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Thread: cat pee

  1. #1

    cat pee

    Why all of a sudden would one of my 4 indoor fixed cats start peeing around the house? They do not do it where they sleep or hang out..Only on my hard wood floors where I can not find it..I did find some in my bedroom closet and can not get the smell out..
    If they had a UTI woundn't they be doing it every where....I have had them all for over 3 years. We use diffarent litter all the time scoopable kind...I am about ready to lose my mind and get rid of them...I can not take it anymore..Please help at my wits end...
    and I can't even find the pee!!!!
    I have seen all of them in the litter box ? Would they not use it all if they had a uti?
    Last edited by halliwell; 03-18-2005 at 09:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    There are several medical reasons that a cat may pee outside the box. If it is a URI or crystal/stone formation, the reason they use the floor or other places is that when they pee in the box they feel the pain and associate it with the box (they do not realize that it is their bodies hurting, they just know the box = pain). But a cat with diabetes or Kidney problems may also miss the box for a toatally different reason. They may attempt to use the litter box, and sometimes they may succeed, but other times they may have to go so badly that they can't make it.

    Your cats need to be checked for medical problems. I know that with multiples, narrowing down the culprit may be difficult but it will be necessary to solving your problems.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Belgium, near Ghent
    That is really weird!! have they never done that before? Did they all start doing it on same day?? I agree with Jen, you should find the culprit, and take him/her to the vet!!
    I miss you enormously Sydney, Maya, Inka & Zazou Be happy there at the Rainbow Bridge

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    syracuse, ny
    hang in there halli, things will be ok and your cats will be fine, i agree with the others, that this is probably something that the vet will need to help you with, please keep us posted..(.btw, names? of your cats and maybe some pics???)...good luck!!

  5. #5


    agreed with all the of the signs we picked up on Wobble was him peeing all over the place and we have just found out he is diabetic. If you can't rule out the culprit...check them all over for signs of weight loss, excessive drinking, lack of drinking, loss/gain of appitite or lethargy?
    Good Luck!

    (p.s......I have found that TCP or other antiseptic disinfectant works wonders when getting the smell out of carpets or other flooring.)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Chicago area, Illinois, USA
    One more thing...I have heard that if one cat develops a medical problem, such as a thyroid condition, that their urine starts smelling differently. When that happens, the other cats do not want to approach the litter when one cat has a problem, it's possible that all will respond.

    Good luck!

  7. #7
    Just an update....We all went to the vet and they could only get pee out of one of them. Guess what he was the one with a UTI and a fever...Just to be safe they are all on anti biotics....Have not found pee sence then....

    As soon as we get a digatal camera I will post their sexy photos...YOu have to Clark all black and 19lbs

    Thanks all for caring!!!

  8. #8

    One more!!

    Names are Apollo but we call him Mr Paul or Paulie he is a grey tiger a little on the big side too 14lbs.. Then of course there is Clark but, we call him The Man or Big Man he is all black and weighing in at 19lbs...Then there is the twins..went to adopt just Hanzel but could leave his sister behind Gretal to cute...
    Hanzel is a light orange long and slender 10lbs we call him Handsome or Hanzy...Then last but not least there is Gretal which we never call her that...She is the only girl...So, it could be Princess. Baby. Little girl, little P and

    No wonder why they look at us crazy they don't even no what their name

    PHOto's soon.....

    Gotta say the boys are way more loving.....Baby never wants to picked or looked at....She is always running for cover>>

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    syracuse, ny
    thanx for the updates halli!!! the many names for your cat family, can't wait to see the pics!!! ...more importantly, i'm really glad that you found out what was going on and the misplaced peeing isn't a problem anymore...


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