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Thread: How did/do/will you set your wedding date?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    The Golden State

    How did/do/will you set your wedding date?

    My hubby and I got married on Dec 29th, 2001. We chose that day for so many reasons:

    1. It's the Feast of the Holy Family, after whom we would like to model our family.
    2. For the joyful, peaceful, happy feelings that filled the air at Christmas time
    3. We got married in a Catholic church, where it would be decorated extraordinarily beautiful at Chirstmas time!
    4. Both my company & hubby's company close their business during Chirstmas week --> We could definitely take advantage of the extra vacation days for our future anniversaries
    5. Our future kids would have days off from school anyway --> they don't have to miss school should we ever wanted to take a family vacation at our future anniversaries
    6. We have lots of relatives/friends from oversea & other states, who would like to attend our wedding, but wanted to spend the holidays with their families first. The date worked out so well
    7. and last but not lease, the idea of sweating inside a thick, multi-layers wedding gown was not so appealing to me, so I chose Winter

    We did put a lot of thoughts into planning our most special day. It's been proven over and over again that we've made a right decision, and that Dec 29th is definitely the best day for our anniversary! (The only set back is I would only get ONE combined Christmas + Anniversary gift from my hubby Well, I guess I can't really complain, because I think it's a GOOD thing that I only have to get him one gift )hehe

    How about you?? How did you choose your special day?

    Thanks ~Jessie~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Alaska: Where the odds are good, but the goods are odd.
    Wow! You guys put a lot of thought into it.
    We got married on Memorial Day (U.S.) because we had the day off. The weather was nice. And we would have half a chance of remembering our Anniversary. But, since Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday of May, we still get it wrong most of the time. Oh well!
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Chihuahua, Mexico
    mire is pretty simple LOL........hubby wanted the last weekend of January......but I convinced him on waiting till Feb that it was it 1st Feb 2003........simple and easy to remember....FOR HIM !! LOL

    and as for weather stuff he doesn´t likes cold and we were thinking an outside wedding, so no rain can appear either........ but Feb can also be windy so we did an inside one after all......

    one thing I hate......(well not too much) is that when I see a gorgeous dress I think I would´ve loved that one more and say "can we marry again so I can wear that one"........ROFL.........
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Wow you really put a lot of thought into it! We thought a spring wedding would be pretty, so we looked at April. We then thought that April 22 looked like a nice date, so we decided on that, except it happened to be the day before Easter. So, we moved it back a week, and got married on April 29. Not much thought went into it, we just kind of closed our eyes and pointed to a date

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Didn't put much thought into it. Just knew we wanted to get married some Saturday in the summer time.

    Picked July 1st because it worked best with our families schedules.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    We got married the day after Paul's birthday, and the day before the matron-of-honor's birthday - so it was like a holiday weekend for the family!
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Desert Southwest
    Tim & had known each other for when we first started dating we didn't have to go through the period of getting to know each other & the family stuff (his sister and I are good friends). Our first date was Memorial day 1989.

    We then took a trip on July 4th (his birthday!) to San Diego - where he told me he loved me for the first time.

    We got engaged that October, and married on February 17, 1990. Yes, fast I know.

    We actually wanted to get married on Valentine's day, but my dear sweet mother (we don't talk now - but not because of this) told us that was too "cheesey" Nice mom, huh?! So we moved the wedding to the saturday which happened to be the 17 - just like this year!!

    So we celebrate our anniversary & Valentine's day together, and we all celebrate Tim's birthday on the 4th of July!!

    My birthday is always the week after Thanksgiving, so we have things all planned out!!
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    We have no idea! When I was married before, we didn't put too much thought into it, either...we got married on September 10th. I've heard David mention the fall, but I don't really care personally.
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  9. #9
    LOL We got married August 22nd. It was the first monday after we got our marriage license. the courts aren't open on the weekends so we did it the first available day.... Monday. It was really a spur of the moment kind of thing. We went on the Friday to get our license, went back on Monday and were married.

    I always thought I wanted the big wedding with the dress and the cake and the celebration but now that it's done and over and I see my sister stressing over her wedding I couldn't be more pleased that we did it so quick and simple.

    it worked out because the 22nd of the month is easy for me to remember My birthday is June 22nd. My neices birthday is Sept 22nd and my dads birthday is November 22nd. I don't remember things so well so having it end up on the 22nd was a blessing in disguise LOL now it's easy for me to remember.

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Virginia US
    Quote Originally Posted by ramanth
    Didn't put much thought into it. Just knew we wanted to get married some Saturday in the summer time.

    Picked July 1st because it worked best with our families schedules.
    lolllllllll.. Well we were sort of the same thing.. We moved here may 20th- and I told my husband the house would be ready ( we got married at the house- ).. We had family that was coming from Minnesota- so the wedding was planned when everyone could get here- Alias July 3rd! lol.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    My honey wanted to make sure that he would never forget our anniversary, so it was important to pick a date that could stick in his brain.

    We flipped open the calendar - started looking at dates of the Saturdays in June-September, and there it was. July 27th.

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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada
    We eloped but we picked the day because it was one year after we started dating and the weekend before the Victoria Day long weekend--no tourists at the park we went to.
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  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Ridge Manor, FL
    We flew out on the 19th of October to WY. I had already arranged with the magistrate out there for it to be on the 20th as we had to get our marriage license still so we picked that up when we got into Jackson. Couldn't get married the 19th as it was not good time wise with our flight and all so the 20th it was. It was a Thursday. When I was a kid the number 20 was always my favorite number but that did not play a factor in us getting married on the 20th. Funny how it all worked out like that, destiny maybe?
    Amber: Mom to Connor, Carson, Sadie, Maggie and Grant

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Wyoming, USA
    We just grabbed the calender and picked a Saturday that nothing else had already been planned, wasn't a holiday, and was far enough into spring/summer that the weather would be nice, but not scorching hot. May 20th was the first day that was open, so we picked it. LOL
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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by kuhio98
    Wow! You guys put a lot of thought into it.
    We got married on Memorial Day (U.S.) because we had the day off. The weather was nice. And we would have half a chance of remembering our Anniversary. But, since Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday of May, we still get it wrong most of the time. Oh well!

    Cute! We did the same thing almost.
    We got married on May 24th because we thought that it would always be close to the holiday and we'd have a better chance to celebrate long weekends.... almost 5 years now!

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