Oh my goodness, it has been a while since I was an active part of PT!
We are living in a little town in Germany right now. I adore Germany and Belgium and am glad that I got the chance to live here. Belgian beer is absolutely the best in the world! We expected to live here for several years but will probably be leaving within a few months due to circumstances beyond or control.
My kids are fantastic My oldest is in Kindergarten and is developing reading skills at an astonishing pace. I bet he will be moving on to chapter books before too long. My youngest is in preschool and loves it. He gets to go on a play date next week and is beside himself with excitement.

My fur kids are also doing very well Boomer and Sooner seem to like it here In fact they like it so much that they are both very interested in exploring outside, which was never an interest while we lived in Texas. I hope they won't be too upset when I tell them that they will be making that transatlantic flight AGAIN soon

Starting in January I made the decision to be done being fat lol. I have lost weight several times before but was never motivated enough to make it permanent. This time my whole mindset on healthy living has changed and since January 3rd I have already lost 10% of my body weight and am hoping to bring my total weight loss up to 20lbs by the end of March Less than 15 lbs to go until I am at a healthy BMI!

I seem to recall that at least one or two of you on here had some connections to the world of air traffic control. If I am remembering right and you happen to read this could you please send me a PM?