Hi Maskie! Happy, happy Pet of the Day to you, sweet one!
What an adorable little rattie boy you are, Maskie! I just love your "mask," so distinictive!

I so enjoyed reading your story, all about your happy life, your sweet, mischevious self!! You've only been with your family for a short while, but already you and your parents have developed such a deep bond of trust and friendship; I can only imagine how wonderful it is to be on the receiving end of those sweet Maskie kisses! No doubt you'll come to learn all sorts of "tricks," get even "better" and more talented with time! But I'm sure your parents would agree you're already perfect, so special in so many ways! Best of all, you have a heart as big as they come, with personality to spare! What fun your parents will have watching you grow and learn over the coming years...they are truly blessed having a furkid and best friend as sweet as you in their lives! Enjoy your big day in the spotlight, Maskie! Hope you're treated to an extra special, fun filled day, being spoiled rottten!
Gentle cuddles and kisses to you on your big day, precious Maskie!