I am in a situation and don't know what to do Up until August we had a stable living situation. Then our lives changed, drastically The jobs we had for the past 7 years ended, and we had to move before our house was ready for all of us (pets and people) Don't get me wrong, the house is livable, it's just not ideal for us all; namely, the dogs. We had to move in before we could fence in their yard. So, now we have two big dogs, who are used to going inside and outside freely, stuck in the house most of the time. We take them out on leashes to potty and exercise, but they are used to being able to RUN a yard; and our legs can't keep up with that We cannot leave them to run loose either because of neighbors and wild dogs (we moved to a semi-rural area). Now, the dogs have started behaving badly. They chew on things they know not to, will not stay out of the litter boxes, they eliminate inside right after they have pottied outside or in the middle of the night, they've started barking at everything, and now one of them has started slipping her collar right as we go out and won't come when called. They used to be such good girls We can still afford food and vet care, but aren't going to be able to afford a fence any time soon. We just don't know what to do. Is this temporary? Do they need remedial training? Or would it be better to find them new homes? Our situation does not look like it will change any time soon. What would be the responsible thing to do?