posted September 12, 2004 12:53 PM
Just got this in:IMPORTANT!!!Re: update-Message from Florida Kennel Club President

got this on another list :

Just called Diane Albers who is coordinating the evacuation of dogs from
Florida. No foster dogs are going to be evacuated from the state, only dogs
who are to be adopted. They did have NWA fly at no cost a cargo full of dogs
but this is not going to be happening with the airline again.

They have dogs to evacuate but are having transportation problems and have
some shelters in Georgia that will take some dogs if they can get them to
them. They are worried that after Ivan hits they may have even more dogs in
need and more of a transportation problem.

She stated that she didn't know how this info got started online and has
been so busy manning phones that she hasn't had time to do much else. They
have hired one cargo plane for $10,000.00 to fly out some animals but much
more is needed. they can only take animals in rv's or vans now as they have
so many to move.

If you can help in their efforts as far as transporting from Florida to
another state, please contact her as she is trying to coordinate things.

Any dane train members who live near or in these areas may want to contact
her at 1 800 597 2987 or e-mail addy: dja0218 @ aol .com. Maybe we can coordinate a state to state rescue train to help?

Anyone interested in helping transport contact luvsdanes @ yahoo .com and we can see what she needs and how we can help.

"If you breed you must rescue, and If you don't breed and rescue ... Thank you"!!!!
******NOTE: If there is anyone in a neighboring state that can help please do!*****I just think that if I was in the spot that the Florida pet owners are in, I'd want someone to help save my two girls****