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Thread: Need info please

  1. #1

    Need info please

    You probably don't recognize me because when I post( whihc hasn't been much lately) it is on Cat General. I was looking at Craig's list today in my area and there was a listing that was asking if anyone knew of any hospices for small dogs. I sent the person and link and asked what was wrong with her Shih Tzu and she answered back sayying that she had foudn it about 2 months ago and took it to the vet to see if it was healthy and found out after bloodwork that she is in renal failure. She has fallen in love with her but doesn't know if she can afford the vet expenses to keep her. I told her to do searches for groups that helped peopel out financially with the babies because I know there are some out there but I am going blank on the names of them right now. Does anyone here know of any that I could forward to this person? I am sure she would apprecaite it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    I only know of two, one is IMOM the other is Banfield Veterinary. I know that Banfield has a fund that will help low income people handle extraordinary medical expensive for pets.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Many state vet associations have funds available; check with your state's licensing board for veterinarians.

    Click on the link below, here are several places which may help you.

    She should also contact a shih tzu rescue. I know we have bichons in hospice. She may even qualify to be the foster mom, so she wouldn't have to surrender the dog to them, exactly. And the rescue will pay the vet bills. Worth looking into!

  4. #4
    Thanks ! I will forward that info to her.

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