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Thread: My Mia needs prayers

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    My Mia needs prayers

    Well...tomorrow is vet day and she does have some kind of infection in her pee.We brought that in today.I think she has kidney failure.But not sure.I'm getting her complete blood work tomorrow and she'll probably need an ultra sound done from there(At another place).
    we got Mia at the shelter and she was just brought in the day before...she was abandoned in a home around here.She was dehydrated,and skin and bones.She's gained almost 4 pounds since here.We are totally in love with her.
    she's between 8-12 years old they said.
    But we have her seperated(in her own room).She pees a real lot.They said the vet they use THOUGHT he felt a scar underneath to think that she was spay already.
    But we'll know with my vet tomorrow for sure.She pees and poops fine but pees WAY to much.
    I hope she's alright.And I hope she can soon join my others.My other cats don't seem to mind her at all when we bring her down in the basement.And she plays OK with them...but she marks all the walls while she's there.
    Plus she is always soaked with drool.
    When I saw her in the shelter...I had to take her home.She never would of lived...from being scared...soaked in urine...and drooling.I knew she was dehydrated too.We gave her Clavamox and pedialyte.
    she's looking so much better now with weight on her now.And she loves us so much.She even knows her name.We say it over and over and she squeeks every time I say it now..and turns her head.She loves burying her head in my hair(drool and all).I love it.She's so good.
    So...if you could add her to your prayers tonight...we really would appreciate it.Thank You everyone.

    Thank You Kim for this wonderful siggy

    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power ,the world will know peace" jimi hendrix

  2. #2
    Carla, I hope poor little Mia will be ok. I will say a prayer for her.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Tennessee, USA
    Hi Carla,

    I'm sorry that Mia is still having some problems. You have done so much for her already and given her a loving, caring home! I pray that she checks out ok at the vet tomorrow!

    Kim Loves Cats and Doggies Too!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Thanks you guys.I'm accually in tears thinking the worst.I wanted to take her in earlier but Mike was fighting me about money cost.Finally.
    He also agreed to let me take in Ethel tomorrow too because her eyes won't clear up after 2 months of terramycin.And she needs an xray because I think she has broncitis like my Rosco.I love Ethel so much.She's my newist(All black).She sleeps with her head on my head.She's so good.Their all so good.

    Thank You Kim for this wonderful siggy

    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power ,the world will know peace" jimi hendrix

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    She's so pretty. I hope she will be okay. Carla, I think you've been hiding some kitties from us. Sounds like your big heart has helped your family to grow. Bless you.

    Prayers on the way for sweet Mia (and Ethel).

    From Decker with Love

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA
    Prayers for this sweet girl that all she needs a some pills and more of your TLC! Luck was on her side when you found her, lets hope her luck continues!

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

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