My mom finally gave in to order Frontline Plus off Petmeds! yay!Kodie and Lucy have fleas right now They're soo bad down here.My mom has been buying the 'Hartz' stuff,i told her "no that stuff doesnt work mom!and its bad for them!"Then she says lets try it anyway..well waste of $10 It just made Kodie smell like Bugspray,its really stinky stuff So i had to bathe him,so he would'nt hate Hartz stuff,i only buy there Rawhide bones,and the odd Shampoo.
Well,anyways we only ordered the 3 packs,1 of the X-Large,and 1 Medium.We want to make sure it works before we order the 6-pack.
I cant wait to get it!I want to get rid of those darn fleas I hate them!I found over 10 of them on him today.Lucy is still on Sentinel,so were finishing that up before we put her on Frontline.
yay!No more fleas!