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Thread: Virus transmission question

  1. #1

    Virus transmission question

    My cat Loki has come down with a nasty virus (the vet said since it's a virus they give him anything to speed recovery just relieve some of the discomfort)

    My question relates to how he got it. Both of my cats are indoor only and it's been months since they've seen another cat, so he couldn't have got it directly. The only cats I've had contact with the last week or so, are my boyfriend's two cats who are also indoor only/no outside contact and are in perfect health. I have no idea how he got sick and it also perplexed the vet.

    Has this or something similar happened to any of you?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    State College PA
    You are in you use AC or are your windows open with the screens? That is always a possibility?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont

    Immune System....

    My guess is that the kitty with the virus has a compromised immune system, for whatever reason.

    Just a quess now!

    Surely hope the kitty has a quick recovery.

    One more thing, sometimes cats be carriers of viruses, have it themselves with no signs of illness, and then GIVE it to another kitty. Sweet, eh?

    Good luck - keep us posted~

  4. #4
    in reply: The windows of my apt have been open for about 2 months now...
    and Loki has been very healthy up until two days ago (I can't imagine how or why his immune system would be anymore suseptible than normal- but who knows)

    was just kinda wondering how easily this stuff can be transmitted without any direct contact?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    I'm not sure how he got a virus either but I sure hope he feels better soon. One time I took all 3 cats to the vet at the same time. Well Storm came down with a UPI and so he then gave it to the other 2 cats as well. They are all indoor only cats and I told the vet that the only place they had been was at his office. The vets response was that there weren't any URI's going around at that time and he hadn't seen any cases in his office either. He also said that indoor only cats usually have weaker immune systems and that stress can sometimes make their immune systems weaker. I also know that many viruses are air born so if a window is open then a virus can infect an indoor cat. You'll probably never know the answer to why Loki suddenly got sick.

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