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Thread: Shelby Update...And More

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Shelby Update...And More

    Hi everyone--some of you all probably remember a post I made about 2 months ago on a dog named Shelby. She "belonged" to the man behind us who had a trashy yard and let Shelby basically roam the streets. I tried to feed her and approach her but she was real skittish. I had a hard time trying to capture her because she was so shy. Eventually Shelby's owner agreed to give her to my dad's friend Melvin, a huge animal lover. This was back in March. Shelby is still doing great, slowly coming out of her shell. She's got a dog brother who is also trying to come to grips with his new "sis". There's a cat in the family who isnt too fond of another dog in the house (and the feeling is mutual with Shelby LOL). Glad to know though that she is doing good and is safe

    However, we have another problem. The owner has another dog who is starting to roam the streets again. His name is Elvis. I can't describe what he looks like...he's about the size of a lab but his face looks like my beagle. He looks like a very hairy greyhound to me LOL. Elvis is pretty smart, he goes back to his yard. He's not as skittish as Shelby was but there is no way I am going to pet him. He seems pretty approachable though. I have seen him come around just a few times but he goes home. However last night, I heard him barking in the yard next door and I looked out my window and saw him going through the garbage of my neighbor! Trash was strewn everywhere...dont know if he was looking for food or what. He has alot of fur so it's hard to tell if he is missing any meals.

    Tonight I saw him and thought maybe he was hungry, so I did what I did with Shelby-I scooped a cup of my own dog's food and put it on a plate and let him eat it on our driveway. I stuck it on the plate and he went right up to me while I did it and ate it...didnt seem shy at all. He ate a good 3 or 4 cups. I had some water for him but he didnt want it. He kept on hanging around the front yard like he wanted something, so I thought maybe he wanted more food. Mind you, my own hound dog saw this whole front yard feeding and went biserk indoors, barking and scratching at the door. As I went indoors to get some more food for Elvis, my dog (Daisy) shot out like a rocket and chased Elvis a good few houses down...never saw my dog run so fast in my life LOL (at 35 pounds thats a miracle for a beagle LOL). My parents were wondering what was going on, seeing me chase my dog down the street and picking her up and taking her home, both of us out of breath.

    Mom knew I was feeding Elvis earlier, but dad didnt. He called the owner and left a message for his wife (at 10:30pm, we couldnt tell where the owner was...he is an alcoholic if that tells you anythng) and told her about Elvis keeping him up at night barking and going through garbage. I told my dad why Daisy got out and how I was feeding Elvis...he was mad. He told me he didnt care what happened with Elvis, doesnt care if he starves to death or gets hit by a car. He is concerned that our own dog is going to get hit by a car getting out the door and chasing one of these loose dogs. Kind of a cruel thing to say, but as an animal lover, I dont want to see dogs like this suffer. Elvis is a smart dog who seems to know when to go back home, but I wonder why he has been escaping lately. He's always been the dog to always stay in the yard whenever Shelby would get loose. I've noticed in the past couple weeks, he has been out. Truthfully, I dont know if he is getting fed at home. Digging through the garbage got to me (unless he likes to dig LOL), then again seeing him eat 3 cups of dog chow also concerned me (then again, my own dog eats alot too and she is nowhere near starving )

    I'm not trying to capture him like Shelby and give him a home, but I am just curious on why he is getting out like he is recently. My father doesnt like that I am feeding him--he says he doesnt want to get in this "crazy" mess that we had with Shelby, trying to feed her and capture her and all. And like the owner said before--"Im not getting rid of my dogs, they just roam around and come home when they want" I dont know if Elvis is getting out because he is looking for food or if he found out the secret outlet into the neighborhood (which Shelby obviously found). Hope he isnt in the same situation as Shelby--the owner not caring if he returns home or not.

    It's a really sticky situation. Like I said, I have a soft spot for dogs especially and seeing dogs wander around breaks my heart. Then again, having parents (especially my father) thinking I am crazy for feeding stray dogs and forbidding me to feed them and not caring whether these helpless guys starve or get hurt. It's just hard trying to get around it. I'm keeping an eye out on him--he seems to hang around an area close to his home so he goes back alot. Seems smart, seems friendly but I dont want to touch him.

    I just hope this isnt Shelby round 2. What do you all think? Should I try to sneak around and feed him (I wont get grounded for doing it since I well above the age to be grounded LOL) or have a gut feeling that he will be just fine? This situation is going to worry me like it did with Shelby's. I'll take any advice you all have. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Can you call the animal control or SPCA to have them imvestigate? sounds like that guy needs a swift kick in the arse!!! HATE ppl like that........

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Thanks Lorraine....the guy definitely is a jerk. I live in a small city and don't think we have a SPCA, but I know for sure we've got an animal control department. I feel like kicking him myself (the owner)..and then kicking him some more. I sure don't let my dog roam around the streets and cares less whether or not she gets home (believe me, my dog probably couldn't find her way home LOL). The Shelby story was really bad, and now I am afraid it is happening again. Not as serious this time because he goes back home all the time, but I am still concerned for his welfare. Tells me something if he is roaming through garbage and eating all the dog food I offered him. I can't monitor him during the day because I work but I will try to keep up with him when I get home. Of course my parents think I am psycho for feeding stray dogs and don't want me to do it, but I don't want them to suffer because I have no idea if they are in pain or in need or want food..I can't read their feelings and understand their wants. I hate situations like these, and yep Lorraine, I hate people that do these kind of things to animals of all types.

