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Thread: Please HELP! - Findlay OH

  1. #1

    Please HELP! - Findlay OH

    Logan suggested I join this site and post about my parents' dog.

    I called them this morning to say hello (as I always do), and found out that last night they dumped their dog at the shelter.

    This dog is VERY timid. They did not do enough socializing with her so she's extremely nervous around new people and new situations at first. She warms up and is a fantastic dog, but it takes a day or two for her to get used to new people and new dogs, etc.

    She's got to be TERRIFIED at the pound. Tons of new surroundings, new dogs, new people walking by the cages, etc. She is probably cowering in a corner and growing at people as they walk by because she doesn't know what else to do!!

    If I didn't live 15 hours driving distance away, I'd have already gone and scooped her up and taken her home. Gabby got along with her extremely well at Christmas time. They played together for 2 weeks while I was home, and had I known this was going to happen, I'd have taken her home with me when I left.

    Anyhow, I'm begging if anyone is in the Findlay, OH area - or can get to the area without much difficulty - even a foster situation would be beneficial. She just HAS to get out of there!!

    With her timid personality, I am so afraid that she's never even going to be given the chance at adoption. Nobody is going to want the dog cowering and growling in the corner. She could be a phenomenal dog if someone put the time into her, but unfortunately my parents are not "dog people". I know... how did I end up being such a dog nut??? Anyhow, they got her on impluse when the neighbor's dog had 13 puppies. (Oh how cute, let's take one home!) I HATE impulse pet owners!!!

    She is 100% mutt. There is a bit of lab in her that we're positive of, but to me she looks almost like beagle marked - but she's a big girl. About 50 lbs. She's SO sweet!!

    Her name is Rhapsody, and she's about 15 months old.

    Their reasons for giving her up??

    1. My sister has allergies when she comes home from college
    2. My mom is making my sister's wedding dress and doesn't want dog hair on the material
    3. The dog sheds too much
    4. She's hyperactive (hello?? she's still a puppy, and has lab in her. Of course she's got energy).
    5. They don't want to have to pay to board her or whatever when they want to go on vacation

    Anyhow... they are all incredibly lame excuses in my opinion... and I am so upset about this!

    She is not yet on their petfinder list or on the humane society home page, but since she has only been there since yesterday, I don't know that they have had time to list her.

    If anyone can PLEASE help or knows of someone in the area... I'm desparate to find this dog a home!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Hello Emms, welcome to PT!

    I live in RI, so not able to help directly, but I will say some prayers that dear Rhapsody lands in a loving furrever home.


  3. #3
    HI, Rainbow / Emms, and WELCOME to Pet Talk!

    There ARE a number of Pet Talkers in and around Findlay, Ohio ...
    the only "rub" being that most of them already have a houseful of pets!

    Just exactly WHERE did Rhapsody get dropped off - at a Humane Society Shelter or a local pound?
    Does she have a "time limit" that she must be adopted and out, or else?

    Is she spayed?
    Does she have documented vaccinations and a current Rabies vaccination?
    Has she had any obedience training?

    Is/was she an Inside or Outside dog?
    Any problems with her chewing / upsetting things in the house?

    Maybe tell us a little more about her - we'll all see what we can do.

    /s/ Phred
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  4. #4
    I am in RI also. Which is most of the reason that I am unable to help. THe other is that I am being transferred to Georgia through my company, and at this point I do not knwo where I will be living in 3 months. So since we have 3 dogs and 3 cats already, a 4th is really an impossibility until we get settled.

    And Cindy - she is at the Hancock County Humane Society.

    She is spayed, up to date on shots, heartworm meds, flea treatments, etc. The vet that she was going to is Findlay Animal Care Center ( the one on Bright Road. I actually went with my mother there at Christmas time to get Rhapsody on flea meds because she had fleas that they weren't treating. She bought a year's worth of the Frontline Plus (which she is apparently going to give to me now for my dog since she doesn't need it anymore). I'd MUCH rather pass it on to Sadiebug's new owners though if we can find someone to take her in. I would be more than happy to pass along the frontline, heartworm stuff, and even help with food costs, etc - anything I can do to help get her out of the shelter would be great.

    No obedience training, but she does learn fast. When I was home over the summer, it took me about 30 min to teach her to "play dead" when I shouted "BANG". She knows sit, lie down, come, etc. But nothing formal.

    She was an indoor dog, who played outside on a regular basis. Sleeps inside, inside when my parents were at work, etc. But spent a lot of time outdoors. They have a little 13 acre farm, so she had a lot of room to play.

