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Thread: Our New Minister

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Our New Minister

    Our new minister,the Reverend Jennifer Broomhead reading the announcements from the church bulletin Sunday morning.She is from the small Northern Ontario town of Chapleau which is 4 hours north of Sault Ste.Marie.She first attended church at Trinity United Church in Chapleau.Jennifer and her husband Gord moved to Kingston,Ontario in 2005 where she attended Queen's Theological College and has undergraduate degree from the University of Waterloo, and was ordained as a minister on June 7,2009.She was posted to two small churches near Belleville,Ontario about an hour and half East of here in July of 2009,her last service there was September 8th.The day before she had 22 inches of her hair cut off ,it went to Angel hair for Kids,money raised by the youth group went to Gifts With Vision,a United Church of Canada charity.She promised to do it if the youth group raised the money, they did and she followed through on her promise.It was a hard and emotional last day at her previous church,the congregation presented her with a mantlepiece clock,thought that was very nice,they thought a lot of her to get that.In Grade 11,she spent a year as a Rotary exchange student in Denmark,taught English as a second language in China.Mom thought she did a good job Sunday,thought she was a little nervous,being her first service with us,it was Worldwide Communion Sunday,Mom helped to pass out the bread.The Reverend had a time with the kids,Samantha was there,The Reverend brought a globe to show where they were on it,where she was a teacher in China and asked the kids where they have been and Samantha spoke up and said Mexico.Samantha has joined the children's choir,she will be doing that every other week as her Dad has her every other weekend.The Children's choir Director said that was okay,they would sing when they had enough of them to sing.Jennifer and Gord have a little girl Amelia who is almost 3 and has 2 cats Dizzy and Ella,likes to knit..Mom had a word with him before Coffee time yesterday,Mom said he was very down to earth,he is a heavy set man,not overly heavy,she is as well,The Reverend just looks like a regular person without the White robe on.Haven't met her,maybe next as there is no coffee time,being Thanksgiving,after the service,the Reverend goes to the front door of the church to greet people on the way out.
    Last edited by fritz03; 10-07-2013 at 04:23 PM.
    thanks very much devon. I have been boo'd.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Oh my goodness! Back in the early to mid-80s my then-husband and I were a music duo. We had gigs at the Sportsman's Hotel in Chapleau several times. Run by the Houle family.

    What a blast from the past!

    It's great to see a new minister in the pulpit!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda


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