1. #1

    My 3 year old cat (Kit Kat) pooped on the bed and may be depressed.

    Background info:
    I have a beautiful 3 year old black and white kitty named Kit Kat (like the candy) and I'm worried about her. I've had her since she was six weeks and we started off living in a spacious two bedroom apartment, but for the last 1.5years we've been in a studio. This has tremedously cut down on her roaming space and I worry that it's depressing her. On top of that I use to work from home, but now I'm back in the office, so she spends a lot of her time alone.

    A couple months ago I noticed that some of her poop would end up on the floor beside the liter box. I assumed it was just bad aiming, until tonight when my boyfriend came home to find poop on our bed. Could she be "acting out" because she's depressed or could something else be going on?

    I have to go out of town in two days for a week and I'm worried that if she is sick, it will get really bad before I return. My boyfriend will be there to monitor her, but I could really use some help on how to help her with depression and this growing problem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Take her to the vet to get this checked out.

    Also, how often do you clean the litterbox? She may have become more fussy as a result of the changes in her living area.

    I'm sure you do this - but give her lots of love and attention when you can.

    But definitely rule out anything medical first.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    I wouldn't rush to the vet. Pooping outside the litterbox is most likely behavioural. Keep the boxes extra clean, uncovered and easy to get to. Is she long haired by any chance? Not to be too graphic, but sometimes my long haired cats have 'hanger ons', if you get my meaning. Even my short haired boys do this, too!

    Is it a full poop? Or, just a piece?

    Have you thought about adding vertical space? A climber? Shelving on the walls?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    If it is normal-looking poop, she probably is not sick. If it looks odd, or is runny, then a vet trip is definitely in order. She might just be bored.
    I've Been Frosted

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