    I swear, people need to be screened beforehand if they are wanting to get an that the animal will be in good hands and will be loved and cared for. But I don't see this happening any time in the future Guess society has worse problems to deal with

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Well for sure call the animal control,, Maybe even call your vets and ask if there are ppl who can possibly help in this situation? You never know,,, I am glad this poor dog had you who care enuff for him.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I feel like calling animal control at this very moment but deep down inside I feel kind of bad doing it because I don't want to take these dogs away from this man. We already got shelby into a loving home, and that ordeal was stressful. The guy doesnt deserve to have pets if he can't care for them (I heard that he now has another puppy in the yard somewhere). But then again, I don't know if he realizes Elvis is loose or if he just doesn't care whether he comes in and out (like Shelby's situation). I don't want him coming back to me and threaten me if I send his dog off with animal control...he's got a bad background and I am worried he will come back at me. I thought about trying to find the hole is getting out of and maybe patch it but I dont want that guy to see me. Oh I hate when these kind of things happen because I am just confused on what to do.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    well unless your house is the only house near his,, I dont think he is gonna know it was you who called... its either call or watch the abuse continue,, and I dont think youre that kind of a person..... Its us humans that have to speak up and protect those without a voice....
    Look,, I called the animal control on a store in town and I know that they knew it was me who called because I made a stink about how a dog looked in thier store,,, and i still go back there even after the fact,,,, and they didnt come after me and still treat me like any other customer.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Thanks for the advice Lorraine. I'm going to keep an eye on the issue because it is something I dont want a sad ending to. I'm going to try and feed him without anybody finding out. Maybe try to hide the food under something and lure him to it...he seems friendly and approachable so I dont think I have a problem scaring him off.

    I live in a neighborhood, and the guys backyard is on the next street over but his backyard backs up against the backyard of our neighbor (if it makes it easier to comprehend, we can see his backyard from our's catty corner). He knew we gave Shelby a home and he also knew when we called him several times when we saw her loose. So I know he knows we are trying to keep track of Elvis just like we did with Shelby.

    Hopefully this will have a happy ending although it is hard seeing that happen right now. I'm just trying to make sure Elvis is going to be safe and happy and it seems I have no support from anybody else...they all think I am crazy worrying about this dog and all.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Like I promised, I kept a lookout for Elvis when I got home from work. My dad was off today and said he saw Elvis back home today (see he knows his way home). I haven't seen him in his yard when I got home today BUT I didn't see him out on the street either. Then again, I saw him outside yesterday later than it is now, so there's still a chance he can get out. So nothing is really going on now but I am still watching out for him. Let you all know if anything changes. Thanks for your concern!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Hey guys, sorry I haven't been able to update in a few days..I have been extremely busy the past couple of days. I haven't seen Elvis out in the streets lately though. That is good to hear, but I haven't had time to look back in the "owner's" yard and see if he is back there. I will try to look back there today and see if he is there. Hopefully he's still around so I can monitor his whereabouts. I'll let you know what I see!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Shhh it's a secret;)
    You shouldn't feel bad about calling Animal Control on this guy if he doesn't deserve dogs. As for feeding the dog, no one should think your crazy, I'm constantly feeding strays and I make rounds in the my neighborhood to feed my neighbor dogs treats as well.
    "To all the dogs I've loved before...Who traveled in & out my door...I'm glad you came along...I dedicate this song to all the dogs I've loved before"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Geneva, IL
    Originally posted by daisyshuman8
    Thanks for the advice Lorraine. I'm going to keep an eye on the issue because it is something I dont want a sad ending to. I'm going to try and feed him without anybody finding out. Maybe try to hide the food under something and lure him to it...he seems friendly and approachable so I dont think I have a problem scaring him off.

    I live in a neighborhood, and the guys backyard is on the next street over but his backyard backs up against the backyard of our neighbor (if it makes it easier to comprehend, we can see his backyard from our's catty corner). He knew we gave Shelby a home and he also knew when we called him several times when we saw her loose. So I know he knows we are trying to keep track of Elvis just like we did with Shelby.

    Hopefully this will have a happy ending although it is hard seeing that happen right now. I'm just trying to make sure Elvis is going to be safe and happy and it seems I have no support from anybody else...they all think I am crazy worrying about this dog and all.
    Daisy's Mom, you seem to have good instincts about this situation. All your concerns are valid ones and I don't know that there are any easy answers here. I wish I had some advice, but right now I can't seem to come up with much. Just know that I think you are a wonderful girl for caring, and like you, it would break my heart to watch such a situation. Is there any organization in your town which you could contact, maybe a group that tries to find homes for dogs which they foster? People that are active in such a group might have more resources and experience dealing with these type of situations. Maybe you could ask at PetsMart or a similar type store if they are aware of such a group in your area and if they have a phone number.

    I'm glad you followed up with us on the Shelby situation and am very happy that your efforts in that case were so successful. Good luck and do be careful.
    *Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened.* Anatole France

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Thanks Rachel and Animal Rescue for your advice and kind words. I agree, it is a hard to go through situations like this because you wonder if what you are doing is worth it (I know it was with Shelby!)

    My dad told me yesterday he has seen Elvis back in his yard. As a matter of fact, my Daisy was barking at him he said (he said she was probably telling Elvis that she chased him away from our yard last week and she can do it again so don't mess with her LOL--mind you, Daisy is 2 times smaller than Elvis but that is a different story )

    It is good to know Elvis is back in the yard...haven't seen him wander around like I did last week which is a good sign, but as always I am still continuing to keep an eye on this situation. As long as he is in his yard, I am not going to call animal control because I dont want to make things worse-I dont want to get in mess if he is back home and everything. But if I see him again on my street, going through garbage and stuff I will take action.Like I said, I am still watching over this whole thing but the good thing is I haven't seen him walking around in the streets and stuff, so something has improved. But it could always go back the other way! Thanks!

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