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Thread: Rabbit HELP Needed PLEASE

  1. #1

    Rabbit HELP Needed PLEASE

    Hi one rabbit Miles has become totally unresponsive today to food and using the bathroom. In the past we have had a similar problem with Ella (our other rabbit) a couple of times, but Laxatone seemed to do the trick.

    Miles is just really lethargic and his mouth is all wet, like he is salivating or something. (This has never happened with Ella) Can someone please help us as to what this might be...should we call a vet? I am getting quite nervous and am very worried about him. Thank you for your help.

    ~Meg, Tom, Miles & Ella

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Tucson, Az
    I suggest that you should call your vet.
    I've been Defrosted!

    Thanks for the great signature Kay!

  3. #3
    Oh, no! I don't have rabbits, but this sounds kinda serious. You should deffinatley call a vet right away. I have guinea pigs and the salvating sounds like slobbers. I don't know if that aplies to rabbits or not, but here's the info on slobbers anyway:

    Signs/symptoms:Slobbering, drooling, weight loss, mouthe does not close all the way.
    Cause:Overgrown molars possibly due to lack of chewing or hereditary malocclusion of molars.
    Treatment:See vet. Molars may need to be filed as needed.

    I'm sure this isn't what he has, but it is possible.
    I hope he gets better soon;keep us updated.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Jose, CA
    Add another vote for vet time!

    Thank you Wolf_Q!

  5. #5
    The only problem is that I live in a small town and the knowledge of rabbits around these parts are hard to come by. Most likely if I call a vet he is going to tell me the same thing he told me for Ella. He most likely has a blockage of some sort in his digestive track...give him a few doses of laxatone and if he is not better to call in the AM.

    It has only been since this morning that he hasn't been eating or using the bathroom and he is showing the exact same symptoms as Ella did when she had this problem with the exception of the slight salivating at the mouth. He's not totally drooling or anything like that...just slight moisture under one side of his mouth. I could very well be over-reacting...I come from a long line of over-reactors.

    I think I am going to wait until the morning and give him another dose of laxatone to see if that loosens things up. Thanks for your help guys...I am going to keep a close eye on him tonight and be sure to take him to the vet in the AM if he shows no signs of improvement. Thanks again.

    Has anyone experienced anything similar to this situation with their rabbit/rabbits?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I know it's long distance, but

    Veterinary Emergency Center
    1299 Highland Avenue
    Needham, MA 02192

    Tel: 617-453-0143
    Fax: 617-433-0319

    is where we took Miss Hoppy one night at 11pm when she had broken her leg very badly. They were very kind, and competent, too. The toll call might be worth it, just so you will know.

  7. #7
    Well, thanks for your help everyone, I really appreciate it.

    I heeded your advice & called my vet and Miles has an appointment for tomorrow morning at 8:00AM.

    She said he should be fine overnight but she is for sure concerned about how he became so lethargic in such a short period of time and the wetness around his mouth.

    Please send good bunny vibes for him that everything will be okay. Thanks!

  8. #8
    Not very good news to report everyone. Miles passed away on our way to the emergency vet tonight.

    His condition became worse and we immediatly called the vet. She is a half an hour away from us but we got in the car and he started to twitch and seize he died in my lap not more than 10 minutes down the road.

    We are in total shock, and have no idea what happened to him. He was the best and he will be missed dearly. We love you Miles, RIP.

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