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Thread: My house warming party!!!

  1. #1

    My house warming party!!!

    Karen through a house warming party at her house for me, as my place has nothing in it yet.

    Joe, Gio, Eva, Renos & James showed up! I was so happy
    2 other guys I kinda know (once you live there you become part of the family, there has to be over 100 people now) showed up to say bye too

    Everyone drank a beer & I had my coke lol

    We listened to music, Ron taped James to the remote when he fell asleep & we all played with the little party toys (noise makers hehe)...

    Gio bought me a bottle of Vodka as he knows that pretty much the only thing I'll drink. Renos & his mother bought me a crazy HUGE bath towel & a hand towel Karen bought Mojo a cute vase & something to wear. Ron & Karen bought me new curtins They still have to be made, but I picked the materal with Karen. Its a see through black material, & a thick dark blue material.

    Joe, Gio, Eva, Renos, James & myself all left about 11pm to go to Wendys. On the way there I found a HUGE cardboard tube!! I held it like a weapon & then out of no where I was jumped by Gio. We fought for the tube, but of course I lost as I'm smaller then Gio :P Gio then took off after Joe & those 2 were beating each other in the middle of the street with that tude hehe It broke in 1/2 & it was even funnier to watch those 2 go at each other (they are really good friends & play fight all the time, its really funny to watch). After Gio got the tube to the head & broke his glasses (again), they dropped the tubes.

    We make it to Wendys, order our food & leave. Like usual Joe & I have our french fry fight. Then I got a tomato in my ear. I was grossed out, & wipped off all the mustard & tomato off my hair.. Then I realized he got mustard on my fav hat.. I took a small handful of fries & tossed them at his face as a distraction for my attack... I lundged & got the large fries down his shirt

    As we're struggling, he grabs his large coke & hits me in the chest with it... We both pause & I said, OMG thats sooooo cold!! 1/2 my chest was covered in pop & it looked like I peed myself MANY times lol I was soaked with ice cold coke... When I pulled away, we accidently broke my necklace

    We head home & Gio stars an ice fight from the drinks... Gio runs out of Ice, so I went up to James & asked for 1 ice cube... I put it into my mouth for safe keeping.. I make my way to the other side of the group where Joe is.. I go behind him, take out the ice cube & drop it down the back of his shirt LOl

    We got back to the tubes & the war started again with those. I kept walking & found a shopping cart & started pushing it around... Gio & Joe catch up to me & Gio hops in. Joe starts pushing him down the sidewalk. A cop a head pulls over a driver.. We act all calm while pushing Gio in the cart & go by the cop.. both the cop & driver stop & look at us heheh

    We get a couple blocks away & I joined in on pushing Gio, Joe & I start running to the park. We ran all over the park... We make it to the path at the back of our complex.. both Joe & I are getting tired from all the running & pushing Gio... We make it to the top of the little bridge & give up... The cart turned around on its own & slowly went down the bridge & turn to the grass. Ever so slowly the cart hits the grass & the cart falls over & Gio is giggling on the path. Gio lays down as if he was road kill, Joe takes a photo... Then I ran over & put one foot on Gio's back & put my arms in the air in Victory!

    We had a lot of fun, I love my friends!

    1. James looking really creepy!
    2. Eva on the right
    3. Joe, Gio & myself looking at funny pictures on 4Chan
    4. Renos, & Eva's tongue
    5. Ron taping James to the remote

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    County Kildare, Ireland

    Is that Joe in the middle? - Cute

    Thanks to Michelle (Kittycats_Delight) for my wonderful
    cheerful and special signature and avatar!!!!!!


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by jackmilliesmom

    Is that Joe in the middle? - Cute

    Thats Gio, I cannot make any form of comment on him, as hes dating Eva...
    Gio is the baby of the group, as hes only 21. The other guys are turning 24 this year & I'm the elder of the group turning 25 in a couple weeks. I might be the oldest, but I'm the shortest (Eva isn't part of our group, shes a friend of the group, so she doesn't count, as i'm taller then her)

    Didn't have enough room to add this CRAZY photo of Joe hahaha
    hes playing with a noise maker

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    *shaking head* crazy kids!

    Glad you had a fun house warming... but are you supposed to break so many things?

    Let nature guide your actions and you will never have to worry if you did the right thing. ~ crow_noir

    The pet world excels where the human world is lacking; sterilization and adoption. ~ crow_noir

    Please, if your dog is arthritic look into getting it Elk Velvet Antler. Look up my posts on it, PM me, or look it up on a search engine; but please if you love your dog and want it to live many more years consider this option. I've seen so many posts on here about dogs needlessly suffering. I can't make a new post about EVA every time so this plea is going here. EVA also helps with other ailments such as anemia.

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