Well folks my kittie intake is up to five cats now, most of you know my Ash and Lexie and of course the story on Duchess and Vicky now Duchess's son and Vicky's brother has also moved into the back verandah,since the irresponsible owner is away 7 nights a week, they have no where to shelter,except here.

Vicky is now residing inside all night , she is simply gorgeous, what a sweet girl ,very much like my Lexie, but better still she is a lap cat, my first ever,I really want to keep both of the girls, but i know it might not happen, the so called owner is going to Aussie for a holiday in sept, i wonder what she intended to do with all three cats then huh,no doubt she will just go and leave them to it,but of course they will be taken care of by me as they are now, but i can just see it happening , i have been taking care of them for over four months now , that will make it eight months, and she will probably just come over and take them way from me, i think about it, but try not to most of the time, i just hope that day never comes.

The brother and son Charles needs fixing so hey presto in sept he might just be going for a trip to the whitecoats courtesy of me.

Duchess also spent a couple of hours sitting on my lap the other night, but she stresses if she is kept in too long and had to be let out,so picture it all folks, Lexie on the seat beside the couch, Ash in his usual spot under the heater, well almost, Duchess on my lap, and Vicky almost in the crook of my arm,believe me with hot flushes and the heater going and all that warm fur and body heat i was sweating in the middle of winter.

Some days the whole three of them including my Ash just sun themselves on the front verandah, kitties galore, Ash just accepts the girls and does not give a hoot most of the time, not so cool with Charles, has had a spat with him already, and Lexie is curious, a bit hacked off, but is getting to be quite accepting especially of vicky, Duchess is a real scrapper and fights with any cat and generally starts all the fighting, is always attacking her daughter rather viciously too i might add,so Lexie is not very keen on her presence,Lexie is my almost indoor kitty as she loves to stay indoors most of the time , more so now its winter and the other kitties are here,but i think she is doing really well considering,she just stares at them with huge eyes, occasionally she stalks vicky who responds with a big hiss.

So folks that is the uppydate in my household right now.