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Thread: Can a dog be jealous?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Biloxi, Ms USA

    Can a dog be jealous?

    Until recently I'd always been a one pet person. I had a beautiful cat named Mike until he passed away in '98, In Sep I brought Jeffrey into our household. A few weeks ago a I received Bandit. Although they get along well, when it comes to affections Jeffrey seems to be jealous. Tonight, Jeffrey was asleep on the sofa and Bandit was asleep under my desk. Bandit woke up and I picked him up to cuddle. Jeffrey jumped off the sofa and came to me like he wanted to be cuddled too. This happens frequently. Whenever I talk to Bandit, no matter what Jeffrey is doing he has to come over and receive the same. I don't mind talking or cuddling with both of them, but when it's the other way around; me cuddling Jeffrey, Bandit doesn't seem to care. Is Jeffrey jealous? By the way, I've only recently become a member and this site is now my fave. I don't know you all personally, but I think all of you are fantastic! It is so refreshing to hear from people who are not so completely wrapped up in thier lives that they forget all the other creatures on this earth. Peace to all!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Salisbury Plain, UK
    You don't have to be so nice about us to get us to answer you - but it helps!!!

    Jeffery has been with you longer and simply sees himself as coming first in your affections. In other words he sees himself as dominant over Bandit. When you are making a fuss of Bandit he sees it as his right to be made a fuss of too. Bandit however is accepting of his role as omega and doesn't feel he has the same right to demand attention.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hi Genia! Everytime I lay with my shep/husky Cody or go to pet her, my lab, who is the newer addition of the two, goes to the toy chest, grabs a "baby" and runs to a corner, sulking and making whinning noises! When her favorite humans come to the house, and Cody gets petted first, Star will literally shove Cody out of the way, push the visitor's hand up and off Cody, and beg for hugs! Cody always seems willing to wait for her hugs and attention, just like Bandit. When push really comes to shove, Cody is still the alpha. She's just very tolerant of her still quite young sister, and very patient and often lets her have her way. When Cody thinks it's enough, she gives Star a good wack with her paw or a little nip and instantly Star retreats, lays on her back, offering Cody her exposed belly! Whenever I've had 2 dogs in the house, one always seems to be more jealous of the attention given to the other. And welcome to you, Jeffrey, and Bandit! So glad to have you all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Lebanon, TN, USA
    Well, since we know they feel love, I see no reason to believe they don't feel the other emotions we humans have, including jealousy. Let's face it, they can get anxious about being separated from us and I even think they can be vengeful. They hang around us enough to pick up on some of these emotions, why not all?

    I also welcome you and your furry children. I'm fairly new here, too, but come visit everytime I get on the net.

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