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Thread: World Trade Center, Pentagon under attack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2000

    World Trade Center, Pentagon under attack

    Is everyone here on Pet Talk okay! What's going on????? 2 airplanes have crashed into the World Trade Center in New York. The Trade Center has now completly collapsed. Another plane crashed into the Pentagon in D.C.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Altoona, Pennsylvania
    Just checking in and saying I'm okay. I work in a Courthouse but not one that terrorists are going to hit (I hope). I'm not in a major government office or anything.
    Remember this date and be prepared. I think this is the beginning of a war.
    Click here to visit my photo album

    "Anywhere I'll ever go and everywhere I've been, nothing takes my breath away like my front porch looking in." - Lonestar

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Altoona, Pennsylvania
    Just heard that. Okay, now I'm getting scared. That's like one hour from here. If they start hitting State or County buildings, I'm out of here.

    [ September 11, 2001: Message edited by: Stenograsaurus ]
    Click here to visit my photo album

    "Anywhere I'll ever go and everywhere I've been, nothing takes my breath away like my front porch looking in." - Lonestar

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    I'm an hour south of DC, which is in complete chaos. I can't reach my family by phone -- complete silence. Unbelievable.
    Cindy (aka Manxcat)
    household staff of Stump and Emmett

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    The plane just outside of Pittsburgh (about 60 miles) was another supposedly hijacked. There are reports that another one of the planes may of been hijacked from Pittsburgh. I live 10 minutes from the Pittsburgh Airport and my husband works there. He said it is just very hard to get information now since there are some sick people out there calling in false reports.

    A hospital near the North Shore of Pittsburgh has been reportedly planted with a bomb.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    I can barely think straight. This is the biggest tragedy. My friend lives nearby the World Trade Center. I was able to contact her family in Austin who said she was alright but they hadn't heard from her in awhile. This is so bad, I just can't express my feelings about the whole thing. I have several friends in the military who I think are giong to be shipped off to war or soemthing. And I can't get ahold of them.
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  7. #7
    This is really scary! What is happening! I hope Chicago isn't next! I'm so close, my gosh! I hope that everyone is okay!
    Becky Weise & the German Shepherd
    Iris Von Der Felzen Haus CD, CGC, 2 legs of NA
    Iris' Den

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    I'm praying for all of you out on the East coast...

    Out here on the left coast we're not our usual laid-back selves, either. There's a United Airlines flight bound for LA that's unaccounted for. It's due at LA at 11:15am.

    The hairy kids' photo album

    Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    I have been in a state of shock this morning. This is the worst thing I have ever experienced in my whole life and I am just watching it on television. The fact that the Pentagon itself was hit, just proves how vulnerable we are. I had to come here because you all are so dear to me.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    I'm glad everyone here seems to be okay. But this is just awful!! My cousin works in the World Trade Center and was in it when the planes crashed. He came down 102 flights of stairs and came out safe.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Alabama, USA
    I just wanted to ckeck in with everybody. This has been very hard for us. My husband's grandfather is in New York City. He is a truck driver. Fortunatly, the company he works for has found him, and is trying to get him home.
    My pets are usually pleased with what I do, because they are not inflected with the concept of what I SHOULD be doing. My time is owned by: Missie,Thor, and Trinity!

  12. #12
    God Bless everyone and please be with those people in need and the families that are suffering. God be with our country and help us unite together to help those affected by this tragedy. Have mercy on the souls that perished and heal those that are hurting and injured. Lord help us all deal with this tragedy. Please help us not to understand why this happened but to come thru this stronger and wiser. - Amen -

    It is nearly impossible to focus on anything else today. I am on the verge of tears and glued to my radio and any tv I can find at work. We have a blood drive here tomorrow that I was not going to participate in but have since changed my mind. I would encourage you all to maybe do the same if you can find a place to donate. It is the least we could do for those in need and yet it is a gift of life.

    God Bless you all and I hope and pray that you and your loved ones are all safe. Be strong and stay close - Lots of love to you and all of your families.

    Love Angel

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    I was shocked to see the news on tv. World Trade Center and Pentagon being attacked by terrorists. I'll pray for all the victims and God bless America.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    Thank you for the prayer, Angel. My mind is just reeling, and it is hard to put my thoughts into words, so I will use yours.

  15. #15
    I was posting a message at the same time that Karen was moving this subject down to here. Since it has not arrive, it may be lost somewhere in cyber space.
    These news are too horrible for words I'm in a state of terror because my brother, who lives in Alexandria, VA, travels a lot for business reasons. He's fine today but he's scheduled to fly to South America on Thursday and I don't know how to talk him out of going.
    I'm listening to a report on the radio, from Israel, that Palestinians are indeed in a cheerful mood and some merchants are giving out candy to celebrate this attack on civilians in the States
    How can we expect people to be kind to animals when there are those who can be so cruel to other humans. When are those who believe in violence realize that it only brings more violence and never a sensible solution to the problems?
    I hope that everybody who's concerned about families and friends will not have to suffer from this terrifying event. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all the innocent victims.

    "All men are created equal but none of them is equal to a dog." From the "Howard Huge" cartoon..

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