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Thread: Big Brother or Minority Report?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Westchester Cty, NY

    Big Brother or Minority Report?

    I saw a very interesting article on new techniques of behavioral screening being developed, which also include some biometrics. . I'm not sure if this is more like 1984 or the movie Minority Report, in which people are arrested based on predicted criminal behavior. Things that make you go...hmmm.
    I've been finally defrosted by cassiesmom!
    "Not my circus, not my monkeys!"-Polish proverb

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Seward's Folly, AK
    Its a bit of all 3 movies aint it.

    [WHITEPOST]Tinfoil hat time.[/WHITEPOST]
    I have a HUGE SIG!!!!

    My Dogs. Erp the Cat.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Jefferson
    Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    Quote Originally Posted by blue View Post
    Its a bit of all 3 movies aint it.

    [WHITEPOST]Tinfoil hat time.[/WHITEPOST]

    I'll be in line for a tin-foil hat...this just seems way too creepy and I'm a security guard! People are stressed at airports normally, I don't see how this will make anyone feel safer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Westchester Cty, NY
    Yeah, who ISN'T stressed when traveling? Maybe they use "indirect detection"; the people who AREN'T stressed stand out? They are going to use tools like flashing Bin Laden's face subliminally. I don't know about you, but if I got a glimpse at that dude in an airport I'd either freak out or try to tackle him!
    I've been finally defrosted by cassiesmom!
    "Not my circus, not my monkeys!"-Polish proverb

  5. #5
    I dated a guy who was originally from Egypt. He'd travel back to see his mom and his sisters from time to time, sometimes he flew to California to visit another sister or brother, and I'd drop him off at the airport (sometimes JFK, sometimes Philly, just depended on good flight deals and where he was going).

    Each and every time he went, he was "randomly selected" to go through further screening. Random... yeah.... He was middle eastern, going to a middle eastern country, or flying across the country from NY/PA to California. It was so NOT random every darn time, it got to really piss me off.

  6. #6
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    SE USA
    I work with a guy that is 100% pure Cajun so he talks "different" and is dark complected with wirey bushy hair. Things always seem to happen to him no matter where he goes. Crew change day, we all stay in touch with each other as we are traveing to the boat and this one trip, he was flying up to the boat. I didn't get my usual call from him on my way and when I picked up my Captain, he asked if I had heard from the guy and I told him I hadn't. He hadn't either. We get to the boat and STILL have not heard from him and we were worried! Not even the office had heard anything from him. This was so unusual...

    He finally gets to the boat (late evening) and has a story to tell. He had a carry on bag and it set off an alarm at the airport so they pulled him out of the line. He had no idea how serious the situation was until some men with guns showed up. They took his cell phone away from him and he was not allowed to make any calls to anybody and he was detained while they searched and researched his bag but they couldn't find anything in the bag although it kept setting off an alarm. They detained and questioned him for hours before they finally released him and allowed him to continue his trip. However, they took his bag away from him and put that on a different plane. When he got to his final destination, security was there waiting for him to escort him and watch him while he waited for his bag to arrive on a later flight.

    All we could figure was he had a bottle of cheap cologne and it cracked and leaked into his bag. It was enough to set off the alarms. It was a nice bag so he tied it to the railing outside the wheelhouse and left it there for the whole 28 day trip during all kinds of weather. When time came to get off, he had to fly back home and was scared to death to take that bag on the plane again so he threw it away.

    When he got home, he had a official letter telling him he was now on the watch list.

    HOWEVER, we are transportation workers and are now required to have TWIC cards issued by the government where they have to do background checks, fingerprints and really check you out and he has his TWIC card now. I can figure out how he can be on the terriost watch list and have passed the background check to get a TWIC card.

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Wow.. Laura..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Land of the Ducks...quack!
    That poor guy Laura! Further proof that racial profiling is not an efficient way of handling threats...while they were spending hours questioning a guy who had nothing to do with terrorists, how many ACTUAL terrorists could have caused trouble?

    I would really laugh if the next attack was done by a stereotypical white guy. Not that I am condoning harming people in any way, it would just turn all this racial profiling garbage on its ear.

    Look at Oklahoma City, were those guys "typical" terrorists?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Westchester Cty, NY
    Does anyone remember Richard Reid? Or John Lynch? Both WHITE guys. 'nuff said.

    I have an odd post 9/11 story I heard. In Carmel, NY there are some mountains, and two Middle Eastern fellows had been hiking from the previous weekend, out of touch with the outside world. They showed up in a diner on Wednesday the 12th, all grubby, with backpacks (naturally.) Needless to say, people were a little concerned. Fortunately, they had had an alibi from a ranger who had been in the hilly areas during that time. Poor fellas.
    I've been finally defrosted by cassiesmom!
    "Not my circus, not my monkeys!"-Polish proverb

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA
    Another time I was flying to the boat... Rie had something to do that day so she had to take me to the airport about 3 hours early and drop me off.. BECAUSE I arrived so early, it called attention to me. They escorted me everywhere I went, searched my carry on and once I was aboard the plane and it was ready to take off, they announced my name over the airplane speaker and said if I was there to please raise my hand... I did, the attendant came, looked at my ticket again and asked for a ID. They would not load my luggage until they were sure I was on the plane!

    So arriving early sets off a security alarm, and also, the company books these flights on short notice because we never know where the boats will be on crew change day... another alarm, last minute booking..

    White female, 50 to 60 years old, blond hair, blue eyes. I am wondering if our TWICK cards will prevent this now when we have to fly?

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Westchester Cty, NY
    Wow! Maybe they thought you had smuggled some pre-owned kitty litter aboard. That's the pits, though, what they put you though. It's too bad you didn't have some kind of proof why you had to be there early so they'd get off your back. I wonder if someone else might slip through when they pull stunts like that.
    I've been finally defrosted by cassiesmom!
    "Not my circus, not my monkeys!"-Polish proverb

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