    She is not much of a chewer (except on her toys), but she did have a habit of getting into the garbage can (which was never secured anyhow, and surprisingly my shepard (gabby) got into it once too - and she never does that at home!!). I really think that it's because they throw meat away in there and then leave it until garbage day, without closing the lid on the trash can or closing the bag and taking it outside. Other than that, she's pretty well behaved. Just a little hyperactive due to her age.

    I have no idea if she has a time limit. I used to volunteer at the Humane Society, and the dogs that growled at people when they walked by were not there long. They usually kept them in a "quaranteen" area that not even the volunteers were allowed to go, and eventually they disappeared. I don't know how long they lasted, or if they waited to see if the dogs calmed down first and then put them out for adoption. I just dont' know at this point.

    I tried to call the shelter but they are closed, so I am planning to call sometime tomorrow (between flights - I am headed for more business travel tomorrow).

    Here is the website for the humane society:

    She isn't listed yet, but again, I don't know how quickly that happens. I'm just so worried about her. I've met her twice and she is such a sweet dog. It is heartbreaking.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Findlay, OH
    I'll try to check on her tomorrow but I can't adopt another dog - there are 8 dogs and 2 small children in my house right now and bringing a timid, scared dog into this might not be such a great idea. It's too bad your parents chose to deal with getting rid of their dog this way - there are some rescue groups in the area that they could have at least called.

    "That they may have a little peace, even the best
    dogs are compelled to snarl occasionally."
    --William Feather

  6. #6
    Well if this isn't a rollercoaster ride, I don't know what is.

    Mom called and told me she's going back to the shelter tomorrow for Rhapsody. She feels so guilty (yay my guilt trip worked!) that she is going to go back and get her and take her home. I told her that if it comes to them not being able to keep her in the future that I will find a way to take her.

    Once we are settled in GA, I don't see why we couldn't take her with us if need be, but for now it's such a up in the air situation that I know it isn't feasible.

    So hopefully the shelter will let them take her back. i don't know what their rules are on surrendered pets and owners coming back for them, so please please pray that they let her take her home.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....
    I'm glad your mom has had a change of heart and hope she will be able to get her dog back. If she would like some help with training, I am from Findlay originally and only live an hour away now. I would be glad to come down and spend a Satruday afternoon with them.

    You might also tell your mom about the dog park in Findlay. It is a great place to let a young pup run off some energy. Even though it sounds like they have a large yard, this would give her a chance to play with other dogs, and maybe help with her socialization. A group of us will be there Sunday of Memorial Day weekend and would be glad to meet them and show them the ropes. You can find more about this in the Meetings Section of general.

    I hope you'll stick around pet talk not only to keep us up todate on Rhapsody and share more with us about your pets too!

  8. #8
    Believe me I am relieved beyond relieved. I just hope the shelter will allow them to get Sadie back. I know when I adopted my Gabby (GSD) from that same shelter, I had to sign paperwork saying that if I returned her I was not allowed to adopt again for x amount of years (I can't remember how long?) That was 8 years ago. I don't know how their rules stand now, and since this was an owner surrender, and not an adoption and return - I don't know what the differences are. I just hope they will go with it.

    I'd like to stick around. I know I'll be MIA a lot in the next few months with the move coming up and a lot of traveling to different locations for work before we move, but I'll do what I can to be active.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    I am so glad this situation seems to be resolved today. I do agree that
    this dog would not show well in a Shelter situation with the problems she
    has now. I hope your folks are willing to work with her to bring her out of
    her shell. I just knew that PT had a whole lot of great, knowledgeable dog
    people in Ohio who would help if they possibly could.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Did Rhapsody make it home yet??

  11. #11
    Good News!

    Rhapsody got bailed out and Reclaimed by her Mom today!

    Lady on the Animal Control Side of the Hancock Humane Society is prolly filling out
    the commitment papers for me right now ... but what the hey!

    /s/ Phred

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Geneva, IL
    Thanks for the update, Phred. Now how did I know that somehow you would be involved here?
    *Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened.* Anatole France

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Yippee! I hated the thought of that timid dog in a shelter. Thanks for all your help phred.

  14. #14
    Thanks so much for keeping up with this guys! I am on a business trip and just now got access to the net for a couple minutes.

    Saidiebug is safe at home now. Thank GOODNESS!!!

    I am so relieved!!

    And I told my mother that if she decides to bail on the dog in the future to send her to ME not the POUND!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    Phred, were you going to get her as a friend for Cinder and Smoke and you? She may still need someone. No offense to Emms, but if her mom disliked her enough to take her to the pound on Friday, then I'm unsure what has changed so much in 4 days except that she felt guilty. Perhaps it would be comforting to Emms if she knew the pup could be placed outside of her mother's home.

    Emms, you can comment on that and I'll shut up now. I'm happy she is out of there.

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