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Thread: Love bites?

  1. #1

    Love bites?

    I sure hope these are love bites...
    Dylan has been acting...differently lately. I thought it is a GOOD thing in that he has been more outgoing and friendly. He is actually seeking out affection, rolling over onto his back and asking for belly rubs - he never used to let us touch his belly much except for schmoozles Well, for the last weeks, I have gladly given him lots of belly rubs and scritches and he grabs my arm in that "kitty lock" and give me some nips. OUCH! They are gentle - usually. Today he got rather rough and so I did what I had read from soemone here - I squealed and walked away because it hurt!. He at least looked surprised and sad! Just now, he wanted more lovins and got me in the arm lock again - but this time he chomped down too hard between my figers and broke the skin. I *shrieked* and walked away but he laid there on his back swiping at me wanting to play! This is kinda scary because it is just not much like my sweet laid back Dylan.
    Does anyone know what is going on?? We have had overnight company the past two weekends - that is the only real change in routine...he has never been bothered by company though. He usually enjoys it when people are here and is very sociable!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Tennessee, USA
    Hi... it was me that suggested that brilliant idea sorry it didn't work too well! You said that Dylan didn't used to ever let you pet his belly? Well then now that it is a new thing, then I think you are just now seeing the normal reaction to too much belly rubbing? Sounds "simple" I know ... but my Dexter ... who is a Maine Coon mix like Dylan can only handle soo much of belly touching, then he bites and HARD! Maine Coon mixes tend to be nippers anyways, as it seems! I guess you just have to find the appropriate time / mood to attempt the belly rub with him!

    We love you Dylan, just don't bite mommy quite so hard .... take it from Dexter ... it gets you bumped out of the lap REAL FAST!!!

    Kim Loves Cats and Doggies Too!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Well you can take it from an expert that when Magoo starts the too hard biting we pull out the toy! I really think Dylan is playing and he is just relaxed enough with you that he thinks he can play rough. When it starts to get rough remove your hand and throw in the toy on a string and let him attack that. He is probably confused as to why you don't want to play with him when he is just treating you like a kitty friend. He will learn that the toy is for such biting.
    Believe me when I tell you that the sweet and adorable Peanut Butter wants to play it can hurt! I know he means no harm but that doesn't stop the pain. I do him the same way. Then he gets to play with mommy and I don't get hurt!
    I hope this works for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Monte does that when he gets wound up. I avoid him then, because it is too rough and innapropriate. Dylan is feeling frisky.

    The real love bites do not hurt because the cat does not use pressure. This is a play bite. Good for another cat but not for a human. The walking away is good because it does not encourage the behavior, but it does not actually stop it. It may never actually STOP that behavior, but if you don't encourage it then it should happen less.

    And yes, a nice big plush toy is a much better item for him to grab onto and bite into.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    If You Don't Talk To Your Cat About Catnip, Who Will?
    Sounds to me as though he's reacting to the belly rubs. I have very few here that actually adore belly rubs! Maybe you can make him a toy that he can beat on when he gets fired up! I use my husbands tube socks, stuff them with pillow stuffing, pour in a whole bunch of catnip, and tie the top with some strong string. They don't last very long though....the cats go nuts with them!
    ~*~ "None left to rescue, none left to buy, none left to suffer, none left to die. None to be beaten, none to be kicked...all must be loved and all must be fixed".
    Author Unknown ~*~



  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Greensboro, North Carolina
    My Pep, also a Maine Coon, can bite hard when he's over stimulated. We generally just stop playing with him (which is fine with him, he's kind of an ornery 18-year old). But I can understand your kitty not understanding and still wanting to play.

    You may already know this- but when cats bite and break the skin, it can be real hazardous to humans. Vivi bit my husband a few years back while she was playing and broke the skin, and he developed a severe infection and nearly lost his hand. Be sure to wash any bites that break the skin and seek IMMEDIATE medical treatment if they start to turn red or swell.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Okay is there something in the cat treats these days? What is it with the kitty biting spree. First Miss Kitty takes a chomp out of me last night and now Dylan has a midday snack with you.

    Maybe Maine Coons are just prone to be like that (not that Miss Kitty is a MC). Unfortunately with Ripley its gone to the extreme and he has his Feline Rage attacks on me. Actually to give him credit he hasn't had a really bad attack on me in almost two years but he has gotten too wired and has tried. I've just learned to hide from him until he's calmer.

    Sorry Dylan is getting a little to excited but maybe the others are right and you should give up the belly rubs for a while.

    From Decker with Love

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