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Thread: Ugh! New Bifocals!!!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island

    Ugh! New Bifocals!!!

    Ugh, I just got my first pair of 24-7 glasses, they are progressive bifocals. I feel like I'm walking around inside a fishbowl, it's very un-nerving. Although there is a range of focal lengths, the only real area of focus is whatever is in front of my nose, everything else stretches & distorts as I move my head the slightest bit. I'm getting claustrophobic!!!!! Walking around makes me feel like I'm gonna puke.
    I DON'T LIKE THIS, I WANT MY GOOD EYES BACK!!! (since I won't be getting any younger, obviously this won't happen)

    thanks for letting me blow off some steam, but I'm still not happy.
    edit - -the lenses are designed to have different focal planes, so they are supposedto be like this.He said it takes a few weeks to get used to. I'm just being a big baby
    Last edited by cyber-sibes; 01-13-2006 at 04:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Chihuahua, Mexico
    i feel bad, but can the optometrist do anything about it, it doesnt sounds good you see distorted images, you are not suposed to. maybe they are not completely right for you, or maybe you just need them for reading which is right in your only focal point, but i suggest you ask your eye doctor and tell him/her about what you are seeing and make sure it´s ok or not
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I never had any luck with bifocals, I am now wearing a contact on one eye for distance and my other eye is for close up and my brain puts it all together.
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    I have been frosted!

    Thanks Kfamr for the signature!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA
    Yep! Husky_Mom is right... something is wrong with the glasses.. TAKE THEM back! BEWARE and be warned... If they ever say you just need time to adjust to them, SOMETHING is wrong with them. It could be that they are just not sitting on your face right or they used a cheap quality lens and your eyes need better quality.

    When I got my first pair (to many years ago to mention) I needed them so bad that there was no "getting use to them" needed, I put them on and they were a part of me from that day on. I have found I can NOT wear the cheap lenses that my VSP pays for, I need better quality. This last pair I got, I was sure were the wrong lenses and I kept going back and I finally got someone who knew how to set them on my face right and after a month of problems and not wearning them, I FINALLY got them adjusted where they work!

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  5. #5
    I started wearing bifocals about two years ago. I had very little trouble adjusting to them.(I expected the worst) Maybe a little blurry when I didn't focus right at first. Actually, I love them. Maybe there is something wrong with yours or you could be one of those people who just don't do well with them. Sorry you're having so much trouble with them.I hope you get used to them.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Pat I'm sorry to hear your having such a bad time with your new glasses I would definately be talking to the dr again, something just doesn't sound right to me. Maybe a little adjusting, but not that much!

    Good luck, hope you get it all worked out.

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