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Thread: Does your dog like going for rides?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Does your dog like going for rides?

    Our dogs *LOVE* going in the van, we take them alot of places lol, my mom and I usually take them everywhere with us, but not if we have to stay long, because we don't like them waiting in the van.

    Piddle likes it the most, his head is always turning non-stop! He looks at birds, people walking, dogs walking, children running/riding bikes...etc.

    They are all REALLY good in the van also, very quiet!

    What about your pups?

    RIP Jasper. I can't believe you're gone.
    RIP Tigger...I miss you every single day.
    Piddle Jasper Wiggles Emma Tucker Almond Pecan
    RB Furbabies:
    Tigger Ace

    RIP Angus, I miss you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Meeka! Rodney!
    MEEKA LOVES GOING FOR RIDES!!!!!! Whenever you say... Going for a ride?!?! She goes NUTS!!!!!! She barks and runs around and jumps and it is hilarious. But We have to be careful not to say Are you going for a bike ride? or somthing like that around her because then she thinks you are teasing her!!! lol Also when she is in the car her head is always sticking out the window!!! Lol she whines if the window isnt open!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Vancouver, BC
    My dogs don't love car rides but they don't hate it either. Kai usually sleeps on the floor. Kaedyn likes to sit on the side seats in the back.

    Kai [Sheltie], Kaedyn [Sheltie], Keeva [Malinois], Kwik [Malinois]

  4. #4
    Mickey just likes to go places.. anywhere the family is going. We always take him with us to my grandmothers house or for short rides in the car (like to pick someone up or something). He has his own seat in the van or if he'd like to have his head by the window (usually), my mom will hold him in the passenger's seat. He loves the wind.

    “I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running
    from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it does to you.
    I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.”
    - Jack Kerouac; On The Road

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    If you say the word "bye-byes", "car", or "go" to Samantha, she goes nuts. She absolutely LOVES getting in the car and going somewhere - anywhere. We've actually had to start calling our car "the vehicle" because even if she hears you say "car" in a conversation - not specifically ASKING her if she wants to go in it - she'll go crazy. Darn dog's too smart for her own good.

  6. #6
    Clover and Elvis love going for rides even if it is just to the supermarket or any other short trip. Clover stands up the whole 8 hours on our interstate road trips she loves to look out the windows and cannot miss anything.
    Rhi *Hooman* Clover *Rottie x ACD* (RIP to my BRD) Elvis and Tinny *The BCs* & Harri *JRT* Luna *BC x*

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Rock Camp, West Virginia
    Ginger loves to go for rides and Reggie she doesn't really like it as much.
    "Careful what you say, careful what you wish or it may just regret it!"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I don't even begin to know where I'm "from"
    Muff LOVES rides! She gets to take them several times a week.

  9. #9
    Katie is terrified of car rides. She pants, sheds like crazy, and whines. She probably gets motion sickness from it.

    But Elvis LOVES car rides. He is so perfect when were in the car.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Cactus country.. tucson, AZ!
    ALL of my kids LOVE car rides! they all try to get the best window seat. Chloe and Charlie love sitting up front so they can hang their heads out the windows.
    "He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."
    -- Immanuel Kant

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Somerset, UK
    Amber absolutely loves going out in the car. She is like Meeka - has her head stuck out of the window.

  12. #12
    my dogs don't mind car rides, they would prefer to walk though!
    Echo likes to stick her head out the window too, she can't do that when Tango's with her though. We opened the window for her and she almost jumped out so a few weeks later we tried again and she did the same thing! so now we don't let her stick her head out the window.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Ollie loves car rides but gets annoyed because he's too small to see out of the window. Squid is clever and climbs on Toby co he can see. Toby likes going places but hates the car ride because he gets climbed on
    Amy & the furkids

  14. #14
    Charlie and Bitsy both enjoy car rides, but Buster usually just sits on my lap. When Bitsy was a puppy she would go with me everyday to pick my sister up from school. She loved that, but my sister has graduated now.
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Central North Carolina
    Claire loooooves to go for rides, Rebel just gets sick now, he used to never get sick. Niki just pastes herself in a spot and won't move, she whines, doesn't care for car rides at all. lol

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