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Thread: Am I impolite 'cause my status updates on Facebook are in English? :-(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany

    Am I impolite 'cause my status updates on Facebook are in English? :-(

    As you may know, I'm on Facebook for many years, and I have always written in English. When I registered in 2008, almost all of my FB friends were from English speaking countries; Pet Talk folks and other friends I made on the net over the years. There were barely Germans on Facebook those years, as most of us were in a German social network called I used to have an account there where I was communicating with my German friends - in German, of course.

    Over the past few years, more and more of these German friends moved to Facebook and abandoned wer-kennt-wen (I deleted my own wkw-account sometime in 2012), and by now, my friend list on Facebook is half German, half English-spoken. I'm still writing in English most of the time because I want everyone to understand what I'm taking about. I took for granted that most Germans know at least the basics of the English language, but obviously, I'm wrong. Lately, I got some stupid remarks by some folks who really seem to be offended that I'm not using my native language, which annoys me. Is it rude of me to make them feel excluded? What do you think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    Heavens, no! I enjoy the mix of German and English that I see on your page!

    (I'm following a Czech language page called "Living with my Cats". I can't make out most of the text, save for the occasional word or phrase. But I still enjoy the pictures and trying to figure out what the posts mean. My friend Tammy lives in Spain so her content is always a mix of Spanish and English. I can't read the Spanish but I enjoy looking at the words and trying to sound them out.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Methuen, MA; USA
    It is your choice how to proceed!

    Part of the 'down side' of speaking / writing multiple languages, is which one to choose. I see some folks post in one language one time, another language a different time, depending on what they are posting. Examples:
    If your soccer team has a game on TV, the folks in the USA probably can't get it anyway. That is a post for your local pals.
    Short posts can be posted in both languages: I set up a new photo album check it out!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Kirsten, honestly, people get offended now a days if you BREATHE the wrong way. Take it with a grain of salt, ignore them. It's your page and they shouldn't be telling you how to run it. Tell them to block your posts from appearing on their newsfeed if they continue.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    You post however you want to. Usually there is a place to show translation so I can see what you are saying.
    Isabel (Husky_mom) makes some of her posts in Spanish and I just click on the translation to read it.

    And since I took German for three years in high school (of course that was over 20 years ago) I still like to see what words I know.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    I have 10 or so friends that post in dual languages. I have never thought it rude, or really, thought anything of it! It is your business how you post.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Kirsten-it's your choice. When you are in a café with five German friends and one English speaking, everyone would be ready to try to speak the guest's language (that's really true for Germany in general) -and I would act like this online as well.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    It is not impolite. There are easy translation tools available on the web for anyone who bothers to use them, and it should absolutely be up to the individual's preference what language s/he posts in!
    I've Been Frosted

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany
    Well, yes, I guess you're right and it's my decision. And those who don't like it are free to unsubscribe from my status updates. I mean, it's okay if they're asking me why I'm not writing in German, I'll gladly explain it to them. But some sound really rude, like my cousin yesterday whom I have added only a few days ago. His first comment was "Do you no longer speak German???", and I was like "Well, yes, I do, but half of my friends here don't". He did not reply to that, btw.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Copenhagen, Denmark - GMT+1
    It's ridiculous that your cousin complains about you posting in English, it's a language most of the world know, at least Europeans, so unless it's about some specific German issue, keep posting in English.

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  11. #11
    Join Date
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    It's your choice Kirsten, and if people don't like it - well too bad!! I'm certain you wouldn't be rude to them if the shoe was on the other foot. If any don't understand English and want to know what you're saying, there are plenty of translation tools available to them if they care to take the time to find/use them. Don't let them make you feel guilty - you're not doing anything wrong!
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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. Louis, Missouri
    I have a few friends from Quebec on facebook and they speak solely in French... and I know very little French. If a status or image comes up that I'm interested in seeing what they say, facebook conveniently puts a "translate" link underneath their post.... and bam - it's in English. So I don't think your German friends should be offended if you're posting in English....... I'm assuming they have the same "translate" feature that should show up under your posts to them that they can click on as well... and it's their fault if they choose not to use it.

    Speak whatever language you want to!! It's just facebook As mentioned, if they REALLY want to know, there are plenty of translation tools available, not to mention the built-in one on facebook itself.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2010
    My Home!
    It's totally alright, Kirsten! Many people in my friendlist speak Urdu and I post most of my statuses in English. I'm sure they can all understand English (if not, Facebook has a translate button, and if they can't see that or it's not there, no problem, I'm sure my statuses aren't something to die for ;P), but, still..MY posts MY style!

    It's alright if you post in English! Listen carefully to these golden words I am about to say....

    "Haters gonna hate!!"

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I too believe it is entirely your choice. My Facebook friends include people from other countries - mainly Austria - who speak German. I am not offended when they use their own language; if it is something I want to better understand, I simply ask.
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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by Bengalz
    if it is something I want to better understand, I simply ask.
    Exactly! I have a friend from Denmark and most of her FB entries are in Danish. I only know a few words, and if I don't understand her posts, I'm either using the translation tool, or I ask.

    Quote Originally Posted by sana
    "Haters gonna hate!!"
    So true!

    Quote Originally Posted by Randi
    It's ridiculous that your cousin complains about you posting in English, it's a language most of the world know, at least Europeans, so unless it's about some specific German issue, keep posting in English.
    Well, yes, it is ridiculous of him, even though I'm sure here doesn't understand a word. But it's not my fault that he had failed at school (okay, now it's me who's arrogant )! But I never had much in common with that part of the family. BTW, if there are specific German issues, I post in German, and only visible to them.

    Jessika and pomtzu, they do have these translation tool on their pages, I'm sure. They don't work perfectly, but well enough so you can figure out what the post is about.


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