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Thread: Its actually snowing

  1. #1

    Its actually snowing

    I cant believe it. It is actually snowing. We rarely get snow around here, and when it does snow, absolutely no accumulation. But not today. They closed school early today because of it, and the collage in my town is closed tomorrow because of the fact that it rains along with snow, therefore creating a rather bad ice situation. I can pretty much guess I am not having school tomorrow, seeing as the biggest educational institute around here closed down because of it, but we will see. I cant take pics right now, seeing as it is pitch black and the flash on my camera is busted.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Well that's completely unfair - I haven't had snow yet this season, yet YOU get some in Georgia? Tell your folks to be very careful driving - don't get in situations where you need to brake quickly, and be very wary of the other drivers! I'm betting most people where you are don't have snow tires or "all weather" tires.

  3. #3
    Lucky duck. We haven't had real snow yet. I'm so upset!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    We have had a fair bit of snow,but it snows,then rains then gets mild.All of our snow is gone now it has been raining the last few days.I hope we dont have a winter like we had a few years ago.It was mostly ice rain,kids most likely enjoyes all the time off school..But was not fun to drive in!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Currently living in Ohio!
    Snow?? It's 70 degrees out here
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