And complain about how "tough" their parents are.

Sorry, if you don't have a job and don't pay your own way - you don't have it so "bad."

A majority of my peers dropped out of school, didn't get jobs, and continue to live under their parent's houses with NO responsibilities. Yet, a majority of them also have brand new cars, brand new clothes, top of the line electronics, everything their little hearts desire... their parents buy it! But their parents are SO horrible for making them come home at a certain time, SO horrible if they do not buy into the latest trend, SO horrible if they do not buy them whatever they want.

Now, I no longer go to school but I got a job the second I made this decision. I live with my parents, pay rent, and am expected to pay for whatever I want for myself and my dogs. Even before I had a steady salary I was expected to work for what I wanted.

WHY don't kids see how good they have it?
WHY don't parents make their children work for themselves?

I'm sorry this is a bit of a rant... I'm just so sick of my peers being so LAZY.