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Thread: Gas bubble triggered oil rig blast: report

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Alberta, Canada

    Gas bubble triggered oil rig blast: report

    Gas bubble triggered oil rig blast: report
    Last Updated: Friday, May 7, 2010 | 11:56 PM ET

    The Associated Press

    The deadly blowout of an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico was triggered by a bubble of methane gas that escaped from the well and shot up the drill column, according to interviews with rig workers conducted during BP's internal investigation.

    The bubble expanded quickly as it burst through several seals and barriers before exploding, according to workers.

    While the cause of the explosion is still under investigation, the sequence of events described in the interviews provides the most detailed account of the April 20 blast that killed 11 workers and touched off the underwater gusher that has poured more than three million gallons of crude into the Gulf.

    Portions of the interviews, two written and one taped, were described in detail to an Associated Press reporter by Robert Bea, a University of California Berkeley engineering professor who serves on a National Academy of Engineering panel on oil pipeline safety and worked for BP PLC as a risk assessment consultant during the 1990s. He received them from industry friends seeking his expert opinion.

    Seven BP executives were on board the Deepwater Horizon rig celebrating the project's safety record, according to the transcripts. Meanwhile, far below, the rig was being converted from an exploration well to a production well.

    As the workers removed pressure from the drilling column and introduced heat to set the cement seal around the wellhead, the chemical reaction created heat, destabilizing the seal and allowing a gas bubble to form inside the pipe.

    Deep beneath the seafloor, methane gas is in a slushy, crystalline form. But as the bubble rose up the drill column from the high-pressure environs of the deep to the less pressurized shallows, it intensified and grew, breaking through various safety barriers, the interviews said.

    "A small bubble becomes a really big bubble," Bea said. "So the expanding bubble becomes like a cannon shooting the gas into your face."

    Up on the rig, the first thing workers noticed was the seawater in the drill column suddenly shooting back at them, rocketing 240 feet in the air. Then, gas surfaced. Then oil.

    "What we had learned when I worked as a drill rig labourer was swoosh, boom, run," Bea said. "The swoosh is the gas, boom is the explosion and run is what you better be doing."

    The gas flooded into an adjoining room with exposed ignition sources, he said.

    "That's where the first explosion happened," said Bea, who worked for Shell Oil in the 1960s during the last big northern Gulf of Mexico oil well blowout. "The mud room was next to the quarters where the party was. Then there was a series of explosions that subsequently ignited the oil that was coming from below."

    The executives were injured but survived, according to one account. Nine crew on the rig floor and two engineers died.

    "The furniture and walls trapped some and broke some bones but they managed to get in the life boats with assistance from others," said the transcript.

    The reports made Bea, a 73-year-old industry veteran, cry.

    "It sure as hell is painful," he said. "Tears of frustration and anger."

    BP spokesman Daren Beaudo said he could not immediately comment on the report.
    © The Canadian Press, 2010
    The Canadian Press
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA
    I read that last night right after they made the announcement that the dome was set in place over the oil leak. I have been praying so hard that this dome idea works and they can stop that leak. The Gulf Coast is so beautiful, it kills me to think it can be distroyed by this. I have seen the east coast, the west coast and the Gulf Shores. They all have their own beauty but the Gulf Shores is, by far, the most beautiful.

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    They had a "kick". It can happen in any drilling operation. Candace you might have heard of the one that happened to Canadian Natural Resources up by Hythe where Webo Ludwig lives earlier this year. It took them more than a month to get it under control. Thank goodness it was gas and it was not sour. It's why my industry is so potentially dangerous but also so darn interesting.

    I hope their efforts to stop the release are effective. 5000 bbls of oil a day is huge production, there has to be huge pressures behind it.

    The whole world is watching, they need to make it right.
    Gayle - self proclaimed Queen of Poop
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