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Thread: For those who had babies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Clare, MI

    For those who had babies

    Ok now I'm scared and need a little help and reassurance. The doc says he thinks that while I'm still having contractions and they're getting closer together my body is not responding enough to make them more intense and may need a little help. What I want to know is two things....

    What is the difference between being 1cm dialated and fingertip dialated?


    I tested positive for Group B Strep, and so I'm wondering if I need to start freaking out because it will be bad for the baby?

    HELP Please I'm really scared right now. I'm 37 weeks and could go at anytime.

    A positive attitude may not solve allyour problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.-Herm Albright

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    I believe that testing positive for Strep B just means that you will have to have antibiotics when you give birth. I could be wrong, but I think that's what my doctor said. As for dialation, I wouldn't worry too much about that yet, you have plenty of time to dialate. If you don't, they may have to induce. But I don't think you have anything to worry about at this point. Maybe our babies will be born together! How exciting!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New England
    I was Strep B positive as well. Basically all it means is that you get a dose of antibiotics when you go into labor, and periodically (I can't remember but I think it was 4 hours. I had it at like 1:30 and at 5:30) In a way it is good, because you have to have the IV and thus also get extra fluids; but its a bummer because you have to tote the iv pole around the entire time you are in labor. They give you the antibiotics because there is a chance that the baby could get strep b when he/she exits the birth canal...there is no danger in utero.

    As far as your first question.....please don't take my answer too much to heart, but just something to think about. In my very humble opinion, doctors want to RUSH your birth, get you going FASTER, etc etc. They forget that your body is MADE to give birth. When I was giving birth, I was 5 centimeters dialated when I went to a regular dr.'s appointment. He "made" me go to the hospital to have my water broken to speed things along. In hindsight, I totally regret that. Even if it meant that Lydia was in there for another day, I wish that I had waited and gone naturally. I personally believe that your body will dialate when it is time and it is ready.

    Now to balance that side, I also think that Dr.'s are able to discern when there is a problem or a potential problem that could affect yours or the baby's health. So basically, my advice would be to question your doctor...ask him/her if there is any danger to hold off on doing anything, but to wait until your body is ready.

    I forget where I read it, but there was a study that showed that a woman getting induced also increased her likelihood of ending in a C section by like 80% or something like that.

    I hope that helps!!!

  4. #4
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    Sep 2002
    New England
    p.s. Totally take time to enjoy these last few days/couple of weeks. Enjoy every single kick, and take time to appreciate the closeness of your baby nestled inside of you. Life as you know it, will never be the same.... (It will be better, though!!)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I don't even begin to know where I'm "from"
    The one question that wasn't answered: fingertip dilated is less than one cm, but it's not closed tightly. Very beginning stages of dilation.
    Doing my part to save BBD's, one dog at a time!

  6. #6
    Renae I wish I could hug and reassure you in person. I hope I have something to say that will comfort you a bit ...I agree with Cookiebaker's statements about birth being natural and will happen when your body is ready. Childbearing is is not a medical event - it is physical, natural and can be downright enjoyable. It is my understanding that medical management of labor is the norm now and even has initials and that is ok... All that may sound nuts to you and that is normal too. This is your body, your particular unique birth, your baby and your experience.

    Labor will happen at just the right time for you.

    Consciously relaxing does ease contractions and help for your body to respond - deep slow breathing can take you almost up to actually pushing the baby out. I chose to breath slowly and deeply and visualize what was happening. I felt contractions to be like waves of the ocean with a probable/possible storm but not a particularly bad one. A warm and still hubby nearby or actually seated behind you is a wonderful tranquilizer

    Walking slowly can be very relaxing to some women

    There are no prizes for stoicism or bragging rights if you choose to have medication to help the event. I bet even pioneer women had some herb, bark or whatever to chew on

    These may be the last moments, days or weeks of marveling at the movement while it is still inside you - see if you can enjoy some of these moments of quiet

    You can and will do this dear girl - then will come here to tell us about it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New England
    Quote Originally Posted by sirrahbed
    Renae I wish I could hug and reassure you in person. I hope I have something to say that will comfort you a bit ...I agree with Cookiebaker's statements about birth being natural and will happen when your body is ready. Childbearing is is not a medical event - it is physical, natural and can be downright enjoyable. It is my understanding that medical management of labor is the norm now and even has initials and that is ok... All that may sound nuts to you and that is normal too. This is your body, your particular unique birth, your baby and your experience.

    Labor will happen at just the right time for you.

    Consciously relaxing does ease contractions and help for your body to respond - deep slow breathing can take you almost up to actually pushing the baby out. I chose to breath slowly and deeply and visualize what was happening. I felt contractions to be like waves of the ocean with a probable/possible storm but not a particularly bad one. A warm and still hubby nearby or actually seated behind you is a wonderful tranquilizer

    Walking slowly can be very relaxing to some women

    There are no prizes for stoicism or bragging rights if you choose to have medication to help the event. I bet even pioneer women had some herb, bark or whatever to chew on

    These may be the last moments, days or weeks of marveling at the movement while it is still inside you - see if you can enjoy some of these moments of quiet

    You can and will do this dear girl - then will come here to tell us about it
    Debbie, how comforting!!!!! I have tears in my eyes after reading your post. Will you come be with me at my next birth(if there ever is another one)????

  8. #8
    I'm with Anna and Debbie, your body and your baby are in control and know what to do.

    As for being dilated, my sister-in-law was 2 cm dilated for nearly a month before she went into labor. It's completely normal for you to be a dilated a cm or two at this stage.

    Needles and I don't agree, so it was a huge relief when I was tested and negative for Group B strep. Like Anna said you get a shot of antibiotics every 4 hours from the time you go into labor until your baby is born.

    Remember that you are ONLY 37 weeks. While you could go any time your baby isn't truly over due until 42 weeks.
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Tennessee, USA
    Sweetie, there is a reason that "full term" is 40 weeks! Your little girl isn't ready to make her entrance just yet! Braxton Hicks contractions can happen weeks prior to delivery! You will be just fine and that precious little girl will be here before you know it!

    Kim Loves Cats and Doggies Too!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Clare, MI
    I wanted to thank everyone for helping me through a rough time yesterday with my worries. I got advice and facts from another expecting mother like JenBKR to experience moms like Cookiebaker, Deb and Kim. Even Dev was able to tell me the difference in the dialation.

    This is one of the reasons I come to PT is because I know I won't be made to feel like an idiot for expressing my fears and concerns. I love you guys so much.


    A positive attitude may not solve allyour problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.-Herm Albright

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